

Feb 16, 2013
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A thread for discussing stocks.
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La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
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Time to buy Oil stocks is over. I mean you missed when they lost 70% of their value.

Also invest smart and look at the companies numbers. Don't invest in things you don't know about or don't like. I got totally raped insanely hard by investing in 3 Colombian companies. I bought EcoPetrol (biggest oil company in colombia currently 60% loss), Bank of Colombia (25% loss) and then ETF of Colombia when everyone was saying invest in Latin America.

I actually sold most of my stocks. As I feel most companies are way over valued but buy high and then sell low. Like to buy stocks when a company fks up big time. Like they get hacked, did a oil spill, the whole industry going down the shitter. OR just a company/item I like.

I like Warner Brother stock but just noticed its at 97 USD a share..... way way too high. Thought it had room to grow with Lego Batman coming out next month then if Justice league and wonder woman don't bomb but at almost 100 a share over priced. Def need to sell it when the market opens tuesday.

One stock that I am watching and own is Sprint. Not because I think its a great company but because I feel they will be bought out by Comcast to compete with AT&T. I did purchase the stock before some Japanese Company purchased them when it was like 2 bucks a share a while back. The stock hasn't really preformed all that well and has no dividend which kind of sucks.

Currently own
-UTX - United Technologies - biggest company in my state make elevators and weapons for the army. Price seems to fluctuate between $95-115. Buy when its close to 100 and sell when it goes up. Nice dividend. With Trump def don't see this going down
- GE - bastards left CT (my state for Boston) but still a great stock with a healthy dividend. Stock usually goes from $28-33 bucks a share
- MSFT - Sold all my apple stock and purchased MSFT feel they are more innovative and have way more room to grow. They just need to come out with a smart phone that doesn't suck
- BBY - Best buy :) purchased it super cheap 2 years ago. My 1st job and if they go under the whole US economy will too
- Target/Walmart - same as above either of these places go out of business then no jobs in the US. World explodes or our money is useless. Tho I bought both of these when they had a credit card hack drama and there stocks tanked
-Lowes/Home Depot - same as above with the credit card hack. Both are way too ever priced now
- Haliburton(HAL)/EXon Mobil(XOM)/COP - best oil companies but all are up 30-50% what they were when oil really tanked
- Disney - all their movies even if they suck make 1 billion or close to it. Again over priced at almost 100 a share. I purchased it 3 years ago for 25 a share :)
- SNE - Sony. Playstation and huge movie company. With the new Spiderman movie coming think that can really push the stock to new heights. Also $6 off its year high of $34 at $28 bucks. Def would buy more

Watch list
-Mattel (MAT) - maker of Barbie and a ton of other toys near their year low. About 23% its year long high and a decent dividend
-Whole foods (WFM) - where rich white people go to buy over priced food. Dividend isn't great but 1.5 years ago it was a $40-50 stock


Jul 17, 2010
10 years of FIF
Forum Supporter
Time to buy Oil stocks is over. I mean you missed when they lost 70% of their value.

Also invest smart and look at the companies numbers. Don't invest in things you don't know about or don't like. I got totally raped insanely hard by investing in 3 Colombian companies. I bought EcoPetrol (biggest oil company in colombia currently 60% loss), Bank of Colombia (25% loss) and then ETF of Colombia when everyone was saying invest in Latin America.

I actually sold most of my stocks. As I feel most companies are way over valued but buy high and then sell low. Like to buy stocks when a company fks up big time. Like they get hacked, did a oil spill, the whole industry going down the shitter. OR just a company/item I like.

I like Warner Brother stock but just noticed its at 97 USD a share..... way way too high. Thought it had room to grow with Lego Batman coming out next month then if Justice league and wonder woman don't bomb but at almost 100 a share over priced. Def need to sell it when the market opens tuesday.

One stock that I am watching and own is Sprint. Not because I think its a great company but because I feel they will be bought out by Comcast to compete with AT&T. I did purchase the stock before some Japanese Company purchased them when it was like 2 bucks a share a while back. The stock hasn't really preformed all that well and has no dividend which kind of sucks.

Currently own
-UTX - United Technologies - biggest company in my state make elevators and weapons for the army. Price seems to fluctuate between $95-115. Buy when its close to 100 and sell when it goes up. Nice dividend. With Trump def don't see this going down
- GE - bastards left CT (my state for Boston) but still a great stock with a healthy dividend. Stock usually goes from $28-33 bucks a share
- MSFT - Sold all my apple stock and purchased MSFT feel they are more innovative and have way more room to grow. They just need to come out with a smart phone that doesn't suck
- BBY - Best buy :) purchased it super cheap 2 years ago. My 1st job and if they go under the whole US economy will too
- Target/Walmart - same as above either of these places go out of business then no jobs in the US. World explodes or our money is useless. Tho I bought both of these when they had a credit card hack drama and there stocks tanked
-Lowes/Home Depot - same as above with the credit card hack. Both are way too ever priced now
- Haliburton(HAL)/EXon Mobil(XOM)/COP - best oil companies but all are up 30-50% what they were when oil really tanked
- Disney - all their movies even if they suck make 1 billion or close to it. Again over priced at almost 100 a share. I purchased it 3 years ago for 25 a share :)
- SNE - Sony. Playstation and huge movie company. With the new Spiderman movie coming think that can really push the stock to new heights. Also $6 off its year high of $34 at $28 bucks. Def would buy more

Watch list
-Mattel (MAT) - maker of Barbie and a ton of other toys near their year low. About 23% its year long high and a decent dividend
-Whole foods (WFM) - where rich white people go to buy over priced food. Dividend isn't great but 1.5 years ago it was a $40-50 stock

Apparently you're significantly better at trading stocks than you are at evaluating Argentinian footballers.


Feb 18, 2010
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
What do you use to do your trading Crzd?


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
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What do you use to do your trading Crzd?

I use Bank of America. They are really expensive but once you have 30k in all accounts with them they give you free trades.

But until you get to that point use tradeking. Or any of the cheapest stock buying sites. They are all the same. So you buying a stock for $4 buts at one of the bargain places or buying it at Scotttrade or Bank of America for $8+ is the same at the end of the day. But when you get to the 30k instantly transfer it to wherever you get free trades. BOA gives you 30. You shouldn't be making that many a month don't be a day trader!!!

Important thing to remember.
- owning 1 share of s $100 stock isn't any different then owning 10 shares of a $10 stock. At the end of the day the divedend rate and the increase you get is the same. Took me forever to get past not buying 50 or 100 of something
- when you start out go for less risky stuff with a dividend. Think I bought 200 shares of GE and with dividend reinvestment at least 50-60 shares I received for free.
- don't buy Man united stock because Fuck Man United !!!!
- never ever fucking ever buy a option. You can lose more money then you actually have. This is when you go hey I'd like to pay 1,000 for a contract that X company stock will increase or decrease in A certain amount of time. If it doesn't you will lose a ton and maybe more then you own. So if you say hey let me buy 100 of Apple. I think Apple now at 115 will go down to $90 bucks by next year. I willing to bet 100 of them. Apple doesn't go down but goes up 15 bucks. You are on the hook for 1,000+ (130-90)*# of shares. I had clients get totally fucked doing that.

- - - Updated - - -

Apparently you're significantly better at trading stocks than you are at evaluating Argentinian footballers.

What Argie or Brazilian players was I wrong about? Best team in South America past year Nacional. Last 4 South American club finals all had Colombian teams. We won 2, forfeited 1 because the other team all died, and lost 1 to River in PKs. Best NT in South America is Chile totally dominated everyone last 2 Copa America. If they were a bit taller I say they could win the WC.

I have no problem with Argie players. I am just annoyed when everyone here circle jerks around each other for a player they never heard of because he is at Boca or River when they stopped being power houses in 2007. People here were celebrating Gabriel coming here for 30 million. The best plyer in South America last season was Borja and he scored 39 goals. Potentially going to Genoa and none of you know who he is. Also South American press named him that not me. Best defender in Brazil by Brazilian press was Mina a 22 year old who 6 months prior won the Copa Sudamericana with a Colombian team. Got no Euro love. 3 games in playing in Brazil fucking Barca put a 9 million 1st dibs option on the kid. You guys say I am obsessed with Nationalies but how do you explain that bullshit!!


Aug 5, 2012
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
Can anyone explain the basics of trading in plain language to me? I always wondered what's the trick.

There's a trading app that gives you an account with demo money in it. It's advertised the whole time on TV in Bulgaria. So I downloaded it. Out of 10k BGN I made like 150k (80$k) and got bored. I am well aware that's precisely the point of demo accounts - pretty sure it's somehow rigged to make it easier and hook you up on trading with said app. Still, I bought stuff that was on the low and it inevitably went up, sold that - rinse and repeat. Mainly traded gold/silver, etc commodities, but also tech stocks. I doubt that I'm a genius, so what's the catch.

Also a couple of months ago I really wanted to buy Tesla shares with all my savings, which would be idiotic at that particular moment in time - it was just before the auto-pilot crash. Anyway, it's not like that I have that much saved and I guess investing anything below 10-15$k would be painfully slow to actually make a difference in a reasonable timeframe. I'm also curious, is there a respectable online platform for doing that online, or you have to buy through banks.


Feb 16, 2013
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10 years of FIF
Time to buy Oil stocks is over. I mean you missed when they lost 70% of their value.
The fact is that the oil price is going up. The other thing is that you really can't use an argument like that. Yes they have lost more than 50% of their values but that means there is room enough for them to rise again. I trust what I see as a tendency in the world and what multiple experts are saying. The oil prices can't be much lower and there is still a demand for it. Yes, China and other countries are turning their eyes on green energy developments but these projects take years to materialise. All the cracking projects going on around in the world and the hunt for oil in more and more exotic places just proves that the demand is still there. What we saw was a political agenda from the US and Saudi Arabia as they wanted to pump as much oil up as possible in a way to ruin the Iranian and Russian economies. It is similar to the container shipping industry in which some of the largest of the companies do have deficits for multiple years as a way to ruin each other. That's why the seventh largest company (Hanjin Shipping) went bankrupt last summer as they didn't had as big a saving in the bank as the others.

I like Warner Brother stock but just noticed its at 97 USD a share..... way way too high.
What is the P/E?
Honestly I don't use the P/E ratio for much as I trust my technical analyses. A stock can't be too expensive as it is all about supply and demand on the market when you as me are mostly short-termed. I'm only interested in the demand right now.

A thing I didn't mention is the E-sports thing as it is becoming more and more popular. Disney has got the streaming rights to League of Legends which can be a true game changer for them.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 3, 2012
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10 years of FIF
A good time to have made money in stocks would have been when Trump got elected, and people started dumping bonds for stocks. Just following index fund would have given some returns in 2-3 months.

When he actually gets elected, I wouldn't touch any US companies for at least a year. The dude is mental. With one tweet he can affect the value of any major company in an instant.


Feb 16, 2013
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10 years of FIF
Can anyone explain the basics of trading in plain language to me? I always wondered what's the trick.

First you have to figure out if you will be short or long termed in your stocks. As well as if you are going to use technical analysis or fundamental analysis (or both).

Technical analysis means you will spent your time on looking on graphs. It will tell you what the tendency is in the market and you will by using pattern recognition, trend lines, different formulas ect. be able to get some sort of a forecast.

Fundamental analysis is the old school way of doing forecasts. It is about spending time on breaking down the balance sheets of the companies you are interested in, getting a knowledge about the products of the company, what kind of people are in power in the management etc. Thats why I asked crzdcolombian about the P/E (Price-earnings) of the stock he mentioned as it is a traditional fundamental number and therefore something I don't care much about as a user of technical analysis.

I will advice new people to start reading about what I just mentioned. The stock market is 20% about skills in terms of managing analyses and 80% about mastering the psychological part of it. Take Brexit as an example as the British banks like Barclays went down like 30% within few minutes on the day after the election because people were emotional fucked even through people knew it will take years before the UK will be out of EU. It meant a lot of the well-experienced traders bought up the stocks and the stocks only went down like 2% at the end of the day. They cashed in a big time on it. It was the same on the day after Trump won the election.

- - - Updated - - -

Haha, Fappucino just said the same :)

However I do both agree and disagree with you. I think Trump will spend a lot of money on infrastructure as a way to generate jobs and thereby make people happy. It means the US economy will be even more fucked but it will benefit the stock market in a short term.

However we saw the effect it had when he talked shit about one of the aircraft producers on his twitter as their stock value decreased a big time on the day :D


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 3, 2012
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10 years of FIF
However I do both agree and disagree with you. I think Trump will spend a lot of money on infrastructure as a way to generate jobs and thereby make people happy. It means the US economy will be even more fucked but it will benefit the stock market in a short term.

However we saw the effect it had when he talked shit about one of the aircraft producers on his twitter as their stock value decreased a big time on the day :D

It's not just one aircraft manufacturer. It was Boeing AND Lockheed. Both took a hit. If Airbus was American, they would have been his 3rd target.

#1 Rule with Trump: Never gamble money on him actually realising his promises. Only act on what impression he's giving people. The "Trump Rally" effect in the stocks was because all the Wall Street weasels are EXPECTING he's going to gut regulations. (What he's actually going to do no one knows) Infrastructure stocks also went up, but I wouldn't be surprised if he half asses that entire plan.


I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
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10 years of FIF
Don't invest looking at past data jrg, it's bogus.

haven't followed the markets in quite some time i may follow it this year.

- - - Updated - - -

Can anyone explain the basics of trading in plain language to me? I always wondered what's the trick.

There's a trading app that gives you an account with demo money in it. It's advertised the whole time on TV in Bulgaria. So I downloaded it. Out of 10k BGN I made like 150k (80$k) and got bored. I am well aware that's precisely the point of demo accounts - pretty sure it's somehow rigged to make it easier and hook you up on trading with said app. Still, I bought stuff that was on the low and it inevitably went up, sold that - rinse and repeat. Mainly traded gold/silver, etc commodities, but also tech stocks. I doubt that I'm a genius, so what's the catch.

Also a couple of months ago I really wanted to buy Tesla shares with all my savings, which would be idiotic at that particular moment in time - it was just before the auto-pilot crash. Anyway, it's not like that I have that much saved and I guess investing anything below 10-15$k would be painfully slow to actually make a difference in a reasonable timeframe. I'm also curious, is there a respectable online platform for doing that online, or you have to buy through banks.
I assume that app was forex? if so i wouldn't recommend it, and as crzd said dont bet on forward/futures/options swaps any of those derivatives.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
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Everything I posted was for US investors. I have 0 idea about europe and other countries markets. Ive done pretty shitty investing in Spain/England/BRazil/China/ Colombia.

For the people asking how to invest. You have to think long term unless you have a ton of money and don't care about losing it. Day trading or just going after a quick win doesn't work. WE are Inter fans we know all about starting a process. I've made a lot of money investing in Stock. Started out mostly picking big names who took a hit or big dividend stocks. I only sell when things double or triple the price or actually need the money.

Also you ned to look at the ratios of certain companies, what they have in the pipeline and prior data as well as how much their rivals cost. Another thing to keep in consideration is just because Chipotle cost 300 a share doesn't make it more expensive then McDonalds or what ever fast food place you are looking at. Chipotle has a super small amount of shares. So comparing shit because of price isn't smart either unless you take that into account

I saw someone post they want to put all their money in Telsa. Thats great but what is Tesla going to do increase your investment. Things in their pipeline a much cheaper car that base model is $35k in the US. Well the base model VW Jetta is $15,500. Have fun trying to find one of those. When you go to the dealer they only have the 20k one because the 15k one isn't Automatic transmission, doesn't have power doors/windows and o yea FK u they don't make them. Telsa other recent announcement is solar roof tiles. AGAIN AWESOME but who going to be able to afford this?

Also Tesla has 0 dividend. SO if you invest in Tesla unless they get bought out going to be tough to make a ton of money.

1 share of Tesla is 200 bucks. 1 share of GE is $30 with a dividend of 96 cents. So if we invest $600 we get 3 shares of Tesla, We get 20 shares of GE. AT 96 cents a share per year you get $19.20 a year for $600 bucks. if you reinvest it in stock you almost get a full share every year. GE Flucuates way less then Tesla. Around 25-35 bucks a share(dividend is based on share price), Tesla went from 140-260 last year. Again not saying buy GE but buying a blue chip especially when starting out is the way to go

Say Tesla goes from 200 to 240. You got 40x3=60. :)
Goes down to 140 you lost 180..... no dividend

GE you bought 20 shares at $30 in 1 year you get $19.20 regardless
Goes down to $25 (I say buy more) but you want to sell you get 20x25= $500+19.20 = 519.20 for your investment of $600
Goes up to $35 then you get 20x35 = 700 + 19.20 = 719.20.

You keep GE 10 years prices stays the same you get 192.00 from your original investment of $600.
Same shit happens with Tesla then you made 0, lost 0.


I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
Favorite Player
Old username
10 years of FIF
i feel bad for fucking with you before crzd, bless us


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 3, 2012
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
Bloomberg with an article on what I was talking about with Trump.

- - - Updated - - -

For the people asking how to invest. You have to think long term unless you have a ton of money and don't care about losing it.

Investing in stocks is quite honestly the worst way to make a lot of money. Index beats most investors. At best you'll beat out inflation and bank interest rates.


Aug 5, 2012
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
Thanks for the insights guys :)

Also, what do you think about short-term investments in BitCoin or other cryptocurrencies?

They are very volatile, no doubt about that, but for example, BitCoin is expected to double its price by the end of the year.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
Favorite Player
Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
Most Diverse Poster
Bloomberg with an article on what I was talking about with Trump.

- - - Updated - - -

Investing in stocks is quite honestly the worst way to make a lot of money. Index beats most investors. At best you'll beat out inflation and bank interest rates.

I get 14,000 USd a year just on dividends each year just in my brokerage account .....

Many of the stocks I purchased have tripled in price. I agree you don't make much of you don't invest much but do much better then putting it in the bank. Invest smart and think long term(dividends).

For wobblz in the immortal words of Dave Chapplle "you can't buy weed or pussy with Disney dollars". Bit coin is a super shitty gift card that fluctuates way way to much that is unproven. It's like buying a gift card to a store that is going out of business.

Want the universal accepted everywhere currency Buy USD currency.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 14, 2007
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Il Capitano
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10 years of FIF
14k a year, you could say youre financially independent already. Thats awesome! Im also interested in dividend stocks , have read couple of local investment guru books who are now financially free too. I just keep on saving money as much I can, reading more interesting books, if my rental property(apartment) plan is done this year , then I start with div stocks too. Its just hard saving for both. I need money for renovating the place too . Focusing on one then another, but the goal stays the same. Investments , rental&dividends, should pay for my everyday expences in the future. Then i dont have to put 10hr working days as Im doing currently. Im 31 , soon 32 next month, my goal is to take a lot easier when im 35. Not stop working, but maybe 32h a week (4days x 8hrs). Thats the plan.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 3, 2012
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
14k a year, you could say youre financially independent already.

Bro in North America 14k is just the property tax on your house.