It pains me to say this as Brozovic is one of my favorite players, but I think we should definitely try to offload him. I don't think his mentality is helping at all even if certain people make him out to be more of a troublemaker than he is in actuality.
I like him a lot as a player, but he's not WC and will never be-- as many have indicated, he's a very good rotation piece in a winning team. He lacks creativity to be a true DLP or Trequartista. His only real positions are pivot in a 2 man midfield or the deepest mid in a diamond. We can find players, especially starters, with better attributes. Hell, I'd even like to see Eriksen deployed deeper with two mezzalas covering for him. What we lose is someone with insane endurance, good passing range, and decent reading of the game. But we can find others.
What we shouldn't do is let him go for some bullshit sub 30mil offer like I saw reported (probably bs) a little while ago. We should try for 40+mil or 35 as the absolute lowest cut rate sale price.