Samir Handanovic

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  • 3 - Anonymous. Will never be remembered due to the fact nobody expected anything from him

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  • 2 - Useless. Adds nothing of value, detrimental to the team when on the pitch

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La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
:lol: what a petty person you are

Inter not a top club because of 2 shitty seasons.

Handanovic was a cheap transfer despite being the 7th highest goalkeeper transfer ever when we got him (as a shitty banter era club it appears)

He was never sought after even if he was considered one of the best GKs in the world that every club with a fat wallet that isn't Bayern asked about him...

But sure "stop quoting me". More like "stop exposing me". And no, I won't stop exposing such nonsense.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
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Stop lying what I said. I said top club = yes, top team = no.

A top team in Serie A doesn't finish 9th.

Calling me petty, kettle, meet pot.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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I asked you nicely. I. DO. NOT. CARE. ABOUT. THIS.

This is not a reply of a person that "asks nicely".

And it's also not a response of a person who was engaging in dialogue earlier and asked questions that were all answered.

So yes, you're petty. I can be a lot of things, petty isn't one of them.

Apologies for abusing my rights as a member and using a button that has the function of quoting you.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
10 years of FIF
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If only you would stop intentionally misreading me and then lying what I said. I went to read everything again, I should've seen before where this conversation was going. I actually was really respectful with all my questions that I've given you, but then you started with your own bs.

Let's not even go into the sources you've listed.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
10 years of FIF
Most Diverse Poster
It is very commendable, brehme, that you want to be a white knight for Inter. We do demand respect as a club and we haven't always got it. But do not think club=team.

Finishing 9th is banter material for me.

Disagree if you want, you are going to be blocked anyway, because I don't have time for this sociopathic behaviour.

Skid Rock

Jun 2, 2011
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Matrix, Recoba
I’ve been around on this forum for a very long time to see how you Brehme are constantly spouting secret knowledge from sources that others have no access to, but let’s face it - the only three possible scenarios in which you would know if clubs were shopping for Handanovic would be from three sources:

- You being the agent of Handanovic
- You being the representative of either of the two clubs that is in any way involved in the topic of transfers (managers, sporting directors, backoffice staff such as contract lawyers etc)
- Interviews of one of the abovementioned where they openly confirm interest from specific clubs.

Everything else is speculation, including news from insiders such as Romano and ESPECIALLY the news sources you’ve been citing, because news about transfer rumours are often some of the most baseless pieces of news there are, or could be used by different parties only to take the high ground in negotiations.

I’m not saying I don’t believe Handanovic was heavily sought for. All I’m saying is I have no real proof of that, and neither do you
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La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
ESPECIALLY the news sources you’ve been citing

I'm not citing them, I'm just using them as an example of Handanovic name being thrown out in the media which was an argument used here.
Some of the ones I posted are actually credible but most are shit, sure. Still, they felt Handanovic is a nice enough name for clickbait - if you assume that there was no concrete interest.

Now the other person who was talking about top clubs, mid clubs, big clubs etc decided that he'd make a distinction between club/team as if it had any bearing on what the discussion...or if a player cares that much if the team is shit as long he's part of a great club (exhibit A, Manchester United).

Another member made a claim about Handanovic being an exclusive target. Thst was never mentioned by me, nor do I say it was the case. You don't see me throwing tantrums calling KevinB a liar for making that assumption.
Anyone who knows the basics of the transfer market knows that there is no such thing as an exclusive target, and there are hardly primary targets when it comes to goalkeepers.

Everything wera mentioned was debunked, that's why he's being a petty child.

1) No interest by big clubs. Same logic was used for Brozovic by another poster, which was another nonsense that was debunked.
It's also been established that top clubs tend to keep goalkeepers for longer and tend to buy from smaller clubs, so chances for Handanovic to leave Inter for another club were extremely slim unless it's Real Madrid or Barcelona. And we rejected a bid by both. You don't care if Real Madrid's bid wasn't discussed openly, good on you. Barcelona asking and bidding for him is more than enough examples. There wasn't anyone better to bid for you back then.
If you say no to them to stick with the 9th team of Serie A, what chances does anyone else have?? :lol:

I guess Buffon was also not sought after. I mean, apart from 2006 when Juventus fell in Serie B and pre-Messi Barcelona called, how many times was he under bid? Probably less than 5 in a space of 17 years as a Juventus player... I guess that makes Morata a more desired player than both these guys.

2) Handanovic moved to Inter as a "cheap transfer".
He was the 7th most expensive goalkeeper transfer of all time in 2012.

3) The assumption that Handanovic was highly involved in the transfer market is just unjustified. You cannot be highly transfer bound when you don't want out and your club won't sell you.
That's like saying Totti wasn't wanted by anyone ever since he turned 24 because he had no intention of leaving and Roma had no intention of letting him go, especially after rejecting Real Madrid openly and publicly... Does that mean that no one ever asked again about Totti? Perez himself asked several times, Moratti tried, Berlusconi got his girlfriend a Milano job to lure him, Juventus tried, Barcelona tried, Alex Ferguson tried. But he wasn't moving. And the media hardly picked on that and anyone writing articles about Totti moving would be considered unreliable, even if he posted a picture with an official transfer bid that was signed by the bidding club...

4) Inter not having an appeal in world football because of a few bad seasons. That's a very naive statement. Especially for 2013 when we still had some legendary players in the locker room.
Short on cash flow and overall squad quality, yes, short on prestige, definitely not.
Just like Vidal didn't care that Juventus finished 7th the year prior he joined and prefered them to Bayern, another player wouldn't care if Inter finished 9th the year prior.
You don't lose pedigree so easily. It takes decades, not a couple of bad seasons.


Dec 23, 2014
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That's a very common thing said to me by a set of fans who are extremely biased and disagree with what I say about their favorite players or rigid storylines they have in mind.

Remarkably, most objective fans don't feel this way.
So, you just said that the people who disagree with you are biased, but those who agree with you are objective. Hahaha
I say things as they are and/or as I see them. I don't allow bias. You consider it bias because you're set in your own version.
But this doesn't mean that you are right. It is your opinion which could be wrong.
I'm happy to change my mind, or version of a story or be proven wrong. Provided that there's an actual reason for it and not just based on my mood when I woke up..
Aaa, you never admit that you are wrong. You just keep twisting and changing the subject of the discussion till the moment, when the other side gets bored/ annoyed and quit.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
So, you just said that the people who disagree with you are biased, but those who agree with you are objective. Hahaha

Not what I said, but ok.

But this doesn't mean that you are right. It is your opinion which could be wrong.

Could be.
If it's a matter of opinion.

Not the case here.

Aaa, you never admit that you are wrong. You just keep twisting and changing the subject of the discussion till the moment, when the other side gets bored/ annoyed and quit.

I do admit when I'm wrong, but you're only talking about cases where I'm not offering opinion but only mention something situational or some facts on a story.

If I say that Zanetti wore number 5 at Inter I'd be factually wrong.
If I say I don't like like Bisseck will become a good enough player for Inter and he turns out to be the next coming of Ivan Cordoba, I'd be making wrong call. There's no shame in making a bad judgment call.
If I say Arnautovic will not score more than 20 goals for Inter and he gets 25, I'd again be on the wrong side, but that's hardly an issue because making a bad prediction is not really unexpected. And it's what betting companies make a living off.

If I say that Handanovic never was a target of other top teams, I'd be factually wrong. If you say it, I'd tell you you're wrong.
Same if I call him a cheap transfer. Or you or anyone.
Wera did, so I called him out. That's all there is to it.
Making it personal here is just petty.


Dec 23, 2014
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Most Improved Member
I do admit when I'm wrong, but you're only talking about cases where I'm not offering opinion but only mention something situational or some facts on a story.

If I say that Zanetti wore number 5 at Inter I'd be factually wrong.
If I say I don't like like Bisseck will become a good enough player for Inter and he turns out to be the next coming of Ivan Cordoba, I'd be making wrong call. There's no shame in making a bad judgment call.
If I say Arnautovic will not score more than 20 goals for Inter and he gets 25, I'd again be on the wrong side, but that's hardly an issue because making a bad prediction is not really unexpected. And it's what betting companies make a living off.

If I say that Handanovic never was a target of other top teams, I'd be factually wrong. If you say it, I'd tell you you're wrong.
Same if I call him a cheap transfer. Or you or anyone.
Wera did, so I called him out. That's all there is to it.
Making it personal here is just petty.
Actually I meant your predictions/ opinions about Marotta, Conte and Lukaku, not anything about Handanovic cuz I don't recall any serious offers for him, but I could be wrong anyway.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
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Well, sure, it was not cheap for goalkeepers at the time. I'll take that one. But the fact is still that Handanović wasn't the one that broke the market. Also, inflation (not the broke-the-market part, the him being 7th on the list)? Seemed a reasonable transfer at the time and it still does.

I'll just have to die on this hill that Handanović would not break the market if he was sold by Inter. Never looked like that would happen - that was one of my points. Even though he was (by the majority of FIF's opinion) the best goalkeeper of Serie A, he was not that big or known, not really. In Serie A, sure, but he had a fairly mediocre World Cup 2010 (compared to how he played in Qualifying games) and was playing for a club, where he had to play out of his mind every game just to get a good result. When you concede more goals than your team scores, you are more of a hidden gem than a hot target for big clubs. I think he was a trooper for us, but apart from that one Moratti quote, it doesn't look like he was ever the goalkeeper that other clubs were clamoring for. I say it's because he was already entering his prime when he came to Inter and every year the chances of him going to a different club got slimmer. It's really simple, when you look at it. He wasn't a Courtois or a Buffon.

If you wish to go the factual route, I said he was less acquired than some of our other starters in his time here. Am I also wrong about that? Just compare how Barcelona was on Lautaro's dick for multiple transfer windows and were really trying to bring him to the club with the one try they did for Handanović and that was it. Sure, Handanović was liked by other clubs, but he wasn't almost harassed like Lautaro was. If I wasn't clear about that, I'm sorry for that, but that was my point.

Skid Rock

Jun 2, 2011
Favorite Player
Matrix, Recoba
I'm not citing them, I'm just using them as an example of Handanovic name being thrown out in the media which was an argument used here.
Some of the ones I posted are actually credible but most are shit, sure. Still, they felt Handanovic is a nice enough name for clickbait - if you assume that there was no concrete interest.

You’ve been very firmly stating that clubs were heavily shopping for Handanovic, even citing specific clubs and years.

Now you say you’re simply bringing examples of news, aknowledge thar some lf them are pretty shit, and you even mention that most likely some may very likely be just bait.

That’s a very quick gear switch from “We’ve rejected offers from specific clubs, here’s proof” to “I’m just showing examples of articles saying there was interest”.

Skid Rock

Jun 2, 2011
Favorite Player
Matrix, Recoba
And yeah, another thing, dude. Every time you post on this forum saying that you now some insider info, you might feel very special.

But the reality is that only makes you just as special as a guy who knows Joanne Rowling and goes on to HP fandom forum to tell a bunch of 15 year olds he knows who will die in the next book.

You know somethinf others don’t know? Sure, fine, I hope it makes you very happy. But flexing this on a football fan forum with no real proof other than “I know some shit but I won’t tell you how” doesn’t make you look respectable.

It’s just cringe as fuck.


Jul 22, 2007
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10 years of FIF
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So is handanovic still a free agent or we just ruining threads in here? Actually curious (on Samir)


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
You’ve been very firmly stating that clubs were heavily shopping for Handanovic, even citing specific clubs and years.

Where did I do that?

Now you say you’re simply bringing examples of news, aknowledge thar some lf them are pretty shit, and you even mention that most likely some may very likely be just bait.

Exactly because that's the only approved form of "proof" in this place. Everyone dismisses it but 5 years later it's some gospel.
The power of the internet I guess.

I don't care much for media reports.

That’s a very quick switch from “We’ve rejected offers from specific clubs, here’s proof” to “I’m just showing examples of articles saying there was interest”.

It's not a switch. It's even a different matter. I specified that in the post.

Well, sure, it was not cheap for goalkeepers at the time. I'll take that one. But the fact is still that Handanović wasn't the one that broke the market. Also, inflation (not the broke-the-market part, the him being 7th on the list)? Seemed a reasonable transfer at the time and it still does.

It was inconceivable at the time for any GK to break the market.
Yet he went for a higher (or similar, depends on Faraoni + bonuses) valuation than Neuer from Schalke which was a hostile transfer just a year earlier.
Neuer, the biggest name as a GK in that period..

I'll just have to die on this hill that Handanović would not break the market if he was sold by Inter. Never looked like that would happen - that was one of my points. Even though he was (by the majority of FIF's opinion) the best goalkeeper of Serie A, he was not that big or known, not really. In Serie A, sure, but he had a fairly mediocre World Cup 2010 (compared to how he played in Qualifying games) and was playing for a club, where he had to play out of his mind every game just to get a good result. When you concede more goals than your team scores, you are more of a hidden gem than a hot target for big clubs. I think he was a trooper for us, but apart from that one Moratti quote, it doesn't look like he was ever the goalkeeper that other clubs were clamoring for. I say it's because he was already entering his prime when he came to Inter and every year the chances of him going to a different club got slimmer. It's really simple, when you look at it. He wasn't a Courtois or a Buffon.

That's fine and good but you also have to consider his age. Say he went to City in 2017, how much they'd be paying for a 32 yr old GK?
20-25m? That's still a lot.
He'd not fetch 60m but who would? You mention Courtois.
He went in an inflated market for something like 35-40m at age 26. To Real Madrid of all teams.
It's still inconceivable to break the bank for a GK that's played most of his career already.

If you wish to go the factual route, I said he was less acquired than some of our other starters in his time here. Am I also wrong about that? Just compare how Barcelona was on Lautaro's dick for multiple transfer windows and were really trying to bring him to the club with the one try they did for Handanović and that was it. Sure, Handanović was liked by other clubs, but he wasn't almost harassed like Lautaro was. If I wasn't clear about that, I'm sorry for that, but that was my point.

Again, that's an argument that cannot be compared.
You are omitting the context.

Handanovic played in a time where we told the world we're not spelling. Teams still came knocking because they assumed we're in a bad shape and the player might like a change of scenery.
Didn't happen.

Then with Lautaro you have a trigger happy Inter that tells the world everyone is expendable.
And then what happened? This summer we said he is not for sale. Then what? No "credible rumours" about him leaving even if at least 4 clubs made bids. Did we hear much about that? No, because it wouldn't happen and "reliable" journalists rarely talk about rejected bids for a multitude of reasons when they know that the player won't budge.


Part time Lazarus
La Grande Inter
Jun 8, 2005
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10 years of FIF
So is handanovic still a free agent or we just ruining threads in here? Actually curious (on Samir)
still a free agent.


Nov 28, 2011
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Javier Zanetti
10 years of FIF
So glad I put the idiot on the ignore list so I don't have to read the his stupid posts
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Jul 3, 2018
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Could not and won’t keep up with whatever the fuck is being discussed in this thread but I won’t accept any Handanovic revisionism; man was an absolute legend between the sticks.