Hakan Çalhanoğlu

Predict Çalhanoğlu's Inter Career

  • 4 - Star player of his generation. La Grande Inter material. Think Baggio or Ronaldo.

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Oct 23, 2021
Favorite Player
Gagliardini had a gooood amount of minutes when we won the Scudetto. We won many points with him on the field, as well. Is he also better than Hakan? After all, during the time he occupied Hakan's position.

Cruz won many trophies with us and even though I like him I can't say he contributed more for us than Vieri did. Vieri won only one Coppa. It is what it is.

Many mediocre players won a lot of titles. I'm not saying Eriksen is a mediocre player. I'm just saying that Hakan's contribution for Inter is bigger than Eriksen's. I don't care what Eriksen achieved elsewhere. That's all.
Gagliardini combo with conte blossomed in 2019/2020, in 2020/2021, Conte loved more Vidal and Eriksen as his midfield starter.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
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Chino Recoba
Eriksen was important only in the second half of the season, but he wasn't the sole reason of winning of the scudetto. If you swap him with Hakan or another decent midfielder, the result would be the same.
Hakan was one of the reasons why we won the Coppa, Super Coppa and finished 1 point behind Milan, despite the loss of Conte, Lukaku, Hakimi and Eriksen. If Eriksen didn't have any heath issues and stayed, I'm not convinced that we would have won the scudetto.
And yes, Conte, Lukaku and Hakimi's title contribution is much bigger than Eriksen's.
You forgot that first half of season was pretty crap,embarassment in CL too, but in second half of season when Eriksen and Perisic started performing it launched us into the sky. And Hakan contribution for winning Coppa and being only second is not bigger than Eriksen for winning scudetto. Bye.

Glass box

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 3, 2014
Eriksens and Perisic where an integral part to why Inter won the scudetto, but people are taking about #5 and Muntari....yah im good.
Who said they weren't? And Perisic is out of our discussion.
When Hakans contribution lead to a scudetto or a CL he will have done more for Inter than Eriksen. Also ur taking about players getting minutes during a run im not taking about that.
I mentioned Gaglia as a part of a Scudetto team. He is not better for us than Eriksen od Calha ever were though both spent 18 months for us and he's here 6,5 years now. I'm just saying that winning a title is not necessarily telling of the player's individual performances.
I dont get why people want to dismiss a player if they are praising the other? Hakan in my opinion if he can stay consistent can become one of the best midfielders in the world but he dropped the ball like most of the team in the second half of last season, they let a trash Milan side win the title. I still think he an do well this year and the rest of his Inter career but until that translates into a title its still to be seen.
I don't dismiss Eriksen. But the team failed to win the Scudetto, not only Hakan. Btw that was a weaker team than the team Eriksen played in.

You want to say individually he is a better player for Inter than Erisken was thats ur opinion.
Yes. I only stand by the bolded part. That's my main point.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
I don't dismiss Eriksen. But the team failed to win the Scudetto, not only Hakan. Btw that was a weaker team than the team Eriksen played in.
And Limone with weaker team achieved two 1/16 of CL, won Coppa and second place in Seria A compared to Conte who won 2nd place, scudetto and failed both times in CL. So by your twisted logic Limone is better coach for Inter than Conte lol


Dec 23, 2014
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You forgot that first half of season was pretty crap,embarassment in CL too, but in second half of season when Eriksen and Perisic started performing it launched us into the sky. And Hakan contribution for winning Coppa and being only second is not bigger than Eriksen for winning scudetto. Bye.
But this is not because of Eriksen. At the beginning Conte had tried more possession based football, with high defensive line, and we were poor. When he switched to counter attacking football with Lukaku and Hakimi as pivot points in that system, the results came. Eriksen just gave some balance in the midfield, mostly because our other options (Gagliardini and Vecino) were/are not familiar how to handle the ball at all. He was a supplementary part to Brozo and Barella, but never the main fiddle. His job was to cover the openings and to make save passes. I don't even remember him being the difference maker for us, apart from the Coppa game with Milan.
Considering all of the above mentioned, the argument that Eriksen was better for us than Hakan is quite exaggerated. At least for me.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
But this is not because of Eriksen. At the beginning Conte had tried more possession based football, with high defensive line, and we were poor. When he switched to counter attacking football with Lukaku and Hakimi as pivot points in that system, the results came. Eriksen just gave some balance in the midfield, mostly because our other options (Gagliardini and Vecino) were/are not familiar how to handle the ball at all. He was a supplementary part to Brozo and Barella, but never the main fiddle. His job was to cover the openings and to make save passes. I don't even remember him being the difference maker for us, apart from the Coppa game with Milan.
Considering all of the above mentioned, the argument that Eriksen was better for us than Hakan is quite exaggerated. At least for me.
Guy scored crucial goals against Napoli and winning goal that gave us scudetto, yea right he was just suplementary part to Brozo and Barella. As I can remember when Gags(Vidal, Sensi) was playing as suplementary part to Brozo and Barella we pretty sucked, aint we? When left side of our team(Eriksen and Perisic) started to deliver, whole team found their mojo.

Glass box

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 3, 2014
And Limone with weaker team achieved two 1/16 of CL, won Coppa and second place in Seria A compared to Conte who won 2nd place, scudetto and failed both times in CL. So by your twisted logic Limone is better coach for Inter than Conte lol
Wtf lol. You're the one that had no arguments as to why is Eriksen better for Inter than Hakan other than him being a PL legend and is "bossing it" for Man Utd so you brought up the Scudetto. I was just defending my stance that winning a Scudetto doesn't mean that Eriksen is better for Inter than Hakan.

You're too much of a hothead, man. Pointless to argue with you this long. Btw I saw your comment that Gags should die (wtf). You're obviously in a bad mood. Take a chill pill it's only football after all.


Jul 20, 2004
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Wtf lol. You're the one that had no arguments as to why is Eriksen better for Inter than Hakan other than him being a PL legend and is "bossing it" for Man Utd so you brought up the Scudetto. I was just defending my stance that winning a Scudetto doesn't mean that Eriksen is better for Inter than Hakan.

You're too much of a hothead, man. Pointless to argue with you this long. Btw I saw your comment that Gags should die (wtf). You're obviously in a bad mood. Take a chill pill it's only football after all.

YES HE WAS because his play resulted in a title.

The issues with u and most people they undermine his importance and give more value to other players people mentioned, so to u he contributed maybe 1% - 0.05% so u bring in players like muntari and then say that Hakan is better for Inter which could be true overall right? if Hakan stays at Inter for like 10 years and is always contributing but if his amazing play gets u 10 consecutive 2nd place finishes then what? even if like u said he is playing better in ur opinion for Inter than Eriksen was.

And yes it was a weaker team but it was still better than the other teams that were all trash inluding Milan, hence when he and the whole team choked the second half of the season it makes ur argument for Hakan worse, and thats coming from someone who says he is a good player and can be WC, u can check the posts when we got him most people were trashing him.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
Wtf lol. You're the one that had no arguments as to why is Eriksen better for Inter than Hakan other than him being a PL legend and is "bossing it" for Man Utd so you brought up the Scudetto. I was just defending my stance that winning a Scudetto doesn't mean that Eriksen is better for Inter than Hakan.

You're too much of a hothead, man. Pointless to argue with you this long. Btw I saw your comment that Gags should die (wtf). You're obviously in a bad mood. Take a chill pill it's only football after all.
I posted al pros and cons Hakan and Eriksen, and winning scudetto for Inter is another argument and another pros for Eriksen. And now all that you have is goin personal and calling me hothead, cmon man, you are lawyer, you should do better than that😎
And btw ,that post about Gags, of course it was a joke, a bad one, but a joke, dont take everything too serious😉
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bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
YES HE WAS because his play resulted in a title.

The issues with u and most people they undermine his importance and give more value to other players people mentioned, so to u he contributed maybe 1% - 0.05% so u bring in players like muntari and then say that Hakan is better for Inter which could be true overall right? if Hakan stays at Inter for like 10 years and is always contributing but if his amazing play gets u 10 consecutive 2nd place finishes then what? even if like u said he is playing better in ur opinion for Inter than Eriksen was.

And yes it was a weaker team but it was still better than the other teams that were all trash inluding Milan, hence when he and the whole team choked the second half of the season it makes ur argument for Hakan worse, and thats coming from someone who says he is a good player and can be WC, u can check the posts when we got him most people were trashing him.
After we brought up scudetto suddenly they all started to lose their minds😀
When they compare Conte and Limone, wining scudetto is everything, but here, nope, its not important.
For me, its a win win situation. If Barella becomes best midfielder of all time in Inter, or Hakan becomes Inters DeBruyne, and he bring us another scudetto or maybe another CL I'll be so happy I dont give a fuck if I was wrong about them as players. Great to see Barella delivering, pleasure to see Hakan doin great as regista. Just keep it up, lets smash fkn rube first ✌️😎

Glass box

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 3, 2014
I posted al pros and cons Hakan and Eriksen, and winning scudetto for Inter is another argument and another pros for Eriksen. And now all that you have is goin personal and calling me hothead, cmon man, you are lawyer, you should do better than that😎
And btw ,that post about Gags, of course it was a joke, a bad one, but a joke, dont take everything too serious😉
I called you a hothead because I noticed you're arguing in bad faith and twisted my point only to prove something at the moment, taking it to a Conte vs Simone debate which had no sense. At the same time you said that I was using a twisted logic so I took it personal only after you did. I think that it is you that is taking it too seriously but maybe I'm wrong. You know best if what you write is a joke or not.

Glass box

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 3, 2014
After we brought up scudetto suddenly they all started to lose their minds😀
No one lost their minds. In fact, it was pointed out by me and other posters that Eriksen being part of a Scudetto team doesn't mean that he contributed more for Inter as a player than Hakan.

You disagree, that's ok.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
No one lost their minds. In fact, it was pointed out by me and other posters that Eriksen being part of a Scudetto team doesn't mean that he contributed more for Inter as a player than Hakan.

You disagree, that's ok.

I remember people hating Eriksen more than they hate Gags and I hated Rano.....

him having a heart attack and then doing well in England doesn't change the fact everyone here thought he was shit the whole time he was here until 2 months before he had the heart attack. Go back to the Eriksen page and 80% of it is people saying he is shit and we wasted 30 million on him + crazy wages.......

the other 18% is probably is FIFA going to give us money for all the $$$ we lost if he had to retire? Maybe 2% was positive


Jun 19, 2011
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Diego Milito
10 years of FIF
YES HE WAS because his play resulted in a title.

The issues with u and most people they undermine his importance and give more value to other players people mentioned, so to u he contributed maybe 1% - 0.05% so u bring in players like muntari and then say that Hakan is better for Inter which could be true overall right? if Hakan stays at Inter for like 10 years and is always contributing but if his amazing play gets u 10 consecutive 2nd place finishes then what? even if like u said he is playing better in ur opinion for Inter than Eriksen was.

And yes it was a weaker team but it was still better than the other teams that were all trash inluding Milan, hence when he and the whole team choked the second half of the season it makes ur argument for Hakan worse, and thats coming from someone who says he is a good player and can be WC, u can check the posts when we got him most people were trashing him.
Just taking your first line. By that logic, muntari greater than R9. Or if you want to go striker vs striker, arnautovic greater than R9.

I've said for a long time hakan was an upgrade over eriksen. His recent play is showing it. Make whatever argument you want for eriksen but the stats show that hakan has been a big improvement.


Jul 20, 2004
Old username
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10 years of FIF
Just taking your first line. By that logic, muntari greater than R9. Or if you want to go striker vs striker, arnautovic greater than R9.

I've said for a long time hakan was an upgrade over eriksen. His recent play is showing it. Make whatever argument you want for eriksen but the stats show that hakan has been a big improvement.

I rest my case


Oct 23, 2021
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Gagliardini is an "ideal" roles for common spectator without special ability as a footballer after all..


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
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had the best shot on goal that Inter made the whole game against Juve

I think he is performing alright, it's others that are not on par.