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    • M.Adnan
      M.Adnan reacted to uny_arturo's post in the thread Marko Arnautovic with Like Like.
      I really don't appreciate the boos in the stadium. Arna is a man child and his body gestures leave a lot to be desired, but as long as...
    • M.Adnan
      M.Adnan replied to the thread Tiago Tomás Palacios.
      The choice of Palacios seems fine to me. We already have a mix of multiple experienced and young player who can play in his position so...
    • M.Adnan
      M.Adnan reacted to Il Drago's post in the thread Tiago Tomás Palacios with Like Like.
      People will call me Oaktree fanboy, apologist etc. Whatever. I don't really care. But i don't see a problem with signing Palacios as...
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