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    • K
      Kenny reacted to brehme1989's post in the thread 2024 Paris Summer Olympics with Like Like.
      Headless woman at the Conciergerie was a tribute to Marie Antoinette. That was impeccably done. The only bad stuff was the gayfest on...
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      Kenny replied to the thread 2024 Paris Summer Olympics.
      i liked the naked blue smurf guy and the lady with the beard from the opening ceremony. also headless chick was great, its not like...
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      Kenny replied to the thread The bullshit thread.
      next generation of kids will be a bunch of degenerates because of their parents
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      Kenny reacted to Darth_Ausilio's post in the thread Joaquín Correa with Like Like.
      We would be willing to accept payment spread out - one sack this season, one sack in 25/26.
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      Kenny reacted to DARi0's post in the thread Serie A Calcio Mercato, Summer 2024-25 with Like Like.
      It's a shame that Serie A is losing Bonaventura. I still remember how he was meant to play for Inter but someone would not leave to make...
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      Kenny replied to the thread Joaquín Correa.
      2 bags of potatoes it is
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      Kenny replied to the thread Nicolò Barella.
      but who is with the Fiat??
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      Kenny replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      if he doesnt test them against Lugano or Pergolettese , then will never. at Inzaghi if you are branded RCB or regista you stay in that...
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      Kenny reacted to wera's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      This is all good news. I would still rather have a new CB, but I guess we decided on trusting Acerbi to play for another season. Maybe...
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      Kenny replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      Correa gave a shit pass, then waved his hands at the kid. fucking bbq master, gtfo
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      Kenny replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      no offside at Taremi, liga Marmotta, even in preseason
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      Kenny replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      i like Bisseck and Taremi so far, good presence on the field
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      Kenny replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      its Asllani in the middle and Zielinski RCM.
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      Kenny replied to the thread The bullshit thread.
      Kamala, pazza Inter Kamalaaaaaaaaaaa
    • K
      Kenny reacted to Fitzy's post in the thread The bullshit thread with Like Like.
      All because of one little Crowdstrike update. The problem is that it's probably not real easy to push out a fix to machines that are...
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