Toronto is becoming just a gay ass city, and a very intolerant one as well.
Starting 1st of June, none of the grocery stores in Toronto will be allowed to supply plastic bags for free, but will instead charge 5 cents for it. THE FUCK!!!
I am an avg. joe here. Struggling to make it through school, working part-time to cover my rent and tuition expense, while barely having any money left to spend on strippers during the weekends. I work hard, I dont have a car. On Sunday mornings, I used to walk to this grocery store, and do my grocery, put it in a few plastic bags, and then take the bus back home. But now they want me to pay for these plastic bags?!? THE FUCK!!!.
Reuasable plastic bags have bacteria inside them. I think its a ploy to kill the common man in Toronto. They want me to die of bacteria. THE FUCK.
I have so much use for plastic bags. If you have plastic bag in your room, its always comes in handy when you have to puke after drinking so much at 4am. I throw my garbage in these small bags in my room, before I take them out to the bigger bins in the kitchen. Do they expect to to walk all the way to my kitchen, everytime I have to throw something out?!? THE FUCK!!
Black plastic bags also come in very handy, when you wanna cover an unattractive girls face, while working on her base. Now they expect me to look at a fugos face, while doing doing my job at the base? THE FUCK!!
Plastic bags help keep Toronto clean. I guess all they want people to do now, is to throw garbage on the street, and make it filthy. THE FUCKS!!.
Also I am a firm believer against Recycling. Its against my faith. Sometimes I like to burn paper just for the fun of it or purposefully walk 10 mins longer to find a garbage bin, to throw my plastic bottle, while a recycle bin was right next to me. How dare they push me to do something thats against my beliefs? THE FUCK.!!
If these faggots are such big enviromental nerds, then why dont they just stop driving cars, stop using electricity and go live in caves, where they can gorw as much trees as they want, smoke as much pot as the want, while they suck on each other's dick.