JJM said:KevinB -I told you Pereira sucks...
I think he was going for the triple J ..
Jersey Ginger Jew
Why is it that when I enter the bathroom to brush my teeth, I always look at my toothbrush sitting in the toothbrush holder and ask myself "Where is my toothbrush?"
^ What is that shit in your spoiler? It looks absolutely disgusting and delicious at the same time.
.what are your thoughts on browhas campaign to ban devious?
as the leader of the thank coalition and Dev being my close advisor I won't allow it...
do you think devious bas run out of ideas?
nah...it is calm before the storm
also, wanted to remind you personal messages are not that personal
wanted to add i thought about this questions while taking a shit.
good to know
.Does the pope shit in the woods?
no he poops...
Do boobs wobble or jiggle in your opinion?
they wiggle
The bigger the O the bigger the hoe? Discuss.
No point of discussing facts...
Why are Juventini such cunts?
born that way i guess...
Why is it thought that pimping isn't easy?
not the expert here...save that one for pimpin ...
And all I got was some lousy question about friesokerface:
Three strikes, Pimp. You're out! :troll:I think he was going for the triple J ..
Jersey Ginger Jew
What beer or other alcoholic drink(s) do you value the most?
fuck me, does anyone else watch SouthPark for fucks sake? :fu:
Great answers JJM... Good work :star:
Q. I'm currently sporting a beard (haven't shaved since I caught up with the NDU). Should I:
a) shave and leave a goatee ?
b) shave it right off to maintain my Alberto Del Rio look that Fitzy adores ?
c) leave it and continue looking like a terrorist's year long captive ?
d) shave and leave big, long ass Nordic-whaler like sideburns ?
Keep on rocking it, JJM. What part of Slovenia do you live? Since your the only regular FIF member I remember, I always wondered about that. U seem like a west side person, Gorica/Koper?
sorry but that lemon shit was over the top...:fu:Three strikes, Pimp. You're out! :troll:
- - - Updated - - -
...and now some questions for JJM
1. When was your first gay experience? Don't be shy, none of us here will judge you.
Oh common you where there...don't you remember.and you said you had a great time.Legendary and unforgetable even :trolldad:
2. What are the chances that you open a can of soda/beer/etc only for that small lid to break off and drop into your can?
no such thing
3. Have you ever been involved in a lemon party?
you sick fuck...get help now! Nope forget it it's to late for you...okerface:
4. Which one makes the most sense, 1 + 1 = 2, or 1 + 1 = window? Explain.
1+1=3.Because fuck you thats why!
5. Why don't prisons use bottled liquid soap instead of bar soap? Won't that decrease one's chances of getting a surprise back-side attack?
Ok,ok I know this one...because they are twisted in their heads like you!
I don't know how the fuck you look like so it is very difficult to say...but I'm gonna say b to please Fitzy... :challenge:
also what is NDU?blivious: