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    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to Puma's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      When is the last time Inter spent 40 million on a player? I think Inter will cash in on him if they can and have no intention of buying...
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to PHM1605's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      I am a bit in between. It is true that one full season at Marseille or another lower Serie A side is better than 4th option at Inter...
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi replied to the thread Valentín Carboni.
      Same. There is no way we will ever pay that 40. If they buy him for 30 something he is gone forever. Every time is wrong time for...
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to Jane The Virgin's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      Inter's transfer strategy with Carboni is driving me nuts. We've got a kid worth at least €35 million, but we're thinking about loaning...
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to qb4ever_2k's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      No injury, no fitness issues, no involvement with terrorism. I'd say Pavard had an amazing EURO.
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to brakbrak's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      Disappointment? What is Pavard's then?
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to IM21's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      it was great that he was even selected and even got some minutes.
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      2019-2020,2020-2021 & 2021-2022 we had horrible jersey. And there was still people out there saying how amazing it looks. Well, to me...
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      People hating this one while we have like 50 times worse in recent years. This is one of the best in a while.
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to crzdcolombian's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      wasting preseason time with Correa playing gives him hope he will be here. Just bench him for who ever is in the U20. Correa will reject...
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to Kenny's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      Correa gave a shit pass, then waved his hands at the kid. fucking bbq master, gtfo
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to DARi0's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      No thanks, I won't waste my time here on Earth watching Correa.
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to IM21's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      Pretty much every top team is playing bad teams at this point. These games are just for conditioning anyway.
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      Yeah,that's not how it works. Cuntdreva vibes.
    • SiamoNoi
      SiamoNoi reacted to Puma's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      Good post! Get ready for the inevitable complaints that he is not performing to the level of his pay grade and that he is not a top...
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