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    • magnesium
      magnesium replied to the thread Simone Inzaghi.
      The moment when Hakan replaced by Asllani, i know we are going lost this one.
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to BasedGodPunk's post in the thread Simone Inzaghi with Like Like.
      Lost it on the Augusto for bastoni switch. Bastoni wasn’t playing amazing but he’s still a far superior defender. The team was falling...
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to thatdude's post in the thread Simone Inzaghi with Like Like.
      To be fair City played 45 minutes against 10 men. If we did that same I’m sure we would have find another goal. The bigger takeaway...
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to Fapuccino's post in the thread Simone Inzaghi with Like Like.
      When I watched the Man City game today, and they struggled with Arsenal even with 10 men down, I knew we weren't going to play well...
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to Glass box's post in the thread Simone Inzaghi with Like Like.
      We were bad the first 20 minutes, then we were better until Inzaghi's awful subs. And why are our players starting the game complacent...
    • magnesium
      magnesium replied to the thread Kristjan Asllani.
      He just placing passes.. zero defense awareness. He don't know how to take risk tackle like Hakan, Mkhi or Barella. Easy bullied by...
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to ADRossi's post in the thread Kristjan Asllani with Like Like.
      It's unclear to me what Asllani's strengths are. What does he offer when he's on the pitch? This is like watching Gary Medel 2.0. He can...
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to thatdude's post in the thread Kristjan Asllani with Like Like.
      What’s that saying about stats and mini skirts? They show something but not everything. My statement isn’t based on today’s...
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to thatdude's post in the thread Kristjan Asllani with Like Like.
      I’ll stand by what I’ve been saying. The guy isn’t a Regista. Never has been and probably never will be. My other issue with Asllani is...
    • magnesium
      magnesium replied to the thread Davide Frattesi.
      If you looking highlight Gabbia set deep behind Asllani.. that much worse for the kid who cant header. Who ever setup defense set piece...
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to thatdude's post in the thread Davide Frattesi with Like Like.
      I certainly don’t want to give up on Frattesi, however it’s obvious this guy will only be really helpful to this team if situation and...
    • magnesium
      magnesium replied to the thread Davide Frattesi.
      We need Play him as striker, or maybe semi striker. Like Spalletti do. Inzaghi so stubborn want him become vice Barella lol.
    • magnesium
      magnesium replied to the thread Kristjan Asllani.
      The problem is Zielinski the only one defend in midfield. What he and Frattesi do? Just walking around to see Reijnder running?
    • magnesium
      Asllani and Frattesi in midfield are our perfect way to lose this game. Seems Inzaghi want throw this game to make Milan keep that coach ?
    • magnesium
      magnesium reacted to NimAraya's post in the thread Inter - Milan (22 Sep 24) [1-2] with Like Like.
      Inzaghi's primary goal was to save Fonseca from sacking.
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