Small things that made your day

Vecchio Ragazzo

Jan 22, 2022
No idea if this is already a thread elsewhere but as I both can't see it and nor can I be arsed looking any further. I'll just start this one.

A place to post about those small happenstances you come across in your everyday life.

This morning, I was sitting in my car having just finished my shopping for the week. I had given myself a few minutes to let the traffic pass and consider any last minute essentials I may have forgotten.

Driving down the exit road in front of me was a beautiful blonde. ( bottle blonde ). She was driving some sort of soft top Audi. An R8 if memory serves me right. Anyways I couldn't help but admire the young woman's looks, she was a beaut for sure. But being an older gentleman I thought it wise not to stare for want of being branded an old perv. Not that there is anything with being old or a perv, within reason. My admiration turned to horror as she took her immaculately manicured index finger and proceeded to poke it up her nose and begin excavating it's contents with an impressive display of varying manoeuvres. To be fare to the girl she was unaware to my presence given the low morning sun being in her eyes. So it allowed me a few extra seconds to witness this display of primitive behaviour. She had just removed her index with as horrified a look as I had when she began to examine the findings, I could see the speculation roll over her face.

Then it happened.

She hit the last speed bump and jabbed herself in the eye with said finger. She came to a halt and made a big display with her body language then threw her arms in the air while looking around for a tissue or something.

Just one of those curious things that happened today that gave me a good laugh.


Jul 17, 2010
10 years of FIF
Forum Supporter
Yesterday someone plowed the snow off my driveway for me. I have no clue who it was. Thank you, kind stranger.