Geoffrey Kondogbia

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Aug 7, 2014
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Christian Vieri
Geoffrey Kondogbia (born 15 February 1993) is a French professional footballer who plays for AS Monaco FC as a defensive midfielder. He can also play as a central defender or left back.

He started his career with Lens, then signed for Sevilla at the age of 19.

Kondogbia gained 57 caps for France across its youth levels. He made his debut for the full team in 2013.


Date of birth 15 February 1993 (age 22)
Place of birth Nemours, France
Height 1.88 m
Playing position: DMC

2014/2015 Monaco:
Ligue 1 23matches 1goals 1assists
UEFA Champions League 8matches 1goals 1assists
Coupe de France 2matches 0goals 0 asssists

"Signed contracts with Monaco forGeo_Kondogbia. Tomorrow, the French will be in Italy for a medical #FCIM". With this tweet, Inter announced the successful conclusion of negotiations Kondogbia, which is a new Inter player.


SM - Kondogbia signed the contract with Inter

19:13 - More details coming from the sports editor of Mediaset. As reported a few moments ago, Kondogbia signed a 5 year contract for 4.2 million Euros per season. Figures slightly lower than reported earlier.

18.40 - Gianluca Di Marzio confirmation: Geoffrey Kondogbia is also present at the meeting between Inter and Monaco, accompanied by his brother and Evans consultant Paolo Schiavone. Black on white, is Kondogbia Inter: 4.5 million plus bonuses for five years for the French midfielder.

18:06 - Inter will now also Imbula? Di Marzio updates, adding competition to the median OM: "Despite the arrival of next Kondogbia, it is possible that Mancini could even reach the midfielder Olympique Marseille. Inter and OM would already exchanged modules to be formalized later even with the signatures of the player, with an agreement between the companies on the basis of 18.5 million Euros plus bonuses. Now, the French club and the player himself is waiting to see if the Nerazzurri will respect the commitment made privately earlier . This is also because of the interest from England Imbula of Tottenham and Arsenal, who have had contact with his father in particular. "

17:46 - According to reports from the sports editor of Mediaset, now came the signature: Kondogbia will be an Inter player for the next five years.

17:34 - From the studies of SkySport24, the 'interologo Andrea Paventi explains: "Kondogbia was convinced by the project Inter, despite the absence from the cups. The appeal of the Inter remains intact - he says -. Very important also the help of Mancini, who It helps a lot. It has also helped the will, distributed in the days of Erick Thohir. The number one wanted such an operation, with figures that have increased over the days. Now, just as he wanted the coach, there a very strong backbone: Handanovic, Miranda, and Kondogbia Icardi. And now eye because I expect more 2:00 to 3:00 dowels will come to strengthen the rose. Ranocchia and Juan Jesus are no longer sure of the place, if it comes Kovacic will get another midfielder , Zukanovic strengthen the defense. Imbula? negotiation started well, but Inter will decide. And now I think it's gone well the disappointment of Mancini for Yaya Toure. "

17:32 - Nicholas Ceccarini Mediaset puts the word 'end': "Kondogbia signed for Inter," he writes on his Twitter profile.

17:23 - More news coming from Gianluca Di Marzio: "Minutes decisive, a signature that is approaching. Inter and Monaco are in talks to put pen to paper for the arrival of Kondogbia, at the Louis II stadium club Monaco. Coming There are also the player with his staff. " Moments excited for what would be a very expensive purchase Thohir.

17:18 - According to collected from FcInterNews after the outlay for Kondogbia, very difficult to close the Inter Imbula. More likely that you look for another type of reinforcement for the midfield, low-cost, with Thiago Motta and Felipe Melo leading candidates.

16:56 - "Inter-Kondogbia summit ok. Now the Monaco for details and final agreements total. Kondogbia will not go far from 5 million per season with bonuses. Predictable. It started from 4". These are the words of Alfredo Pedullà on the deal being finalized.

16:53 - Kondogbia and Inter, signature approaching. The leaders Inter are reaching the Stade Louis II, home to the offices of Monaco, to put on paper the agreement. They will also present at the same Kondogbia, Brother Evans, consultant Paolo Schiavone and agent Harold Ichbia. According to initial reports gathered Inter assured Kondogbia a contract of 4.5 million Euros plus bonuses for the next five years. White smoke ever so close, a signature separates Inter and Kondogbia. This refers as Gianluca Di Marzio.

16:20 - Even SportMediaset speaks of negotiations that will lead Kondogbia in Milan and rattles off the details: 4.2 million per season to the player, for 5 years. It prepared 38 million to be paid to Monaco, the talks between leaders Inter and the club Monaco are underway.

16:13 - "In these minutes Aid still Kondogbia for the final arrangements. Immediately after going from Monaco." So Alfedo Pedullà clarifies the situation excitedly around the median of Monaco.

15:56. "Kondogbia not exclude Imbula, only Inter can renege on agreement with Olympique told yesterday." Situation continuously updated for what concerns Giannelli Imbula.

15:53 ​​- Aid and Fassone have closed the deal with the midfielder of Monaco will sign until 2020 to 4 million per season plus bonuses. Monaco will go to 30 more bonus. So La Gazzetta dello Sport said the deal also outlining the financial details.

15:45 - "Inter: Kondogbia more Imbula! Soon other details, the one does not exclude the other." Resounding what he writes Alfredo Pedullà of the negotiations of the Nerazzurri midfield now that Inter have taken virtually Kondogbia.

15:42 - "5-year contract for Kondogbia, soon signing with Inter. What do you want then take even Imbula ...". Clarify the situation about Kondogbia, now the Nerazzurri could go on the midfielder blocked at this time.

15:41 - "Kondogbia: Inter approaches". Simple, clear and concise to reports Alfredo Pedullà through its Twitter account about the negotiations.

15:36 - "Inter have programmed medical visits for Monday to Kondogbia, another signal. Now the leaders will meet Monaco". Other signal reported by Gianluca Di Marzio on the confidence of Inter Milan to bring French

15:33 - "Kondogbia-Inter, now we have. The Nerazzurri have passed the competition for Milan's missing are the details for the signing of midfielder of Monaco". This refers to how the BBC on its website about the situation.

15.26 - Paso forward decisive Aid and Fassone to get to Kondogbia. He waited for the OK to bid higher economic. Inter have an agreement with the player, now serves the last of Monaco yes with which they were made decisive progress.

15:23 - Even Gianluca Di Marzio through his Twitter account announces news of Kondogbia: "Inter is closing with Kongdobia, then will go from Monaco, the deal seems really the turning point."

15:18 - Still the Corriere dello Sport announced the details of the deal: "Fassone and Aids have had to offer more than the 35 million that Monaco had requested. Kondogbia is now the highest paid player of Inter (more than 4 million per season), the real top player that Mancini asked after losing Touré. For Thohir it was really important to the economic effort that will be mitigated by the terms of payment soft torn and that will be formalized in the coming hours / days. "

15:16 - "The square the Inter overtaking AC Milan to Kondogbia. This morning the Nerazzurri have met the agent of the French midfielder to treat your purchase, the meeting is the sporting director Piero Aid that dg Marco Fassone. A meeting decisive, because now the player now seems to have chosen Inter. " This announces the Corriere dello Sport on the negotiation for the French seem to have had a positive turning point for Inter

14:35 - From the pages of the Daily Mail came news of a strong interest in the last hours of Tottenham to the median French so Pochettino would give mandate to the leadership of the Spurs to evaluate a move to Kondogbia.

13:45 - "the Inter is trying really all for controsorpasso". So the preparation of Sportmediaset on each other for Inter-Milan Kondogbia. "The leaders Inter are still in talks with the agent of the French, while AC Milan has already returned to Milan," said the sports editor.

12:55 - "Inter did not leave Monte Carlo and now is meeting the agent Kondogbia, after bidding high for Milan." So Gianluca Di Marzio, through his Twitter, updates on the latest moves of the club's Corso Vittorio Emanuele for Kondogbia.

12. 20 - Even Alfredo Pedullà confirms that the disadvantage in Inter 'affaire Kondogbia depend solely on the economic distance over supply which can point the Milan, both the player and the Monaco: "During the meeting the night there been no raise for Kondogbia. Inter has tried and maybe we will try again in a little while, he talked about bonus with Monaco, but the offer of Milan remains the highest. At least for now. And the priority Kondogbia wanted to the Nerazzurri by virtue of the meetings a couple of weeks ago is also a matter of fairness and openness. But Inter has not yet arrived to the proposal from 30-plus more bonuses to approach the 35 requested by Monaco. The Milan instead , it's ready ".

12.04 - Richard King, sent in the Principality for Sky Sports, informs that Inter officials, Piero and Marco Fassone Aid, are leaving the Montecarlo Bay, where you would have to hold a meeting between the club and the nerazzuro Monaco. The two sides, however, have been heard on the phone. Milan, meanwhile, is the strong preference of the player, a preference that is not dictated by a technical reason or project, but is linked to a simple economic fact (the proposal could exceed 4 million plus bonus which was mentioned yesterday ed): now then the club of Berlusconi is the lead player, who expects to have more substantial offer. Inter, however, remains confident on the success of the negotiations, although compared to last night, it seems to have slightly lowered the optimism at home Nerazzurri.

11.05 hours: The managing director of AC Milan Adriano Galliani has left Montecarlo. After spending the night in the principality, the manager is also allocated to prepare the first documentation to be ready for signature in case the arrivals ok. In fact, the Milan is pretty quiet, because it believes to be in the lead at the time, because the offers to Monaco and the player would be best. Contacts provided today by phone between Galliani, Kondogbia and his entourage. Meanwhile, the 'Inter remains in Montecarlo to understand how much force and then possibly even increase its offer.

Kondogbia, day 2, the intrigue continues. Milan and Inter continue the duel on the French midfielder of Monaco, with no holds barred challenge. Night meetings and strategies that just passed, Montecarlo locations of a derby market that fascinates and thrills, Kondogbia dream for the midfield of Milan and Inter. Even today promises to be a busy day, we'll tell you everything but everything on reactive that is inflaming the market.

00:24 - His brother Aaron, is expected in the hotel Inter in these minutes.

10.45 - remains nebulous situation around Geoffrey Kondogbia, with the future of French midfielder of Monaco yet to be written. Try to photograph the status quo of negotiation Alfredo Pedullà, which directly from your site returns the following snapshot: "Milan thought to close quickly, maybe today will come back to the assault, but has had to deal with Inter. It Kondogbia wanted to open the club that had tried before Milan, with various meetings and agreements in principle on how to engage. This is why Aid is back in Monte Carlo, relying on that understanding. That's why, despite having defined the operation Imbula ( 19 million agreed with Olympique Marseille), Inter has put the unbridled pursuit of Kondogbia. Only that, for now, the offer does not approach - bonus or no bonus - 35 million requested by Monaco. The same money that Milan is willing to put on the plate. "

10.30 - Adriano Galliani has left Montecarlo in these minutes. He reports Sportmediaset.

10.05 - The today's edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport reported statements of the CEO of AC Milan Adriano Galliani on Geoffrey Kondogbia: "Who wins bleeds - he said - but we will not withdraw from the race. Competition detonated the price tag and the request for employment of the player. It starts with at least 35 million, but you can think of having to get beyond the 40. And now Kondogbia asks several million euro to be convinced. "

9.40 - In the morning came the tweet of Carlo Laudisa, market expert of La Gazzetta dello Sport: "In the showdown Monegasque Milan ahead with Kondogbia but Inter convinces Monaco. Auction mad. Who points to the casino?"

9.30 - Good morning by the editors of 10 should be held to a new summit between Inter and Monaco to try and unlock the talks to Geoffrey Kondogbia. We will provide you again today, in real time, all the updates.

02:10 - "Kondogbia: summit with Inter finished, dialogue, bonus, proposals, bids, no deal. Tomorrow we leave. In every sense. Dialogue busy, but there is no agreement. Imbula always locked, aimed at 19 million . Tomorrow will return to Milan. " So Alfredo Pedullà says what happened at the summit to reach the median French class 1993.

02:01 - After the evening summit between Inter and Monaco, in the presence of the entourage of Kondogbia. Here come the words of the Director General Inter Fassone: "Parties closer? Unfortunately, no. If you continue to hope? Let's see. Tomorrow we go on to deal with."

01:54 - Update resounding what refers Alfredo Pedullà about the negotiations: "The Inter arrives four of engagement. Zero problems. But now there is talk of bonus to climb as much as possible up to 35"

01:51 - Meeting still ongoing in the hotel headquarters of Inter in Monaco this trip between the leadership of Inter and the player's entourage, in the presence of vice-president of the club of the Principality: "Inter and Monaco still in talks, negotiations proceeding sent between the two clubs in search of the definitive agreement ", as reported this Gianluca Di Marzio.

00:57 - The meeting at the Metropole, the hotel headquarters of the Inter delegation, in the presence of Fassone, Help, brother Kondogbia, the player's agent Harold Ichbia consuente and the Italian is still ongoing.

0:32 - arrived, as announced the brother of the player along with Paolo Schiavone, consultant of Italian Kondogbia.

0:24 - His brother Geoffrey Kondogbia, is expected in the hotel Inter in these minutes.

00:07 - And according to Sky Sports Kondogbia would find an agreement in principle with the Nerazzurri on their contract. While Inter seems to have offered more than 30 million at Monaco.

00:03 - A curious backstory reveals the Sky Sports on the dinner at the restaurant of the Principality of Monaco: the Nerazzurri delegation was at the table with the Monegasque club and one of the agents of Kondogbia. Now in these minutes the vice-president of Monaco joined Inter in the hotel and in these minutes is talking to Aids.

23:45 - After the end of the dinner, representatives of Inter and Milan have come out together from the restaurant in Monaco. So says the Nerazzurri sporting director Piero Aid: "We did this dinner with the agents of Monaco, we are doing abboccamenti for the player but we do not have final figures. Milan? Our relations are excellent, as you have seen, there are no problems ". Now, says Gianluca Di Marzio, the deal moves at a hotel in Monte Carlo where they are going with the Vice President of the Monaco Vadim and the player's agent.

23.22 - Updates on the situation Kondogbia-Imbula by Sportitalia: "Inter have closed Imbula 19 million but in the dreams of Mancini not be separated from Kondogbia. There is not much difference between the two, the evaluation of Monaco is too high. The Inter moved at the right time with Kondogbia, when they realized that Touré was fading. But today they offer the Milan that with the bonus reaches 35 million, "says Alfredo Pedullà.

23:03 - Even the vice president of Monaco is sitting at the table with Piero and Marco Fassone Aid. According Gianluca Di Marzio, Inter had come to propose an engagement to 3.6 million and the player had also yes Player; Milan, however, arrived with four plus one bonus; can a new revival.

22:44 - Inter Kondogbia with the agreement, there is still the one with Monaco: how this relates Alfredo Pedullà studies of Sportitalia, adding that the club's intention is to add another reinforcement for the median after the agreement with Giannelli Imbula.

22.09 - Piero Aid, along with Marco Fassone, is now to dinner with one of the agents of Kondogbia, as reported Previously, the two leaders Inter have met the leaders of Monaco in the same hotel where Galliani, around 20, had dinner with the leaders of the French club.

21:48 - "Geoffrey Kondogbia has a preference for Inter, but the double negotiation will have some weight also requests the Vice-President of the Russian Monaco". This is the opinion of Paul Bargiggia of Sport Mediaset.

21:07 - Only a joke: so, from your Twitter profile, Gianluca Di Marzio liquid the words of Adriano Galliani on the inclusion of Juventus. Club that is not at all interested in the player, and it wanted to clarify to avoid misunderstandings. "We're not interested," the words of Beppe Marotta reported by Carlo Laudisa.

21:03 - Adriano Galliani spoke after meeting with Monaco, announcing the introduction of a new contender: "I'm not confident or pessimistic. It seems the trophy Tim. After Inter, Juventus also has rebuilt under" reports Carlo Laudisa from his Twitter profile.

20:44 - While waiting to learn about developments on the issue Kondogbia, Inter found with Olympique Marseille for Giannelli Imbula. According to Alfredo Pedullà, the agreement came on the basis of 19 million.

20:36 - Piero Aid arrived in Monte Carlo: as revealed from its site always Gianluca Di Marzio, now man market Inter inconterà Kondogbia in person.

20:22 - Arrive confirmations on departure Aid for the Principality: according to Gianluca Di Marzio, on ds Inter will meet the player while Adriano Galliani talks with Monaco.

20:12 - Still Alfredo Pedullà speaks of the imminent departure of Piero Aid to France, "to try again to move in the direction Kondogbia but possibly in Marseille (just over 200 kilometers) and possibly close Imbula".

19:46 - Through its website, also known expert Alfredo Pedullà updates the situation regarding the catchphrase of the last hours related to Geoffrey Kondogbia. "Milan will not let go, thought to have accumulated a significant advantage for Geoffrey Kondogbia. I want to keep and intends to close the transaction - it says -. Even to break the back (that there was), Inter. But the Rossoneri think, as we have already told you, you have the right credentials to reach an agreement with Monaco is that the French midfielder. In the evening Galliani will return to the office. "

19. 30 - When the news of a meeting (still in progress, ed) between the CEO of AC Milan Adriano Galliani and the leadership of Monaco for Geoffrey Kondogbia, the 'Inter, according to reports from SkySport24, in these minutes is considering the hypothesis of low in turn for Montecarlo.

19. 20 - "Filter optimism by Rossoneri because if Galliani moves is because he understood that there are prerequisites to close shortly. Milan are firmly in the lead, must file final details with the player and the Monaco, I think the Rossoneri confidence is certified ". He said Alessandra Gozzini, sent to Montercarlo for Gazzetta dello Sport.

19:18 - "Right now Inter awaits news on the front Kondogbia and it is for this reason that, despite having in hand Imbula, the club's expects to close the deal with Olympique Marseille. In fact, the offer made ​​by Aids Monaco dates back to a few days ago and consists of a two-year loan with a redemption date set for the third: conditions, such that the club of the Principality has not considered beneficial. We'll see if Galliani will return shortly to Montecarlo, for sure entourage of Kondogbia came positive signals, in contrast with what was said about an attempt Inter with a call from Mancini. " This was reported by Charles Laudisa during CalcioMarket broadcast on GazzettaTv.
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Jun 18, 2011
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Kova Magic
10 years of FIF
Well kondogbia would be beast but I don't have my hopes up.


Aug 7, 2014
Favorite Player
Christian Vieri
Galliani called Fassone: AC Milan no auction for Imbula and Miranda, Inter no auction for Kondogbia? ... i think this is media bullshit but who knows....

Kondogbia or Imbula both will give us quality both are young, both have better future than Medel!


Apr 22, 2005
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Galliani called Fassone: AC Milan no auction for Imbula and Miranda, Inter no auction for Kondogbia? ... i think this is media bullshit but who knows....

Kondogbia or Imbula both will give us quality both are young, both have better future than Medel!

THat gentleman's agreement is good for us, because Arsenal will get kongdobia anyway.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Dec 4, 2006
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Il Capitano
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So Ausilio was in a blitz for him and Imbula and now will talk to Mancio and Thohir. He's too expensive imo.


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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Some so called football expert/agent said if we sell Kova we will get Kondogbia but...youi know.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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The smart thing would be to sell Kova after getting Kondogbia if we have no money.


Mar 30, 2014
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Well, now we're definitely not getting him, even if it was a long shot before : / maybe we should be going for a more realistic target, like Gustavo or Fernando from shaktar.


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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ur mom
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The smart thing would be to sell Kova after getting Kondogbia if we have no money.

I'd rather keep Kova than get Kondogbia...because they aren't even the same type of player...lulz and because Kova is more talanted...and no one is gonna give us over 30 mil for him atm.

- - - Updated - - -

New reports from SKY say that we didn't scare off from the price tag that Monaco put on Kondogbia which is 35mil but simply aknowledged the asking price.+we are still after Imbula who is closer than ever says Sky.

Well if we intend to buy both Kondogbia and Imbula then bye bye Kova or someone else...:eek:blivious:


Sep 6, 2011
10 years of FIF
If we get both Kondogbia and Imbula/Allan then Kovacic can go fuck hi...s girlfriend and prepare to play as AM.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Kondogbia is surely going to Arsenal. They wanted him last year and Wenger confirmed talks.


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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ur mom
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Sky reports now that Galliani called Fassone and asked him not to mess with their Kondogbia deal and they won't fuck with our Imbula deal...

hahaha...If Fassone has any brains he should have said GO FUCK YOURSELF...but since he is a Rubentino ...


little joke here...or not :pokerface:


Nov 13, 2014
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Would be the perfect signing for Arsenal too. Rather them than Milan.


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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GdS: Inter-BBilan make a pact Inter get's Miranda and Imbula and Bbilan Kondogbia without any games from each other.

CDS and TS: There is no pact between Inter and Milan,the race for Kondogbia is open!


- - - Updated - - -

Paper from Catalonia Sport is saying that Barca are ready to splash 30mil on him and he is ok to stay inactive till the new year mercato :yao:


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 3, 2009
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I will be pissed if Milan get him ahead of us. If Barca or Arsenal get him, that I can understand. But if we lose him to Bbilan... :fffuuu:


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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Pedulla: Bbilan want to spend 35mil on Kondogbia,Inter not scared off but they realize getting Imbula is simpler now.
As Barca,Real and Arsenal also in the hunt for Kondogbia.

We are not getting him I believe,Imbula it is...probably


Jan 6, 2015
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Pupi's haircomb
Good move to lock on imbula now. Once EPL and the two Spanish giants get involved, it's over for mid table serie A teams.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Dec 4, 2006
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Il Capitano
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He's close to Milan.


La Grande Inter
Aug 10, 2007
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ur mom
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DI M to SKY: Inter ready to make an offer for Kondogbia!

- - - Updated - - -

06/18/2015 23:38 Eva A. Provenzano Twitter:EvaAProvenzano
Source: sky
Player and family to dinner with Galliani. Geoffrey Kondogbia met tonight CEO of AC Milan who wants to take him to Milan. The Rossoneri manager is seeking agreement with the player and if he will go to deal with the Monaco who are asking for 35 million, they could close at 30 mil and more bonuses. According to report Sky Inter did not let go, however, Help is still working on the deal and would be ready to satisfy the demands of the player and those of the French club. But when you consider that Milan are ahead because Galliani moved and went personally in France.

Wait didn't Ausilio go to France also as you said yesterday?! Stupid fuckers :eek:blivious:

also Help is Ausillio according to google translate :trollol:
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