PC gaming


Mar 4, 2004
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Just pre-ordered Crysis Warhead. :star:


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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The dude from EA is just silly/lazy. Use whatever word you like. Mass effect looks better on pc than it did on console. EA sports just doesn't want to put in the effort to optimise the game for the different configurations so they only optimise it for the lower end systems. There are quite a few gfx cards out by now capable of producing better gfx than ps3,xbox 360.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 7, 2005
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Tomas Locatelli
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ps. Resident Evil 5 people. Yes. You heard right.

Well I hope it's worth playing, because I hated Resident Evil 4 so much. I miss Resident Evil 2 and 3. Those were legendary, along with Silent Hill.

They did the same mistake with Dino Crisis by turning the first great version into a kids action game with less thinking.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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Black & Blue
10 years of FIF
Adnan, the point is... PC gaming is dying :p

There are quite a few gfx cards out by now capable of producing better gfx than ps3,xbox 360.
We are already long past this point...

It's another thing I've "predicted" (ok, that's silly word I know). Lets say I had a hunch. The point is, in the earlier stages, the consoles, were very much keeping with PC's, for a LONG time. I mean how many years PS, was there before they brought PS2? And what about PS2, and PS3 ?

I mean, it is getting shorter and shorter, and the fact of that is obvious. The PC is catching up faster and faster, and right now PC, is already producing more, and a lot better visuals, and when will be Ps4, or next X-Box out? I mean, with PC, it is improvement, year after year, with new hardware and technologies. It took a long time for PC, to catch what PS was offering at this time, and how long it took PC to catch with "amazing" PS3 ?


Jun 27, 2007
It's another thing I've "predicted" (ok, that's silly word I know). Lets say I had a hunch. The point is, in the earlier stages, the consoles, were very much keeping with PC's, for a LONG time. I mean how many years PS, was there before they brought PS2? And what about PS2, and PS3 ?
I mean, it is getting shorter and shorter, and the fact of that is obvious

Ehm? PSX was released in 94/95, PS2 was released in 2000 and PS3 was released in 06/07. How is it "getting" shorter? Its exactly been the same amount of years, actually abit longer.

The PC is catching up faster and faster, and right now PC, is already producing more, and a lot better visuals, and when will be Ps4, or next X-Box out? I mean, with PC, it is improvement, year after year, with new hardware and technologies. It took a long time for PC, to catch what PS was offering at this time, and how long it took PC to catch with "amazing" PS3 ?

This is incorrect, highend PC's where very much capable of better graphics in psx early days/prime as well. Its always been like that and its always been irrelevant.

What you are failing to realise here is that PC hardware development is completely irrelevant for console gaming, infact to a large degree PC gaming is a totally different scene and isnt really competeting with the consoles.

It doesnt matter if the PC can produce graphics 10 times that of a ps3, developers wont release more or better games on the PC anyways.

Believe it or not, but PC graphics whores like yourself arent that big a % of the entire gaming community. It might come as a surprise for you, but video game developers wants to make money, and to make money you need to target the systems that are in demand and control the market and who has the largest general appeal.

Simply producing substanceless eye-candy games for 3000$ PC's is not a not a very good business strategy.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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You can target both the high end and lower ends of the market at the same time. You just need a engine which scales well. This has been done many times in the past on the pc platform.

And no to disprove this ridiculous $3000 pc complain of yours.

Antec p182 case $130
Asus 20x dvd burner $29
Intel core2quad 9300 cpu $260
Seagate 400gb sata 2 harddrive $65
Logitech G15 keyboard $75
Logitech g9 mouse $75
OCZ reaper 4 gig kit ddr 2 memory $83
Asus p5Q premium motherboard $260
Samsung 22 inch lcd $280
Creative xfi sound card $91
Corsair 650w psu $110
Evga geforce 280 gfx $500

Just under $2000 and here I have used all top of the range components it can it much lower than that if I used middle range components . So hence that theory is totally wrong that you need a $3000 pc.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Sep 13, 2006
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# 3
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Azz and Steffi,

if you people fly to dubai, you will get all that and more ... cheaper. :D Thanks, I'm not visiting this thread again.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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Black & Blue
10 years of FIF
And lets not forget it's a computer, it can do a little more, then eject the disc and insert the disc :p

Going back to the previous hater point. If those dates are correct, than I made a mistake. But the main point was other, that the console had advantage over PC for a lot longer when it was in PS1 period, after that PS2, and now when PS3 was out it took very quick for PC to catch up.

I'm not "graphic" fan boy. If I would I wouldn't still play in games like Tie Fighter(1995). I'm far from that. But the truth is, for kids the most important thing is for the game to look good. Sure, it can't be dumb stupid, and without a point, bugged, and totaly unlogic, but the graphics are what kids are all about.

If Consoles wouldn't need this advantage, why do we hear when PS3 was developed for example, that "Oh my God, what this console will be, and what power there will be inside" and all this. Games on Consoles are mostly based for action/arcade, thus graphics are important. For me, graphics were never this imporant, and I think for many PC gamers aren't either.

When we hear about new games, most what the fanboys are turned on are comments like this: "This will have the best realistic graphic ever, visual effects" and so on and so on.

And I repeat, it's not important for me, but I think it was a main base for console games.


Jun 27, 2007
Sure the 3k was a figure i pulled out of my ass, because the amount wasnt

But you forgot 200$ on an operating system...

Sure the games scale according to equipment and alot of games can be used with a lesser PC, but then they wont look better than console, so there goes the whole argument.

Since the only argument PC gaming fanatics has, is superior visuals when talking pc vs console.

So instead of building me a great PC for 2k instead of 3k, you should build me a 400$ PC with everything including OS that can show MGS4 like graphics.


Jun 27, 2007
But the truth is, for kids the most important thing is for the game to look good. Sure, it can't be dumb stupid, and without a point, bugged, and totaly unlogic, but the graphics are what kids are all about.

If this was true, then how come the PC gaming marketshare isnt higher than it is? How come doesnt the PC versions of multiplatform games outsell the console ones?
And how come can nintendo sell so ridiculously many systems and games, their games are hardly known for being graphicly superior.

Graphics are probably the least important aspect of a good game.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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10 years of FIF
If this was true, then how come the PC gaming marketshare isnt higher than it is? How come doesnt the PC versions of multiplatform games outsell the console ones?
And how come can nintendo sell so ridiculously many systems and games, their games are hardly known for being graphicly superior.

Graphics are probably the least important aspect of a good game.

Compare segment for segment instead. Compare pc vs xbox,pc vs ps3,pc vs wii. Then the picture becomes better.

Also many surveys do not take online sales into account. As the recent pc gaming alliance research found more than half of pc gaming sales are now online from services like steam,ect. Hence taking retail sales as a bench market is flowed. Its like if we would take only online sales then the consoles would be no were since almost all console gaming sales are retail.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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Black & Blue
10 years of FIF

As for young kids aspect, it's still to early to see the difference. But lets talk in 2 years, as we don't hear of new consoles coming yet. I think the picture then will be a lot different.

Ofcourse graphics is not the most important, but to 10 year old kid it is. I know because believe it or not, I had 10 years old too once.


Jul 20, 2004
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10 years of FIF
to a 10 year old it is???? COMMON on man,you just shut down you whole argument...people who care about graphics are people between 14 and up....kids and 10 year olds dont even care about graphics....the Nintendo DS and the Wii are the highest selling hardwares today...i wonder why...


May 23, 2005
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Maicon, Zanetti
Some fill me up on the whole argument, I cant be bothered to read through all those posts. But you guys know, I do have a habit of jumping in to discussion with out knowing what the debate is about.

Firstly Luka, Resident evil 5 is not coming out on PC. They might remake a PC version for it a couple of years later, like they did with all the other main R.E. games, but its original platform is PS 3 and 360. Up to date, Capcom has said nothing about releasing R.E.5 on PC.

Secondly even if you compare segment by segment you will see that each console separately still outsells much more games than PC. Stefan, I find the argument that survey's dont take in to account the online sales ridiculous. I might have not understood your point though. These days the sales figures are based on actual numbers from major stores, be it online stores or whatever.

You guys are complaining on how Konami and EA are ignoring the PC gamers, and then debating the reason on why they are ignoring it.
There just isnt a big enough market for PC games out there anymore. Do you really think that the marketing department of Konami or EA are morons not realise the potential market from PC gamers, if there actually was one?

I dont really know the purpose of this debate. Are we debating the better platform to play on? or the reasons why big gaming companies are ignoring PC gamers?
It depends on person to person. I had a geeky roommate last year, who had an X-box but never touched it. Instead he would be on his computer playing World of War craft 24/7, including saturday nights, and sunday mornings at 7am.
For me, I never feel like playing games on PC, for me PC is for Internet, internet related services, and porn.

Well I hope it's worth playing, because I hated Resident Evil 4 so much. I miss Resident Evil 2 and 3. Those were legendary, along with Silent Hill.

They did the same mistake with Dino Crisis by turning the first great version into a kids action game with less thinking.

I have only plalyed R.E. 4 in bits and pieces, but it seemed like a great game to me. It won quite a few awards as well. Better than Code:Veroncia, and thats not saying that CV was bad either. Didnt reach the heights of R.E. 2 & 3, but still. There is a lot of hype surrounding R.E. 5, and hopefully it wont disappoint.

Are you a fan of Silent hill as well? Silent Hill:Homecoming is coming out in a a couple of weeks. I have played the first 3 S.H., it was okay for me. Not comparable to R.E. by any means.
Nothing can ever be compared to R.E. for me though. Resident Evil 3 is still the best game I have ever played. I wont even lie about it, I had orgasms with Jill Valentine.

Luka said:
I had 10 years old too once.
Thats just wrong.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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10 years of FIF
Some fill me up on the whole argument, I cant be bothered to read through all those posts. But you guys know, I do have a habit of jumping in to discussion with out knowing what the debate is about.

Firstly Luka, Resident evil 5 is not coming out on PC. They might remake a PC version for it a couple of years later, like they did with all the other main R.E. games, but its original platform is PS 3 and 360. Up to date, Capcom has said nothing about releasing R.E.5 on PC.

Secondly even if you compare segment by segment you will see that each console separately still outsells much more games than PC. Stefan, I find the argument that survey's dont take in to account the online sales ridiculous. I might have not understood your point though. These days the sales figures are based on actual numbers from major stores, be it online stores or whatever.

You guys are complaining on how Konami and EA are ignoring the PC gamers, and then debating the reason on why they are ignoring it.
There just isnt a big enough market for PC games out there anymore. Do you really think that the marketing department of Konami or EA are morons not realise the potential market from PC gamers, if there actually was one?

I dont really know the purpose of this debate. Are we debating the better platform to play on? or the reasons why big gaming companies are ignoring PC gamers?
It depends on person to person. I had a geeky roommate last year, who had an X-box but never touched it. Instead he would be on his computer playing World of War craft 24/7, including saturday nights, and sunday mornings at 7am.
For me, I never feel like playing games on PC, for me PC is for Internet, internet related services, and porn.

I have only plalyed R.E. 4 in bits and pieces, but it seemed like a great game to me. It won quite a few awards as well. Better than Code:Veroncia, and thats not saying that CV was bad either. Didnt reach the heights of R.E. 2 & 3, but still. There is a lot of hype surrounding R.E. 5, and hopefully it wont disappoint.

Are you a fan of Silent hill as well? Silent Hill:Homecoming is coming out in a a couple of weeks. I have played the first 3 S.H., it was okay for me. Not comparable to R.E. by any means.
Nothing can ever be compared to R.E. for me though. Resident Evil 3 is still the best game I have ever played. I wont even lie about it, I had orgasms with Jill Valentine.

Thats just wrong.

Shaz the NPD themselves have admitted they don't include figures from services like steam,direct2drive,ect in their sales figures. Seeing as over half of pc gaming sales are now done by using these services instead of retail sales that's excluding a very large part of the pc market.

Virtually all console games sold are a physical disc and box while many pc games sold are only the installer.

Also konami isn't ignoring the pc market they give the pc gamers the same game they give the console gamers. Then the mods make the game even better.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 9, 2004
10 years of FIF
Also konami isn't ignoring the pc market they give the pc gamers the same game they give the console gamers. Then the mods make the game even better.


That's why it's no coincidence, when they decided to include pc in their development process, it became shitty.

When they focused exclusively to consoles, they did a top notch job. Instead of delivering 1 masterpiece, we get 2 shitboxes.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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10 years of FIF

That's why it's no coincidence, when they decided to include pc in their development process, it became shitty.

When they focused exclusively to consoles, they did a top notch job. Instead of delivering 1 masterpiece, we get 2 shitboxes.

We at least get one decent pc football game now instead of the crap Fifa gives us.:lol:


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 9, 2004
10 years of FIF
We at least get one decent pc football game now instead of the crap Fifa gives us.:lol:

Well that would be true 2 or so years ago, but there is no denying Fifa on consoles has taken a massive leap forward, especially 09!

But of course, you wouldn't know :p I hear the pc version is a shocker :lol:


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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10 years of FIF
Well that would be true 2 or so years ago, but there is no denying Fifa on consoles has taken a massive leap forward, especially 09!

But of course, you wouldn't know :p I hear the pc version is a shocker :lol:

Which is why we need pro evo since even if its not as good as fifa on console it kicks fifa in the nuts on pc.;)


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
Favorite Player
Black & Blue
10 years of FIF
to a 10 year old it is???? COMMON on man,you just shut down you whole argument...people who care about graphics are people between 14 and up....kids and 10 year olds dont even care about graphics....the Nintendo DS and the Wii are the highest selling hardwares today...i wonder why...
Ok how about this:

The kids who are under 18 cares more about the graphics, than dudes who are over. How about that ? :)

Firstly Luka, Resident evil 5 is not coming out on PC.
Just wait and watch.

Secondly even if you compare segment by segment you will see that each console separately still outsells much more games than PC. Stefan, I find the argument that survey's dont take in to account the online sales ridiculous. I might have not understood your point though. These days the sales figures are based on actual numbers from major stores, be it online stores or whatever.
They are as Stefan has said, in most cases, not including online sales, through the systems like STEAM, where you download games. It doesn't have anything to do with the stores like Amazon. And year by year more games are being sold by those online systems on PC's.

You guys are complaining on how Konami and EA are ignoring the PC gamers, and then debating the reason on why they are ignoring it.
There just isnt a big enough market for PC games out there anymore. Do you really think that the marketing department of Konami or EA are morons not realise the potential market from PC gamers, if there actually was one?
Ofcourse PC market for those games is smaller than on consoles, we are aware of that, but still we can complain about it, can't we ? :>

On the other hand, on some iceland forum, kids that are fans of PS3 or XBOX can complain that Blizzard is not doing StarCraft 2 or Diablo 3 on their platform, right ?

Thats just wrong.
Shit, that didn't sound right :p


That's why it's no coincidence, when they decided to include pc in their development process, it became shitty.

When they focused exclusively to consoles, they did a top notch job. Instead of delivering 1 masterpiece, we get 2 shitboxes.
That's just poor excuse, and you know it :p

I can blame consoles too for making Fallout almost completely different game, than it was on PC, in tearms of the style of play, and many die hard fans actually do. Does it make a valid argument ?