I want to say the last time what I think about it, in short.
I see no point of having a "thanks" system, or "reputation" system or anything like that on a message board for that matter that is to make discussions.
The whole "thanks" thing is done for a message boards that have for example people upploading videos, and so people who do something for community get some recognition for it. It also helps in a way, that there ain't 50 posts with "Thanks" written in, but just 50 "thanks hit points" gathered from 50 people.
Also tell me this: If you're new to the boards, and you see "Thank you" button to push it, why would you push it? If you see a good post, do you see a direct connection between "thanks" and that? Thanks is kinda reminding of some favour that someone did for you, not for something that they wrote that you agree with. If I see thanks and I wouldn't know of this topic, I would push it for people like Michael, who do something extra, meaning giving us GdS articles, or for other guys who for example upload some multimedia and all. In fact this is how I treated it at first.
So unless someone comes here, to find that this "thanks" thing is also when you agree with someone, I think 9 out of 10 people will not use it.
I think it's confusing, it's inacurate, and it's for me, not to mention people who are new, or those who don't even check this part of the forum. I don't want to bash the time that Ehsan probably spent on it, it's not my purpose. But I believe he'd rather hear truthfull comments, than just everybody going "Superb, I love it!" but deep down not being exactly the case.