So many questions...:stress:
whats the most exciting thing you ever done?
- Most exciting...hmmm. Haven´t really done anything really exciting since ages.
Maybe when i were at Lago di Como (last summer) and they had a streetcar/tram (you know, like a small train) that goes straight up to escarpment and then back to downhill. I was terrified, because it was old machine and driver was kinda crazy.
Maybe none understood what i tried to say?
Anyway, it was kinda scary.
whate are you afraid of most?
- Global warming, terrorism...
if you were a animal what would you be?
- Mongoose, because it can successfully kill the cobra.
whats the stupidist thing you have ever done?
- In this forum: "Debating" with Gismo
)). No matter what the subject is, there´s just no point of doing that. Sorry if i sound harsh, but
the truth is like a sword!
- In real life: Sorry to say, but thats too personal thing to share. Let´s just say that it was stupid. Not that i have killed anyone (yet), but it was just stupid.
Hamed said:
Conan O'Brien Rocks!!! This guy is the funniest man on earth.
Not really. In that pic he rocks
D), but i dont like him that much. He has some funny interviews, but his jokes, sketch´s aren´t funny to me. He´s such a clown. Maybe because i´m old and like more mature things than Conan represents.
But of course you can continue loving his jokes/sketch´s tho...
...what is the best saying/proverb you ever heared?
- "There´s always next season"
or "Non Mollare Mai"
how many languages do you speak?
- Only my native language and English. I can also read a little bit of italian...and swedish (i know i know, i´m not proud of it ).
Which members on this forum do you hate??
- Hate is too big word, i dont hate anyone.
Who are your favourite members??
- Favourite, oh man. Now everyone i don´t mention will hate me, sowwy.
My fav members with whom i like to chat with (in msn) too are Tim (Miki), Jake, Han Do Yo, Marco The Butcher and Jimmy.
I would also like to mention that i dont usually chat with these people (because i dont have their msn addresses), but i like reading MoH´s, Hamed´s, Antti´s, Puma´s, Johnny Ludlow´s, Giancarlo´s and Riku´s posts. Sowwy if i forgot someone...
Who would you consider to be the 3 hottest people alive??
- Only three? Shakira, Lauren Graham and Jewel. I want to point it out that i very much like thse as well: Shania Twain, Rhona Mitra and Mandy Moore.
If you could go back in time and change one thing that you or anyone has done, what would you do??
- Same answer that i gave to "whats the stupidist thing you have ever done?"