Juventus - Inter (3 Apr 22) [0-1]


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 3, 2009
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Still shaking. What a game! Great to see heart, sweat and blood from the players for the 3 points. We are still in the race, and its games like these when you are down on form but still win ugly that can make the difference.

Coz its obvious that we are still in shite form. Rube were all over us from the first minute. Our players looked 2nd to every ball, got out muscled easily, and passing was largely sloppy. Hakan and Correa are showing why I was against their transfers - way too inconsistent. Dzeko is too spent to be a regular starter. Barella & Brozo were also low on form so much so that Rabiot singlehandedly dominated our midfield today. We got lucky.

We can't continue to play like this and win the Scudetto. Hopefully this win will give the team some confidence back. Inzaghi needs to prove that he can get the players to play like a team again, instead of 11 individuals. We got 8 winnable games. 8 finals. No excuses pls.
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bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
Finally we win in the way we lost so many matches this season(Liverpool,Bbilan etc etc...).It was a damn time to finally get win like this. It was in rube style.So... Fucking merda can fuck off!


May 27, 2018
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First of all I’m glad we finally got a win in their stadium after a decade, albeit a very ugly and unexpected one.

I don’t like being the negative Nancy I’ve been these past few months, but I’m still reluctant to claim we’re back in the Scudetto race. If we’re being totally honest, we sucked big time tonight. We played the same game we’ve been playing since February, which means very little offensive output, a huge disconnection between our midfield and our attackers and crazy blunders from Handa. It’s nice we won big league game for once, but playing like this gives you exactly that- 2 wins in 8 (?) games, which is still fucking abysmal.

It’s great us and Napoli finally put some pressure on Milan, now we gotta pray they drop points. If there’s a point where they’re gonna feel the heat it’s now. Unfortunately they’ve been really fucking consistent, so a W for them is probably still the most realistic outcome. The fact that there's almost no time left to overtake them is a massive disadvantage too. Unless we ace the rest of the season, which I consider highly unlikely, we’re doomed. On a more positive note, we have the easiest remaining schedule of the top 3… yeah, that’s about it.

Hope to see Sanchez or Correa next time, we need to add an element of unpredictability in attack. Both of them got some good acceleration and dribbling in tight spaces. Hopefully we can find some success against Verona.

And Skriniar is a fucking beast, but we already knew that.


Mar 9, 2004
10 years of FIF
I did not wake up to watch the match as it started at 4:00am and today is my first day back at work after two months.

I watched the last twenty minutes and will go back and watch a full replay tonight.

Just a few thoughts:

Correa is weak. He has some pace and can dribble but he is just piss weak. He plays like a pussy and I do not find him convincing in any way. The shot that he took following the cross from Darmian was terrible: no composure, no idea. And the worst part about that chance was the fact that Darmian battled to get the cross into the box and his efforts were wasted.

We had to really hang on until the end of injury time. This kind of goes without saying, but Juventus are absolute cheating cunts. The way they were dropping in the box and trying to win penalties was a terrible advertisement for Italian football and Serie A. I feel the way they were trying to force the referee into making a call was a new low, even by their lowly standards.

Lastly, I have been horribly negative over the last couple of months and I want to take this opportunity to apologise.

Like many of you, I live and breathe this team but the lows (dropped points and missed opportunities) really get me down. More than anything, I have found our poor performances over the last two months to be totally demoralizing and it hurt to think that we might be out of the race for a second consecutive Scudetto when we had control and it was all in our hands.

I do not know how the rest of this season is going to play out but I am going to try and be more positive.

Thank you for always being here and putting up with me.

Love you guys!
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Jul 6, 2011
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Javier Zanetti
10 years of FIF
a troll win... i dont care if we play like this for the rest of the season as long we win...

our ball flow from mid to attack is shyt and our striker also ultra shyt.....
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Choppin Onions

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 16, 2004
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Quite the weak performance but somehow we held on. Our midfield is really struggling all of a sudden. Even with Brozo back, Adrien fucking Rabiot was the best CM for either side. And that’s just appalling.

That being said, it’s 3 massive points in Turin. Even during our best years, it’s a struggle against these miserable cunts.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 14, 2007
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Il Capitano
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Let's all hope for a Bologna miracle
Naah, too easy for Milan. We need to be close before their last 5 matches. That is where we'll have a chance.

I've been shutting down sports completely in the last month, last night game I only checked livescore at HT and that was it. Then woke up 03.00 checked it again. Smiled. Went back to sleep. This win will inject some interest back for me. This is a great booster before Coppa semifinal.

Glass box

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 3, 2014
Unpromising performance and we had the usual problems as per usual these past 2 months. Except we somehow won in Turin vs them.

I think honestly, that rarely a retake is given if an oppo player just starts running earlier, if Calhanoglu scored, a retake wouldn't even be considered. It went in in that mess afterwards, the ref decided to give a retake because the running of De Ligt nullified the goal itself, so they couldn't give the goal and they went with a middle solution. Tbh, I can see why they are pissed about it.

Anyways since I don't see us returning to pre New Year form, I hope at least we win most of the games simply because we are Inter and are better than most of the opponents overall and only that way can we regain our legitimate chances for the Scudetto. If not, secure a better position, 2nd or at least 3rd and accept that this season we really weren't the best team consistently and if Napoli or Milan wins the league we can admit it was deserved and move on.