Headed?how long until people see that the EU is headed for a recession.. all indicators worst since depths of covid crisis..
how long until people see that the EU is headed for a recession.. all indicators worst since depths of covid crisis..
You know what i mean bro. Shits getting terrible.Headed?
We've been there for a year, just don't tell the Germans![]()
LBS@brehme1989 @Adriano@10
alright boys, i m thinking of doing an MBA (top UK one) as I am moving there.
I am gunning for these 4:
any tips?
Imperial is also expensive as fuck and relatively new.that's a 3 letter tip
its 2 years and 110k, is the idfference that big?
@brehme1989 @Adriano@10
alright boys, i m thinking of doing an MBA (top UK one) as I am moving there.
I am gunning for these 4:
any tips?
man I love you, and I will not talk shit to your posts ever again <3Imperial is also expensive as fuck and relatively new.
Oxford and Cambridge are great, top schools but not MBA top top quality imo. For an MBA you need practical stuff and you have to be in London. Just that simple.
LBS has tthe best connections and best brand name. Graduating there opens all kinds of doors. Cambridge degree is great, but I could have a Drama or Geology degree whjch is meaningless and all it does is open up the door to a top grad school or maybe some job that cares more about prestigious paper than actual knowledge. Most of (east, central and south) Europe was like that. They'd rather pick an Oxford University English Literature graduate than a UCL engineer. Now it's changing a bit.
But LBS is the place to go.
Let's be real. The MBA degree has two uses
- Opens doors in terms of where you graduated
- Networking
There's not that much knowledge you can get honestly that someone with the eagerness to read couldn't. Where the difference lies is with how practical it is and how much it is involved in the real world. This is why most MBA providing schools suck. You need to go to the top ones.
Milano's Bocconi, top school. Better option than Imperial or even Oxford for this kind of stuff.
INSEAD, also, top option.
The two Spanish schools. Top.
Stanford, Harvard, Wharton (U Penn), Sloan (MIT), Booth (U Chicago) and I guess Kellogg (Northwestern), also top schools. The first 5 are better than anything you'll witness in Europe. LBS is the closest to them. Rest of Europe simply follows.
These are the schools where you'll genuinely learn stuff. Unless of course your background is Mathematics, Engineering, Philosophy, Computer Science or Law and you just stumbled upon this MBA thing so everything is new. You'll definitely learn how to tackle the curriculum in a more refined fashion, but the usefulness of what you get there is debatable. Does it matter if from 8/10 ability in financial statements you go to 9/10? For some yes, for most no.
Imperial is new so the quality of students wasn't as great when they started, not sure now. It's obviously one of the 5 schools that matter on the island.
Statistically your chances are better at getting exposed to a great network at LBS than anywhere else in Europe. Anything else is based on luck.
So what you're getting with an MBA is an experience. A new network that makes or breaks careers (and friendships). A solid chance to change careers (which comes wjtb new knowledge). Or a door opener to companies that wouldn't look at your cv because your academic background wasn't standing out, your name is too weird or your interview skills were bad. People will ignore awkwardness if you have a piece of paper from a top academic institution they respect that has already filtered you in from a shitton of other candidates.
So yeah. It's not as if there's a bad choice. If you're debating between playing for a Champions League side, they're all good. But everyone picks Real Madrid. And that's LBS.
You can check Warwick Business School
Btw I personally won’t find good vibes in Shoreditch and it might even more expensive nowadays.
I remember being in a gentlemans club or whatever those exclusive clubs are named with ppl who had links with russia (all cyprus business cards haha), i was 23 at the time fresh off school and had no idea what was going aroundI'm trying to be diplomatic here and I lived there for a year
I gained 7 kilos there.. all I did was work and eat shit from the area's restaurants.
I was more of a Mayfair/Paddington kind of person with weekly excursions to Kensington and Belgravia![]()
I remember being in a gentlemans club or whatever those exclusive clubs are named with ppl who had links with russia (all cyprus business cards haha), i was 23 at the time fresh off school and had no idea what was going around
It was called savilles i think
I second LBS. I spent a year at LSE and worked with a professor at LBS and they were the cream of the crop in London. Funny thing is that our research centered around Italian management in major companies.
I know you are set on London but i also recommend my alma maters UChicago and Northwestern for MBA if you come to the states. Other than Wharton, Harvard and Stanford they are as good as you can get. Esp UChicago for anything quant.
Ya MIT is a great shout... columbia and NYU as well. So many great schools in the USMIT is also up there. Read my list above
Practically the same one, but mentioned Sloan as the same level as Wharton.
There's also Columbia.
I guess for lifestyle etc Chicago is a great city, better than a NY small town for a foreigner.
You guys will make me change my mind..Ya MIT is a great shout... columbia and NYU as well. So many great schools in the US
thing is, I am working currently on things that no MBA can be as good to put on CV. Should I postpone it?MIT is also up there. Read my list above
Practically the same one, but mentioned Sloan as the same level as Wharton.
There's also Columbia.
I guess for lifestyle etc Chicago is a great city, better than a NY small town for a foreigner.
Late reply but LBS hands down...@brehme1989 @Adriano@10
alright boys, i m thinking of doing an MBA (top UK one) as I am moving there.
I am gunning for these 4:
any tips?