Ahh crap England appoint Capello. I was really hoping, they would go with O'Neill or whatever that guy's name is, and then get dumped out of the Qualifying.
With Capello I don't think they can get dumped out of Qualifying, also considering the comparatively easy group that they have.
Player on Player I think Ukraine and Croatia might be slightly better than England, but Capello is a much better coach than Billic, and who ever Ukraine might be able to afford.
Still I am pretty sure, England under Capello wont win anything. They jsut dont have the players for it. At the end of the day, Capello is not a magician.
I sincerely wish Capello all the bad luck in his English adventure, and hope that he gets sacked after England fail to qulaify for WC 2010.
In a way I am glad Capello went there. Capello is one of my most hated coaches ever, but that guy is a winner, and has a reputation of winner, lets just leave it to the english's to tarnish that. I really do hope they do an "Ericksson" on Capello.