Interview with thatdude


Part time Lazarus
La Grande Inter
Jun 8, 2005
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Do you enjoy sucking dick?

Yes or no only please


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 20, 2008
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Walter Samuel
10 years of FIF
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Journalism career went down the drain, browha?


Feb 18, 2010
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
Where is Devious?

If I knew that, I'd be a far richer man.

1. Mancini, Ranieri, Benitez, Gasperini, Stramaccioni.

If you are Thohir and you have to pick a coach from this available list of coaches, which one would you pick? List them in the order of your preference and give a reason why you'd prefer/not prefer them.

2. Kovacic or Kondogbia?

3. What do you hate about Mancini? What does he do that annoys you the most?

4. What was your standing on Mancini prior to him joining us (for the second time)? And what is your standing now?

1. Out of these coaches I'm picking 1. Mancini 2. Benitez 3. Ranieri 4. Gasperini 5. Stamaccioini. Honestly Benitez and Mancini aren't really all that far apart in my book. Not in terms of style or anything but just ability to coach. Actually if you took both their strengths and put them in one person you would have one hell of coach, although he would still lack man management skills. Ranieri isn't as bad as he showed here and isn't as good as he's showing in Leicester. Gasperini is a small club coach and Strama is barely a coach at all.

2. Kovacic was/is special IMO. A rarer player to find then Kondogbia, although I really do like K-dog. Unfortunately I don't think Kovacic was ever going to work out here, and honestly Im not sure he's best suited for Serie A so in a way I'm happy for him. I just hope we can help Kondogbia live up to his potential because I think he can be world class one day.

3. The thing about Mancini that annoys me the most is the nonsensical team selections. I think he has players that he knows are technical and allow him to play a certain style of football, but he still prefers to shoehorn certain players into the lineup because they're his favorites. It's obvious right now that Perisic, Ljajic, Brozovic, and Eder must all be on the field together at one time, but I guarantee we don't see that next match.

4. My standing on Mancini when I heard he was coming back was some optimism. I'm optimistic by nature so I was hoping for the best. The winter and summer transfer windows certainly gave me some hope. Now I'm obviously not as high on him, again primarily due to the reason I stated above. I think if he had found our best XI sooner (if he even knows what it is now) we wouldn't have had the slump we did after the Lazio game. Which is also his fault IMO, how he didn't play Brozovic or Ljajic in that game despite their form at the time was unexplainable.

1) How many dudes you need to know to know you are thatdude?

2) Marry, fuck, kill: Morata, Bonucci, Catilin Jenner?

3) What was the 1st thing you did once you got access to the staff forum?

1. It's more self belief than reassurance from any dudes around you. You have to know that you're that dude first before you expect any one else to believe it.

2. Marry Caitlin, Kill Morata, FUCK Bonucci

3. The first thing I did was thank my fellow Mods for thinking I was worthy of the distinction. Then I started fucking around deleting random shit and moving threads to the deepest darkest parts of FIF you've never seen.

Do you watch MLS at all?

Where in the states do you live?

I just can't get into MLS. I hate to sound like a snob but it just doesn't interest me in the slightest. Especially when European football is so easily accessible on television all the time and it matches up better with my schedule. Back when Tampa had the Mutiny I used to go to games all the time. I still go to Tampa Bay Rowdies games now from time to time, but that's just cause one of my close friends plays for the team now and gives me tickets.

And as mentioned I live in Tampa.

What other sports are you into?

I watch a lot of american football because in these parts that still the sport that rules. I enjoy going to Buccaneers games when I get the chance but again it's more social than actually enjoying the sport. If I went to an Inter game for example I don't think I'd want anyone to talk to me, I'd be fixated on the match. At Bucs games I just want to get hammered.


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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ur mom
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Why did you not answer my questions?!


Feb 18, 2010
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
Has your outlook of the forum changed since becoming a mod?
Favourite film?
Favourite Music artist?
Who do you think will win the US elections? Who are you voting for?
What is your plan for the zombie apocalypse
If you could invite any three people to dinner who would they be?
Who would win in a fight between JJM and wera?
What happens after death?
Would you rather live in Alaska or Alabama?
Best childhood memory?
Worst childhood memory?
Favourite childhood cartoon?
If a movie was made about your life what actor should play you?

Figure this one needed it's own post since these are not short answers.

1. My outlook on the forum hasn't really changed much to be honest. I didn't really realize how many people report posts for the most nonsensical reasons. It's usually so petty. However, I don't really like the giving of infractions and think it's a last resort or necessary evil. Overall my belief as a mod is that if you treat people like adults they will generally act like adults. And if they don't? Fuck it ban em.. My ban hammer is still unused by the way.

2. I'm not a movie person. I enjoy them but I'm not the guy who can quote his favorite film from start to finish. In fact I typically forget I've even seen movies I've actually watched. People will be like hey have you ever seen that one movie, and I'll be like nope. Then they'll explain the plot to me and I'll be like, oh I have seen that.

3. Favorite music artists? I listen to a lot of Future right now. Some might think he's basic, but there's something about him that just gives music that energy. IMO it's harder to find that in a rapper than a good lyricist, because it can't be taught. Putting your personality into music is the hardest part and he does that well. That's why I was also a huge Wiz Khalifa fan before he turned into a pop star. His music had a vibe that you couldn't fake. P.S. I think Kendrick Lamar is the most overrated rapper of my lifetime. Just wanted to say that.

4. The U.S. elections? I avoid talking politics as much as possible for 2 reasons. 1. Nothing good comes from it if you differing opinions on something 2. I'm just not nearly as knowledgeable on the subject as I should be. With that being said, the whole Trump thing gets a little bit more unbelievable everyday. I don't even think he thought it would get this far when he started running, but now he's just along for the ride like the rest of us. Won't be getting my vote. I'll be with Sanders or Hillary most likely.

5. My plan for the Zombie apocalypse is to probably stay at home and binge watch the Walking Dead on Netflix for tips on how to deal with this shit until I run out of food and water. Then fuck it, it's time to go to war.

6. If I could invite any 3 people to dinner I would probably invite President Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jay-Z. I think all of them could bring something interesting to the conversation. I would especially be interested to hear Zuckerberg's take on Myspace and what went wrong, and how he wants to avoid becoming like that.

7. Wera would definitely kick JJMs ass. Were looks like he has demons, like he might actually already have a couple bodies.

8. What happens after death? I was raised in a Christian household. However, as I've grown I've kind of gotten away from my faith a little bit. I believe there is some higher being somewhere, but I don't think there is some pearly gate you rise up to and live in for eternity. Doesn't that just sound so long? The real answer is I don't know. Maybe reincarnation.

9. I would rather live in Alabama than Alaska. When I read that my gut reaction was Alaska, because people my skin color haven't been treated very fairly through out history in Alabama. However, after thinking about it more, I fucking hate the cold and Alaska sounds lonely as fuck. Everybody there is an inuit or alcoholic. Alabama for all it's faults still has pretty large cities and good food.

10. Best childhood memory? When is it considered the end of childhood? 10? 12? 18? That would heavily effect what my memory might be. The older the age limit on the question the more devious the response. Losing my v-card in the back of my moms Toyota Camry, gotta be high on the list. :megusta: If we're talking younger than that, maybe getting to go to the Super Bowl and hang out in Stevie Wonder's dressing room. That was pretty dope.

11. Worst childhood memory? Again this depends on the age limit. I would say the time I got walked in on by my girlfriends father was a pretty horrific experience. We literally got into a fight on the spot, condom still on. I got thrown out the house like it was a movie. If we're talking younger than that it would probably be visiting my father and being forced to sit down and play the piano for prolonged periods of time. Then getting slaps on the wrist if I didn't know the notes or whatever. Still can't play that fucking thing, I refused to learn as soon as I got back to my moms.

12. Favorite childhood cartoon was probably Dragon Ball Z. Man when I was 10-12 I used to love that shit. Also loved a lot of the old Adult Swim back when there was a lot more Japanese cartoons.

13. If there was a movie about my life the actor that should play me is Cuba Gooding Jr. But the younger version, like the age he was when he did Boyz in the Hood. Although if I do say so myself, I'm much better looking.


Jan 6, 2015
Favorite Player
Pupi's haircomb
Are you a Bucs fan?....and has Jameis Winston ever sexually assaulted you? If so...did you enjoy it?


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 20, 2008
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Walter Samuel
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
Watching Red Zone and I was told to 'follow' the team that scored the next touchdown. Go Bucs I guess.


Feb 18, 2010
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
how do you become an Inter fan?

I actually became an Inter fan from the game FIFA. I had always loved the colors black and blue for some reason. Something about the combination just looked so good to me. I remember playing Madden when I was a kid and being able to design my own uniform and I would always make it black with a dark blue. So imagine me a couple years later scrolling through the teams on FIFA and seeing an Inter kit, it immediately stood out to me for obvious reasons. I started playing with the team every single time. Then the next thing you know I started watching the games cause they were still on Fox Soccer, and before I knew it I was hooked. From there my love just grew.

I had been playing soccer my entire life, but I never got into watching it because I kind of had to discover it on my own. I was raised by just my mother, and she wasn't going to put on a soccer game in the house, she's not into sports. So I grew up playing but never watched high level soccer until I was basically in high school.

1. How much do you love the down under members ?

2. Do you think the $50 per week paid for being a moderator is fair ?

3. Coasterfreek wants to know 'what's your favourite colour ?'

4. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego ?

5. Where in the world is Devious ?

6. Where in the world is Fitz ? It's Friday, it's late and I'm worried.

Edit: Careful how you answer question 2. Hand:)yo might cut our hard fought allowance due to current FFP constraints.

1. I actually really appreciate our down under members. They seem to have a certain way about them and I like the vibe I get from them on the forum. They never start problems, and half the time they're just making jokes between each other. They seem to generally give 0 fucks, and I like that.

2. I thought this was a mod secret, like fight club. I still don't know that the fuck I'm supposed to do with all this Bitcoin. Browha, what might you be willing to do for $150 bitcoin? :pazzini:

3. Coasterfreek, my favorite color is Purple.

4. In 2016 Carmen SanDiego is probably an instagram "model" and a self proclaimed bad bitch. She's probably in Dubai on a Sheik's yacht right now doing it for the gram.

5. Like I said, if I knew things like this I wouldn't be here on this forum.

6. Fitzy will be in Tampa later this month. Don't worry I'll find him.


Feb 18, 2010
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
@thatdude. I'll be in Tampa later this month.


Seriously? What brings you to my city? Tell the people at the airport you know "that dude." Then give them the same look from your avatar. Night will take off from there.

Why did you not answer my questions?!

Thought you were joking, but I actually thought your questions were brilliant actually laughed out loud.

Do you enjoy sucking dick?

Yes or no only please

Yes or no

Are you a Bucs fan?....and has Jameis Winston ever sexually assaulted you? If so...did you enjoy it?

Yes I'm a Bucs fan. I think Jamies might actually be the truth. I used to see Josh Freeman out all the times at the bars I frequent, which is never a good sign and probably the reason his career tanked. He and Raheem Morris our coach at the time used to go out and drink together apparently. I also saw Doug Martin out with them once.

I saw Jamies only once at a restaurant, but it was broad day so no inappropriate touch. I certainly would have enjoyed the settlement if nothing else.

Watching Red Zone and I was told to 'follow' the team that scored the next touchdown. Go Bucs I guess.

Watch Red Zone again and try not to make the same mistake next time yeah?


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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ur mom
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10 years of FIF
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Ok real questions then...

We gonna win Palermo or what?!
Do we have a chance for 3rd place in your view?!
Do you fear Bologna?!I do...
Messi or CR?!Why?
Zidane or Xavi?!Why?
Ibra or Eto'o?! Why?!
Kova pr Cou?! Why?!


Jan 6, 2015
Favorite Player
Pupi's haircomb
I think the real question JJM wants an answer to is how big is that thick, veiny mule pecker of yours?


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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ur mom
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10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
I think the real question JJM wants an answer to is how big is that thick, veiny mule pecker of yours?
Whoever smelt it dealt it"
"Whoever denied it supplied it"
Whoever made the rhyme committed the crime."*


La Grande Inter
Dec 26, 2010
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Old username
Black Jesus
10 years of FIF
Is there any woman out there you would fuck a goat for?


Jan 6, 2015
Favorite Player
Pupi's haircomb
Whoever smelt it dealt it"
"Whoever denied it supplied it"
Whoever made the rhyme committed the crime."*

So you dealt the crime supplied? I don't understand.

Crime is bad. You'll end up in the clink. Your bunk mate will be on the toilet while you're peeing in the sink.


Feb 18, 2010
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
Ok real questions then...

We gonna win Palermo or what?!
Do we have a chance for 3rd place in your view?!
Do you fear Bologna?!I do...
Messi or CR?!Why?
Zidane or Xavi?!Why?
Ibra or Eto'o?! Why?!
Kova pr Cou?! Why?!

1. We will beat Palermo, although Mancini will not play one of Ljajic or Eder which I think is a mistake.
2. We still have a chance at 3rd but only if we basically win out IMO. So no I don't think we'll make it. I think the gap is too big between us an Roma especially when you look at their current form.
3. I think Bologna will give us a really tough game. I can see it being a draw but hopefully we can get the victory. If Mancini plays our best XI we will win.
4. Messi, he's just flat out better. Ronaldo is great but Messi is arguably the greatest, ever.
5. Zidane, I've never been a fan of Xavi as a person so maybe I'm a bit biased. I think Zidane was a better individual, but Xavi as a part of that Barcelona unit was absolutely phenomenal.
6. Ibra, I know Eto'o won a lot with us and carried us in his 2nd season past Bayern basically on his back. However I just always awaited the moment of brilliance of a wonder goal every time Ibrahimovic touched the ball, he was my first favorite Inter player.
7. Kovacic, he did more in a lesser inter. I love Coutinho though, wish we kept him. I also like Kovacic's size a little more than Coutinho, although of course he's not a physical player by any means.

Is there any woman out there you would fuck a goat for?

Yeah, a lot to be honest. :awyeah:


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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Thanks for your thought out answers, Dude.

Anyway, is it wrong that I read your post and was like. "whaaaat, you're black?" I simply had no idea.


Feb 18, 2010
10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
Haha, that's the beauty of the Internet my friend. I have a feeling a few were surprised by that.


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
Favorite Player
ur mom
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10 years of FIF
FIF Special Ones
7. Wera would definitely kick JJMs ass. Were looks like he has demons, like he might actually already have a couple bodies.



Nov 29, 2011
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10 years of FIF

P.S. I think Kendrick Lamar is the most overrated rapper of my lifetime. Just wanted to say that.


:O Well this is the first thing we disagree on, because I think he's one of the best rappers to ever walk this planet already.