

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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There are valid reasons to bitch about it. Some really weird logic fails from supposed smart characters. Some of the "motivations" seem quite off, and the tone is a little all over the place. Not to mention that Snyder's editing decisions were interesting to say the least. I prefer DC over Marvel and prefer this to most of the marvel films, but a part of that is that I am super familiar with everything DC. For a regular movie-goer I think he movie could be a little confusing at times.

Seriously though, the fact that the fight could have been stopped by Superman flying up into the air at any moment to explain the situation is a little hard to swallow don't you think


Apr 13, 2011
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Ronaldo L.N.D.L
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I'm just down to watch it cuz my wife is in it





Aug 7, 2011
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I didn't watch Dawn of Justice, but I can't say I am surprised people are bashing it. I always felt Marvel's had a better grasp of the whole thing since the day one. Not because Iron Man the character is better than Batman the character--that would be a foolish claim imo-- but because people working on it simply envisioned a better formula and DC was always lagging behind. As soon as they put their trust in Whedon it became obvious they knew what they were doing. Even with Whedon's naivety and limitations in mind.

I bet if you give the first Superman movie to Marvel people (the original crew) it would probably be less shit. Again, it's not about DC universe vs Marvel, but I always felt that mistakes and failures of Marvel movies were more honest, so to speak.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
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What is wrong with the new Superman? How is Man of Steel not 100x better then every Marvel movie but Guardians and Iron Man 1? Zodd was a great Villian with a reason to do what he did. Like Magneto he is not evil just has a different mind set. I don't get why people bash MoS so much. I mean I hate superman think he is a shit character but you can't make him any better then that movie did. People compare him to the 70s movies where in 4 movies he throws maybe 6 punches.

As for the death count? How many people died in force awakenS? 5+ billion people when thy blew up those planets? Avengers when they destroyed 2 cities in the last 2 movies? Cap 2 when the shield ship crashed? One annoying this is they kept saying the city was empty when they fought which was kind of lame

What Marvel movie is good? I fee asleep during Age of Ultron and the last Iron man was a toy commercial. Fine I am bias as I am a huge batman fan boy but no way was this as bad as people make it out to be. Or are any of the marvel movies all that good. People go well marvel movies are for everyone but they dumb it down to sell toys. Even Cap 2 which everyone says is the best wasn't all that interesting to me.

It's not a Marvel v DC thing. Disney just puts a few jokes then the main character fights a shittier version of himself. Movie ends

What I don't like is BVS is not for kids but they are selling toys, t shirts and other shit to them.


Mar 13, 2012
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People compare him to the 70s movies where in 4 movies he throws maybe 6 punches.

>Implying fight scenes makes a movie better.

The Christoper Reeves Superman films were for the most part very very good because they made a God-like character very relatable to the audience. They made him feel more human, and have human-lke issues. It's why a lot of people like the Tobey McGuire Spidey films (or Spider-Man in general). Superhero films have to be appealing to the casual audience, not just comic book fans.

- - - Updated - - -

What I don't like is BVS is not for kids but they are selling toys, t shirts and other shit to them.

Do you really need this explained to you?


Aug 7, 2011
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1 game/week
As for the death count? How many people died in force awakenS? 5+ billion people when thy blew up those planets? Avengers when they destroyed 2 cities in the last 2 movies? Cap 2 when the shield ship crashed? One annoying this is they kept saying the city was empty when they fought which was kind of lame

Yeah, I too cannot believe people are complaining about the death toll is MoS. Can you make a poignant drama with less death? No doubt! That's the only line of arguments against the death toll in MoS that makes sense to me. Don't use large-scale destruction to compensate for the lack of any kind of gravity in the story. It won't work and it didn't. All other arguments re death toll are bad imo

Jane The Virgin

Aug 30, 2010
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the dude
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jusst watched BvS, what movie did the critics watch? :/


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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jusst watched BvS, what movie did the critics watch? :/

I saw it again with a female friend of mine who wanted to see it. I both loved and hated it on second watch. I completely understand a lot of the issues critics have with it (other than the 'not fun' thing). This is coming from a huge DC fanboy. The Flash is my favourite comicbook character. On second watch it was clear that Snyder's had to cut out a lot of scenes he wanted in the film because it lacked fluidity at certain points, but Warner Brothers clearly was never going to allow him to release a 3 hour film at the theaters.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
BVS. The 1st half hour should be cut and the last 15-20 minutes should be cut.

One thing for Superman to kill Zodd in MOS. for batman to kill 20+ People not cool. Huge DC fan boy but Batman does not kill!!!! If he did he would have snapped the Jokers neck a long long time ago!! That is my biggest knock on the movie. They also showed all the best scenes in the trailers and Doomsday looked super super lame. Please no more huge CGI .

the ending super super lame. It mean nothing that he dies if you just show he isn't by the end of the movie. Added 20 more minutes to the movie. Also Batman try's to actually kill Superman and almost does with a fing Spear!!!! Batman does not kill only Flashpoint Batman does that shit!!! Wish we had seen a Robin. Also reason they fight and stop fighting is probably the worst thing ever. I mean I liked the movie but these things are pretty unforgivable. As for the flash. I think it's hard to understand that the flash is the one in Bruces dreams and the Parademons of Darksieds are what capture batman in his nightmare. I mean if you are a comic or cartoon fan you get it but that was a huge Hail Mary.
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Sep 17, 2011
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Booked my ticket for Saturday :D


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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BVS. The 1st half hour should be cut and the last 15-20 minutes should be cut.

One thing for Superman to kill Zodd in MOS. for batman to kill 20+ People not cool. Huge DC fan boy but Batman does not kill!!!! If he did he would have snapped the Jokers neck a long long time ago!! That is my biggest knock on the movie. They also showed all the best scenes in the trailers and Doomsday looked super super lame. Please no more huge CGI .

the ending super super lame. It mean nothing that he dies if you just show he isn't by the end of the movie. Added 20 more minutes to the movie. Also Batman try's to actually kill Superman and almost does with a fing Spear!!!! Batman does not kill only Flashpoint Batman does that shit!!! Wish we had seen a Robin. Also reason they fight and stop fighting is probably the worst thing ever. I mean I liked the movie but these things are pretty unforgivable. As for the flash. I think it's hard to understand that the flash is the one in Bruces dreams and the Parademons of Darksieds are what capture batman in his nightmare. I mean if you are a comic or cartoon fan you get it but that was a huge Hail Mary.

And it's not only Thomas Wayne that has killed people in the comics. He has killed several times in other comics

Also, if you take out the first hour than the film has no real story. The film turns into some lame cookiecutter fight fest. Did you think your post through before writing it? What is interesting about the movie other than a few interesting fight scenes without the first hour? Also, you just said basically that one hour and 20 minutes of the movie is pointless and yet you're defending the movie?

I agree that CGI Doomsday was pretty meh, and that the reveal about Supes fate was stupid, but by far the dumbest things was the reason for Batman and Supes to stop fighting, and the fact that Superman didn't give the spear to Wonder Woman. Also, the motivations of the characters should have been fleshed out more imo. For the movie to have made sense it probably needed to be longer because in reality they were trying to tell like four seperate stories. One about how Superman fits into the world, one about Lex Luther and why he hates Superman, One about Batman v Superman, and one about the formation of the Justice league.

I think the movie would have been better if it was Snyder's 3 hour version of the movie. Apparently Barbara Gordon's role was cut from the theatrical release which probably would have fleshed out Batman's psyche far more.
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Dec 30, 2012
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I definitely agree with Shaun on most of his level headed points regarding Dawn of Justice and to some extent crzdcolombian's argument on the double standards of some of the reviewers when it comes to DC.

Before I go on there are some things that may be considered spoilers but aren't relevant to the actual story so careful and sorry I guess.

I was lucky to get into an advanced screening in Dubai on March 23rd thanks to the comic con preparations.

After the movie ended, I noticed that most people I talked with enjoyed the experience and were thrilled while discussing the future of DCCU and even online I noticed that most whispers and reviews were positive even on Rotten Tomatoes (which I don't care about) who gave it an 88% at one point. After returning to Kuwait a day later, it's as if I went through the multiverse where most reviews were negative and ridiculously critical. I checked one of the writers and he literally says "Marvel has nothing to worry about" which is a stupid statement to make and have in your head before seeing and judging a DC movie. Another guy speaks with great details and confidence about the "generic Batman" which is a straight out lie if you've really seen the movie. OK, maybe his parents part was repetitive but to call the entire Batman role generic is unfair.

It seems that the people who set their expectations very high were disappointed but for me it was a good movie. It's obviously not perfect or without its flaws seeing how I did not enjoy the overall plot but at the same time I was drawn to the separate story lines of each superhero if that makes any sense. For me the movie struggled with a definite identity problem as it wasn't a Dark Knight Returns plot or a cohesive Trinity story. It was like the FCBD (Free comic book day) samples where you get to see future plans and series in one limited package. I said this elsewhere but I think that Zack Snyder struggles with Superman's mythology especially when you look at his Lex Luthor. I'm not talking about the actor's performance but the character's endgame. In this rendition we get some of the psychological games that push Superman around that but the motives of the character were left to borderline insanity which any DC fan attributes to Batman's arch nemesis and that's my problem with Eisenberg's Luthor, he was playing the Joker but with another name. You know what? I genuinely believe Jesse Eisenberg would have been a brilliant Scarecrow or even the Mad Hatter.

It's unfair that some reviewers insist on comparing Cavill to Reeve since, for me, Heath Ledger's Joker should have thought people how to keep an open mind for the various renditions of classical characters. That's why I don't have a problem with Cavill's Superman because the character has some of the traits that drove the Injustice Superman over the edge. Could they have handled some parts of his characterization and lines better? Definitely.

Like Shaun said, the movie has more positives than negatives which I'm baffled on why they're not acknowledged like Snyder's Batman and his Lois Lane. Amy Adams was an integral part to the movie and her performances is sadly sidelined by the exaggerated criticism. The same is happening to Ben Affleck's Batman which made a lot of people eat their words and made me more excited for his stand alone movie. I'm really afraid that this project may get delayed after I heard his latest comments and reaction to the critics which was just sad as you can see from the clip Armes posted. What can you do? People are dicks even though he was the brightest spot in that movie. Jeremy Irons was the best Alfred I've seen whose relationship with Bruce was authentic. Also, there's a vital part the critics ignore and that's the good chemistry between he actors which was disastrous in something like the Fantastic Four.

The characters renditions argument may also address the problematic reception of DC's movies in comparison to the Marvel cinematic universe and I'll try to play devil's advocate here while comparing them so bear with me a little. Marvel, at least in their movies, have remained faithful to the original source material when it comes to the characters classical versions and later offered alternate variations to events like Age of Ultron and Civil War. On the other hand, DC has presented us with a controversial rendition of Superman and now the 'brutal' Batman which thankfully people loved. The same goes with Aquaman (design wise) and I presume future characters will not be spared from scrutiny if they're going to alter a thing or two. It's one theory that could explain the ridicule but I doubt it would make a difference even if DC relied on the original concepts of their characters. It's the dark tag that's been stuck on them and as I'm writing this this 5 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes describe the movie as dark, gritty, gloomy, no fun, zero jokes which rehashes some of the old and repetitive arguments against DC. It makes me wonder what those one-liners Jeremy Irons was giving were but hey "no fun" because reasons...

Like I said earlier, I don't care about any reviews or how some idiots act like cattle waiting for them to watch a movie or not.

I don't know why the movie has such a harsh reception as some blame the Marvel fans or the disappointed DC fans while some believe the silly Disney conspiracy theory. I think it's a number of reasons that range from the cautious and fearful fans who had doubt in Zack Snyder and were disappointed seeing how all the ingredients were there while others harbor plain hatred for the man regardless of the movie. Then you have the infamous reputation of Man Of Steel (Which I liked) as well as the "negative DC checklist" which I mentioned above and how they've been stuck in the back of every movie goers' mind and lastly there's the fandom rivalry. Obviously we'll never have a real answer but at least that's my explanation attempt that is better than "Disney paid people."

As for the death toll argument, I always thought it was a ridiculously selective and a specifically tailored one against Man of Steel and if you've seen the last Civil War trailer and counted the destroyed cities you would squash it immediately but hey people like splitting hairs so don't waste your breath.

The movie is long and lacks a properly focused story but it's not as bad as some people claim. I said "Epic Action" when I posted the last trailer and that's what you'll get as the fight scenes are solid and the Batman's role and motives were brilliantly executed and laid out especially the dream sequence which I'm hoping becomes longer in the blu-ray extended version and hopefully it'll fix some of the theatrical release problems. This movie will set you up to the Justice League while preparing you for the Wonder Woman and Batman movies. I didn't talk about Gadot's performance because I thought it was short and they didn't give me much to judge her on but I liked her party and fight scenes as well as her chemistry with Ben Affleck but some of the Wonder Woman interactions later were kind of cold.

Edit: There's something else that I liked and forgot to mention and that's the comic book references that hit the right spots for me.

I originally gave it a 6.5 but whenever I recall Batman and how Affleck brought his A game to that role it jumps to 7 and maybe 7.5 if I watch it again.
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Jane The Virgin

Aug 30, 2010
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the dude
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I dont get the hate tho... Its like... nah, im out of words... People are talking like its some trash movie...

Its not a perfect movie (what movie is tho?), but it is a good solid 7.5 out of 10.

I really dont get what bothered critics so much? There are some rushed things (just like in any movie), but all in all it is a good movie...

Y&H beat me literally by 2 seconds :D


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
Wonder Woman had a way way bigger role then I thought she would have. Thankfully the toys didn't blow the movie. Ton of Armorered Lex Luthor toys out there haha

As for Lex I thought Batman Forever Riddler. Not the Joker at all. Remember Joker doesn't want Batman to die and has a unhealthy obsession with him.

My issues with the movie is pacing and characters motivations. I think Batmans are the only ones that make sense. Tho one thing is being Brutal like in Arkham video games and being a straight up murderer!!! The Batmobile chase. He totally killed 3-4 cars worth of people!!!!

so she is only in the movie to get a WW1 picture of herself? Why doesn't Batman ask her for help. Or get the Justice league together to stop Superman.The 5 of them fighting Superman would have been much better to see then fighting that shit Doomsday monster(he doesn't have eye beam in the comics I am pretty sure). Also the fight was totally preventable. The movie just doesn't paint either superhero in a positive light. They need to tone down the darkness in these movies. Think that The Flash will defiantly do that.


Mar 4, 2004
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I have never seen my local cinema and mall being as crowded as it was last night (Friday night). Fucking insanity, that mall is usually as dead as a Resident Evil town but the car park was jam packed and the queue at the cinema was insane to the membrane. I guess I'll wait till next week before catching it.

Speaking of cinema queues, it really grinds my gear that in a country as big as Indonesia, and at this day & age, they still haven't implemented a proper online booking system. Ffs, it already existed in Singapore since 10-15 years ago.


Dec 30, 2012
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Wonder Woman had a way way bigger role then I thought she would have. Thankfully the toys didn't blow the movie. Ton of Armorered Lex Luthor toys out there haha

As for Lex I thought Batman Forever Riddler. Not the Joker at all. Remember Joker doesn't want Batman to die and has a unhealthy obsession with him.

My issues with the movie is pacing and characters motivations. I think Batmans are the only ones that make sense. Tho one thing is being Brutal like in Arkham video games and being a straight up murderer!!! The Batmobile chase. He totally killed 3-4 cars worth of people!!!!

so she is only in the movie to get a WW1 picture of herself? Why doesn't Batman ask her for help. Or get the Justice league together to stop Superman.The 5 of them fighting Superman would have been much better to see then fighting that shit Doomsday monster(he doesn't have eye beam in the comics I am pretty sure). Also the fight was totally preventable. The movie just doesn't paint either superhero in a positive light. They need to tone down the darkness in these movies. Think that The Flash will defiantly do that.

Hence borderline insanity but I can see it that way too.


I agree though... if these characters were their normal selves it would have limited these controversial reactions and the extra justifications from Snyder for his artistic choices.


Oct 6, 2005
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I have never seen my local cinema and mall being as crowded as it was last night (Friday night). Fucking insanity, that mall is usually as dead as a Resident Evil town but the car park was jam packed and the queue at the cinema was insane to the membrane. I guess I'll wait till next week before catching it.

Speaking of cinema queues, it really grinds my gear that in a country as big as Indonesia, and at this day & age, they still haven't implemented a proper online booking system. Ffs, it already existed in Singapore since 10-15 years ago.
They have online reservation but not customer friendly. If you want to have online reservation, you better go to CGVBlitz. You can pay with credit card and choose the seat you want.


Sep 17, 2011
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Just came back from BVS.

Well, to put it simple:
if you know Zack Snyder and like his movies, you will like this too.
If you know Zack Snyder and don't like his movies, you won't like this.
If you don't know Snyder's works, you are in for a threat :)

Visuals are impressive, the score is absolutely fantastic, the storytelling is so-so, it's pretty stuffed, basically it's an extended version of that fucking trailer, that spoiled everything. Btw, i hope they fired the guy that approved that.

I watched it in 3D, although i hate 3D, but that's that.