Mercato Team (Ausilio, Marotta, & Co.) and Strategies


Jan 17, 2014
Favorite Player
His dad is a piece of shit. It is so evident.

Lazar is still young and he was raised probably very strict by this snake person. I know some people like that, destroyed by their parents in that sense that they can not confront them even later as a grown men.

Pimenta ruined this Mladen or Vujadin or whatever :D


Dec 23, 2014
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The media, Pedulla, Romano and the whole bunch of clickbait chroniclers reported every day that the clubs are negotiating, agreeing details, personal terms, medical appointed etc. And that father cunt says that he didn't find out anything!?
It's hard to believe to that bullshit explanation.


Jul 2, 2014
Favorite Player
To be honest this summer is most surprised and exciting transfer window. I will rate 10/10.

Not renew Gagliardini already surprise me.

Brozoooo, 🎪

Lakaka drama, just wow.

Cuadrado joining, like WTF happen to us.

Samardzic shit show, haha more more more

Oh well, the last one is Pavard joining us just like not very Inter transfer.

But the most exciting is Sensi staying, I really hope this guy stay and play. Almost all Inter fans in social media want he stay. For the first time I saw a campaign from Inter fans to hope one player stay, and what a beautiful story if Sensi become our key to get us Scudetto this season.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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The media, Pedulla, Romano and the whole bunch of clickbait chroniclers reported every day that the clubs are negotiating, agreeing details, personal terms, medical appointed etc. And that father cunt says that he didn't find out anything!?
It's hard to believe to that bullshit explanation.
He is a liar. She has a doc signed by him agreeing to 50% commission share.

Idiot really though he could take on raiola's protege and come out on top...



Jan 30, 2018
That guy is delusional… still hope that lazar drops his dad and he comes next year.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
That guy is delusional… still hope that lazar drops his dad and he comes next year.

next year he will cost 2-3x more if he does well.... or is toxic now and no one will want him to have a fat ugly version of Wanda hanging out around the team.

we were going to what triple his sons wages?

Choppin Onions

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 16, 2004
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10 years of FIF
That guy is delusional… still hope that lazar drops his dad and he comes next year.
Seems to be a reoccurring issue with Lazar and his dad. This happened in Germany too. He has the talent and I’m sure he’ll end up somewhere bigger than Udinese but the baggage he comes with will scare many clubs off.

Anne Marie

Jul 16, 2008
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Matrix, Pupi, C
A follow up (Samardzic entourage surely messed with the wrong "prosecutor", thank you google translate)

Rafaela Pimenta took stock of the situation Samardzic to the microphones of TeleLombardia: "Some things are not done, maybe in another location"

Rafaela Pimenta answers to Samardzic's father. And she does so by clarifying, to the microphones of TeleLombardia, his position on the negotiation (skipped) with Inter to bring the midfielder now at Udinese:

"First of all I want to make a point and say that I am not here to reiterate what Mr. Mladen Samardzic said. Some things are not done, perhaps in another place... I want to share with you some passages about what happened. Why the operation was skipped is not up to me to answer, until today it has not been understood: I have theories but I am interested in the facts. A couple of months ago I was serene in my office when Aleksandar Kolarov called me, a very good person, and told me that there was this Serbian player, Samardzic, who does not have a prosecutor and who wants to introduce him to me. I gladly said: Kolarov, Samardzic's parents and also his brother came to Monte Carlo. There we talked and there was also a councillor who lives in Germany: we presented our work and agreed on a project together. I clearly remember what I said and my word is unique, when I make a commitment I go all the way: in these months that have passed we have exchanged a lot of information. And slowly the relationship developed. I agree only on one point, that at the beginning a lot was done by telephone, because Samardzic's father lives in Germany. We understood which was the right market, always Italy, and there we started working with more intensity. Then at a certain point Udinese also moved, so much so that their father told them not to talk to him anymore but to me!".

So in total disagreement with the version of Samardzic senior.
"Yes, I was talking to Udinese for them. We understood that there were teams interested and at some point also who would take the most important step. We have identified two with technical desire and economic capacity, I myself have promoted two meetings. In one of them was his father, so much so that both he and Lazar asked many questions. That's right, the first thing to understand in a transfer is the technical aspect. And then we met Inter, you know, it's all recorded. I have Zoom photos... In this technical meeting the father was not there, I do not know if for the connection or for confusion with the schedules. Inter were in Japan and it was late there, so much so that I asked Lazar if we could do without his father. He said to go ahead, we discussed on the technical side and every time there were these meetings I asked Nikola Kolarov to be present so that he could translate into Serbian. After these meetings Lazar decided after several days to think that he wanted Inter. And the negotiation began, with the usual ping pong. By the end he would be Inter's highest-paid player in his age group. And I told the father that he had to come in person, I didn't want to close the negotiation without a look in the eye between the family and the directors. And in fact the Saturday before the medical examination they came to Milan, we met with Inter and everything was explained. The family was asked to say yes or no within the day. After a few hours I see them at the hotel and they tell me that they had decided to go to Inter, that the proposal was good. So, out of respect for the parents, we call Inter and I want the confirmation to come from the father. We also make a toast to celebrate, only the step of the contract and the medical examination is missing. From here I stop and say one thing: from the moment you say yes to a company, a series of other things are set in motion. The fate of another player, Fabbian, was also involved. You have to think about it first whether to make a commitment, I can understand if there are things that do not return on contracts or visits, but if you say yes to the present conditions, the operation for me is done. I'm like this, I've been working like this for thirty years".

But do you have a written mandate?
"I'm not in his head and I don't know why Mladen says certain things. He and I also went to other clubs, not just Inter. Think of it this way: I have never made written mandates! Everyone knows that my society doesn't do that. The only thing is a document in which I promised his father half of the commission, I can say that."

So she takes her word for it.
"How important to me are human relationships! By regulation then you have to sign them by force the mandates ... And the players are free, we never put a penalty. I sent people who worked with us out of the company because I understood that they wanted to do certain things. There are no forced and forced relationships with us, on the contrary, it is the opposite. If you are happy with my work stay, otherwise go. I want people to be happy. But in general, if you want to change the cards, I'm not there."

Since June 20, you have been talking about Samardzic's power of attorney. Why did no one intervene?
"I'll tell you more, it's a professional matter. In football we start from the principle that prosecutors are never right and there is the fear of saying their opinions in certain situations ... When a player is important to say no or oppose it is complicated, even if you disagree. This time I allow myself to disagree with the concept of saying yes and then changing things. A parent can also ask for the moon, but there is a right that requires that it be done before and not after".
What is the real reason behind the interruption of the negotiation?
"You should ask his father, I don't know. The contract granted to his son meant that he was the highest paid on the team for that age group. Inter would not have had medical examinations if things were halfway through... There was a surprise. As to why things change, you have to ask those who changed them. I met Lazar at the hotel and told him that I was sorry but I didn't want to find myself in that situation."

What is the other team that wanted him?
"No, no, no... That wouldn't be fair."


Mar 19, 2018
Favorite Player
His dad is a piece of shit. It is so evident.

Lazar is still young and he was raised probably very strict by this snake person. I know some people like that, destroyed by their parents in that sense that they can not confront them even later as a grown men.

Pimenta ruined this Mladen or Vujadin or whatever :D
Me for example


Sep 11, 2020
Favorite Player
I had to take some time off from our summer mercato 2023. After the Lukaku fiasco, selling Onana, getting fucking Cuadrado, the Samardzic saga and buying Arnautovic I couldn’t see things in perspective anymore.

I do think we made a couple of very good moves this season. To begin with: cutting our wages and letting go of A LOT of deadwood. Getting Frattesi is really good business too imo. As was the free signing of Thuram (although he is a bit on high wages). Sommer will do good enough as a Onana replacement I think. Although I’m still not very enthousiastic about this. It’s a pity Vicario didn’t want to wait for us. Cuadrado will be a upgrade on Dumfries. That’s simply sad, but it is what it is. Carlos is going to be great too imo. Arnautovic will be a good option from the bench. So far an 6/10 mercato imo.

But signing Pavard would would make it an easy 7/7.5. That would be a real coup. The ideal player for our system. Pavard - Acerbi - Bastoni is class. The only thing what bothers me is our striker department. I understand it has to do with finances but Lautaro, Thuram, Arnautovic and Correa/Alexis doesn’t seem like a strikers force from a topclub.

I’m a lot more optimistic than a week ago. This summer made me nuts…