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    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to Gal's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      And that has almost never worked, why because you leave vital development in the hands of someone who has less interest in it other...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to Gal's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      And how often has that penned out well, we seriously need to take the spoon in the other hand and change our stance on this matter, now...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to Jane The Virgin's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      That's a good point. On paper, it really seems like he doesn't fit into this Inter squad, especially with our current formation...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 replied to the thread Denzel Dumfries.
      Bro this is getting hilarious :lol: I love Popo, he is cute af character but how the hell now it's a racist symbol (?!?) That goes...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to brakbrak's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      Ive pretty much agreed with you guys so far regarding this ridiculous political bullshit around this forum but I think you guys are now...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 replied to the thread Valentín Carboni.
      We burned the sum on Gudmunsson already. So that'll not be +10m on top, but 40m cash which we never have.
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to SiamoNoi's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      Same. There is no way we will ever pay that 40. If they buy him for 30 something he is gone forever. Every time is wrong time for...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to Il Drago's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      They probably think he isn't that good so in their eyes they're just taking him on a 4-5m loan. They're like whatever. Put whatever...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 replied to the thread Lucien Agoumé.
      Same reason why Real didn't pay for Bisseck 7m a year ago but now do? Needs more exposure. I don't think he will be 40m anytime soon...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 replied to the thread Lucien Agoumé.
      Agoume was a starter at Brest and Troyes. Ligue 1 >>> Danish league. After escaping Inter and recovering from his injury he was a...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to Il Drago's post in the thread Lucien Agoumé with Like Like.
      This is an oversimplification of Bisseck career so far that doesn't show the whole picture. After his 3 appearances with Koln, he gets...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 replied to the thread Lucien Agoumé.
      Then you miss half the coin. Selling mediocre kid for tens of millions, multiple times higher than his true value, is the quickest way...
    • PHM1605
      Out of the four I don't get Karamoh, really. That kid was really special every time I see him play. Touch, techniques, speed, finishing...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to Corrode's post in the thread Lucien Agoumé with Like Like.
      Inter and Inter fans get used to collecting "football star/star player", sign them, majority came at the "prime" age over 27 and over...
    • PHM1605
      PHM1605 reacted to Puma's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      Yes, and those players were significantly more established and experienced than Carboni. Inter rarely spends that kind of money, and...
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