Atletico Madrid - Inter (13 Mar 24) [2-1]

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
Reading all over Internet people making fun and ridicule us. That we are farmer team that can only win in the league where refeere help us. Reminds me how our fans used to mock rube when they were dominating league, but crashing out od Europe.


Dec 23, 2014
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Most Improved Member
Reading all over Internet people making fun and ridicule us. That we are farmer team that can only win in the league where refeere help us. Reminds me how our fans used to mock rube when they were dominating league, but crashing out od Europe.
Who cares? We reached the CL final last season, and they said that we bottled in the league. When we won the treble, the referees helped us. Losers always will find an excuse.


Feb 25, 2013
10 years of FIF
Reading all over Internet people making fun and ridicule us. That we are farmer team that can only win in the league where refeere help us. Reminds me how our fans used to mock rube when they were dominating league, but crashing out od Europe.
Most of them are Serie A fans, mostly Juve or Milan. Just ignore those, as they are just jealous and fear that Marotta would build a reign in the next decade. Imagine him with plenty of CL cash, rejuvenating Inter with proper talents.

As we crash out early now, not so much.. they still have a chance to catch up.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
Who cares? We reached the CL final last season, and they said that we bottled in the league. When we won the treble, the referees helped us. Losers always will find an excuse.
I agree. But it sucks that this season there were really some questionable decisions that benefited us. Now they have material to spit on us.


Dec 23, 2014
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Most Improved Member
I agree. But it sucks that this season there were really some questionable decisions that benefited us. Now they have material to spite us.
They will always find. For me is quite hilarious Jube fans to call it Marotta's league.
Marotta was at their club in their best period, where they won many scudettos and played two CL finals, and everything was fair and square. Then, their ego-blined president fired him, because he was against the useless transfer of Ronaldo, and their team went downhill. But, since Marotta went at Inter, and we started to win, suddenly he transformed in villain who buys referees and arranges games. This is so ridiculous, and I wrote it for those Jube fans, which are reading this thread right now.
You can be angry at you former president idiot and your incompetent management for your downfall. But if you still believe that it is Marotta's league, so your 9 titles in a row are also because of Marotta's league.

Fan since 82

Aug 20, 2021
People need to calm down. Losing sucks but we need to be fair. In the beginning of this season a lot of people were setting top four finish as a goal for the season. We won a few games and looked good early on and midway through the season people were saying focus on the second star and forget the CL. The championship is secure. Winning the CL is a lofty goal and if we are being honest, we don't have the depth for it. Sure you can get lucky and get a bounce here and there to go through but sometimes luck is against you and that's when you need a truly superior squad to make it all the way.
I'm proud of our boys and what they've done this year. Second star is awesome and we have dominated the league. Let's build on this year and be better next year. We need depth in midfield, and we need a good finisher. I think Sanchez and Aranutovich need to go and we need a legit goal scorer in addition to Terami to be able to compete with the big boys. We have the best management team in Italy and I believe they will address the needs of this team to take us to the next level.
This year's title has been the most enjoyable one for me since the 89-90 season. So thanks to the team for bringing me joy and pride.
Forza Inter!


Apr 17, 2013
Favorite Player
Suning GTFO
10 years of FIF
yeah really surprised people are taking this loss too hard :lol: atletico aren't scrubs and on their day, they can beat any team in the world. yes we had lots of missed chances over 2 legs but you can't win them all. this team is still on course to be possibly the best serie a side ever depending on how we end the season now. hopefully we get the clean sheets record and points record


Sep 25, 2018
Inter earned only ~€65M from the Champions League this season, much less than the €100M+ earned last season.


Dec 13, 2017
Favorite Player
Don't have one.
After last year’s so many losses, who thought that we are going to win the second star with very comfortable points margin?
Yeah, that was one of my arguments when people were saying exiting cl should be considered a failure. People tend to forget this team operates on this current level for barely a year. Before that, we were a hot mess. Next year if we manage to repeat the league success, obviously we should demand more, mainly in coppa and cl, but until then I'm super satisfied with the way things are going.

The point is, we don't even know if this current crop of players can be serial winners in the league, let alone fighting for cl every year.

Kramerica Industries

Apr 5, 2018
yeah really surprised people are taking this loss too hard :lol: atletico aren't scrubs and on their day, they can beat any team in the world. yes we had lots of missed chances over 2 legs but you can't win them all. this team is still on course to be possibly the best serie a side ever depending on how we end the season now. hopefully we get the clean sheets record and points record

I mean, if it makes people feel any better, we didn't "lose" lose this tie.

I said this was a 50:50 tie when it happened. Across 210 minutes (120 of which were in their stadium), we played to a 2-2 draw. Across 210 minutes, nothing separated these two teams. Penalties ended up being the tiebreaker, and lamentably penalties are part of the game in competitions like this, but ultimately they're a series of 1v1 events as opposed to 11v11 activity.

I dunno, maybe we just don't practice penalties enough in training, and/or we have too many people on the team who are just terrible at taking penalties and it was always a surefire downfall if it got to that point for us. Ultimately, the biggest reason we didn't advance past this round wasn't because of the penalties, it was because we couldn't hold onto a 2-0 aggregate lead once we got it. We couldn't even hold onto that margin for two minutes. The reason for zero sympathy is because, losing in penalties or not, the tie was there for the taking before it ever got there, and we didn't do enough to seal the deal.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
Inter earned only ~€65M from the Champions League this season, much less than the €100M+ earned last season.
So basically Limone and players need to reach final of CL every fucking season so that our shitty owners doesnt need to sell our best players. This is mission impossible. If Inzaghi is smart he should leave the club and find healthy club to achieve more greatness.


Jun 25, 2015
Favorite Player
Every team who gets knocked out gets made fun of, it is what it is. Its really just Juve, Milan, and La Liga fan boys. I've always found it absolutely bizarre how Juve and Milan fans love each other. In what other league do two top clubs glaze each other the way those two fanbases do? It makes it increasingly bizarre given that both of them say we're a distant third in Italy yet they have so much disdain for us. Regardless, we cannot expect to go deep into UCL every year. It's just not the way the sport is anymore. If you arent Bayern, RM, Barca, or an EPL club it is not realistic. Italian teams are never going to *consistently* compete in UCL ever again. There will be years like last year where we had two teams in the semis but that is the exception, not the rule. And despite what Juve fans say, they will never compete consistently in UCL either.

Kramerica Industries

Apr 5, 2018
You do know we can only buy if we sell, if not it means we have to get bosman of 30 year olds with no resale values or cheap players that likely won’t make it and those won’t give a large enough profit.

If we don’t sell our most valuable asset we won’t have cash to invest in quality that is needed. If we wait those assets loose value simply because of age and because they are unlikely to perform at any higher level then they currently are. If you let them stay and let them loose market value, you won’t ever be able to get anything of note eventually you lock yourself into only getting sub 10m players and 30 old bosman because you have no valuable assets you can sell to reinvest.

No one is going to take us out of Zhang hands, Italian football has no appeal to investors at large. The sponsors just means we won’t run as much in red as we currently are. At beat it will be questionable owners who might be no better than what we currently have.

No sugar daddy is coming and save us. We are those a feeder club and those have to sell our best players to keep the boat afloat.

If we have any rational sense we offload Martinez at first given chance.

Ok, I was busy earlier and could only use my phone, and I can't fucking write worth shit on my phone so I responded with a low-effort .gif expressing my view on that one comment you wrote. I can type now.


So Martínez has been catching some flack after yesterday, not just for the missed penalty, but also from his generally underwhelming CL campaign this year. Two goals in eight games (apparently xG was his enemy in a big way, which can be a story all to itself) and his overall underwhelming Champions League statistics of 12 goals across 44 appearances, and only 7 in his last 35 appearances after his excellent 2020-'21 group stage performance. The "nuevo Higuaín" comparisons which I already wrote in the Lautaro thread are actually slanderous towards Higuaín if anything, and all of that is its own concern to be sure. Even during our run in the knockout stage of the Champions League last year, we scored nine goals in seven games which isn't impressive either, added on top of 10 goals in eight Champions League games in total this year...we haven't been lighting up scoreboards in Europe to say the least. It's a problem and if we're going to be a proper Champions League threat moving forward, we're gonna have to improve in some way or another.

Having said all of want to write about doom-and-gloom for the state of Italian football vs. the state of European football and how hard it's going to be for us (or any Italian team really) to make a dent in the future. For the sake of argument, lets say that ends up being the case. A bit dystopian but given the late stage capitalistic nature of football right now with everything ultimately funneling its way towards the vacuum that is the Premier League it's not the most far-fetched thing I've ever heard. If that ends up being the case, then domestic dominance is just about the only thing we have left to try and hang our hats on then, isn't it? If Europe is just a pipe dream, then whatever we do there should be seen as a bonus and otherwise put our attention on Italy. (To a large degree, that's already what the case should be from the healthy perspective of any Inter fan, but I'm emphasizing that idea here for effect.) And if that's the case, right now we have the best XI in Italian football, quite probably the best team in terms of overall squad, and even if we're economically restrained, we can still add pieces here and there to try and improve upon that relative to our Italian opponents. We're 16 points ahead in Serie A right now, we're on course for our second Scudetto in four years after going over a decade without winning one at all. Your response to all of that is "realities is we need to Sell Martinez and for the next young player, don’t and they loose to much value meaning we get far less potential." For every single irritation we have right now about Lautaro, fact is he's scored 128 goals in 274 appearances as an Inter player, and we paid €20M for that. That's fantastic return on investment. "Next young player" is in no way at all guaranteed to be able to deliver that return, and we have no idea what "next young player" is gonna cost.

If you tell me some team is willing to splash a €130M+ investment on Lautaro? I'll listen, not because I want to, but because that's a steep price. But if we're just shooting the shit and saying "Lautaro needs to go, we need to rebuild", that's bullshit in my eyes. We can worry about trying to upgrade on Lautaro if we ever a) get economically healthy and b) are ready to take that next step in the Champions League (this meaning we've established ourselves solidly as the team to beat in Serie A, not just this season but in the season after this one and the season after that one and etc.). Getting to either of those steps on their own is a massive undertaking and in no way guaranteed to happen. So until or if we're ever in that position where we can say "yeah, we can do better than Lautaro", I'm going to say we keep the Argentine around because, if nothing else, he's going to help us compete for Scudetti, which still remains the #1 goal each season. Champions League success, ultimately, is just a bonus, and there's Real Madrid, Bayern, Manchester City, Barcelona, (next year) Liverpool out there along with us, and at a minimum 5/6 of those teams will fail to win the competition.


Apr 17, 2013
Favorite Player
Suning GTFO
10 years of FIF
I mean, if it makes people feel any better, we didn't "lose" lose this tie.

I said this was a 50:50 tie when it happened. Across 210 minutes (120 of which were in their stadium), we played to a 2-2 draw. Across 210 minutes, nothing separated these two teams. Penalties ended up being the tiebreaker, and lamentably penalties are part of the game in competitions like this, but ultimately they're a series of 1v1 events as opposed to 11v11 activity.

I dunno, maybe we just don't practice penalties enough in training, and/or we have too many people on the team who are just terrible at taking penalties and it was always a surefire downfall if it got to that point for us. Ultimately, the biggest reason we didn't advance past this round wasn't because of the penalties, it was because we couldn't hold onto a 2-0 aggregate lead once we got it. We couldn't even hold onto that margin for two minutes. The reason for zero sympathy is because, losing in penalties or not, the tie was there for the taking before it ever got there, and we didn't do enough to seal the deal.

yep, victim of their own success this season honestly. at the start of the season or even end of groups, everyone other than us inter fans would pick atletico to go through. our winning run start of year and atletico's horrible form leading up to this kinda skewed expecations. conceding 2 minutes after scoring was the worst part. if we even got to half time with 1-0, guarantee we would win yesterday


Mar 13, 2024