Francesco Acerbi


Aug 30, 2011
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Christian Vieri
10 years of FIF
The racism issue in football is multitude worse than it is in Basket, so it’s not all that comparable. While it’s definitely wrong, bad behaviour and discriminatory calling someone white ass, it’s just nowhere near as bad as the other way around, largely because of the history and what white people did for centuries towards others and even built a whole pseudo science that was uses too justify it.

The other has a layer the other simply doesn’t have.
That sounds like the classic and pathetic "you can't be racist against white people" bullshit propaganda that woke people are trying to push. This is coming from an Asian, btw, who has no stake in this whole Black vs White thing.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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You’ll be surprised how willingly some will defend this, usually it reflects something within themselves.
Not surprised at all. Lots of closeted racist around here, they also tend to enjoy sexism and all other offences on the side. So see it quite regularly, sadly.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
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Some of y'all are oversimplifying racism, which is kinda sad. Whoever wants to continue this convo, PM me and we can talk about it.

I can't believe Acerbi is going to make a divide between Inter fans :lol:


Aug 30, 2011
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Christian Vieri
10 years of FIF
In some definitions white are in fact the only one who can be racist.
i agree, the one defined by woke people trying to sell this propaganda.

.If you believe it’s as bad being called white ass as the N word you’re delusional.
Never said that.


Dec 28, 2012
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In some definitions white are in fact the only one who can be racist.
Made-up definitions by people who want to make it okay for people to be racist against white people, yes. But let me guess, you'll ultimately go "no no, you don't understand, racism is "power + prejudice", which means black people and minorities can never be racist due to the fact they don't have institutionalized power in the West because of lived experiences in a white supremacist yadayadayada", but by that logic Barack Obama couldn't be racist against a homeless white man. It doesn't work like that on an interpersonal level, and if you'd please, take that fuckery elsewhere.

That said the way it’s used today, it goes both ways. But there is a difference of the severity largely because of history. You can ignore history as much as you like, but reality is that slur against people with darker skin has a historical layer that makes such slur far more problematic and far worse. If you believe it’s as bad being called white as the N word you’re delusional.
No there isn't. Australian, 1/4 Indian multi-millionaire Sam Kerr throwing up in a cab, refusing to pay the fare and the calling the cab-driver a "white bastard" isn't not racism or less racist because of, I dunno', the slave trade or Jim Crow, which neither experienced, no matter how much the left wants to smugly herald it as free speech or just opposition against an elevated group.

Either you don't want anyone to be racist and you do your best to stamp it out, or you'll turn a blind eye to racism against one demography, and then see a whole lot of people become racist because of (rightly) perceived different playing fields. It's your choice, ultimately.
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Sep 16, 2017
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This discussion is getting a bit too black and white (no pun intended).

Is it possible that Acerbi is not really a racist but still used the word all the same as a mental game to throw off the opponent because he knew it would stir a reaction? Let's establish if the problem is that Acerbi is a bad person, or that Juan Jesus got offended?

Is it at all possible that the victim (for the lack of a better term here) would not be above intentionally wasting time with the referee, complaining about the incident when precious time and points are on the line? Does that make the victim a bad person too?

It's football, things happen on the pitch. If Juan Jesus understood that well enough and said it himself after the match, it's hilarious that people here are offended more than him and expect Acerbi to be fired or something equally ludicrous.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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Jesus... what investigation... Frankly, even if оur guy is guilty, now it's Acerbi's word vs JJ's word.

If there is no clear video/audio where Accerbi insults JJ, I do not see how FIGC could punishes him hard. Or, highly unlikely because it could finishes his career at Inter, Acerbi to admit that he used the "N word".

All in all, this case drags too much attention simply because the "racist" is playing for one of the top teams.
Depends whether there are any witnesses or video evidence. Also whether they will protect acerbi or not.

Going by past events everyone will claim they heard nothing as they don't want to get involved in such a case.


Aug 30, 2011
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Christian Vieri
10 years of FIF
Depends whether there are any witnesses or video evidence. Also whether they will protect acerbi or not.

Going by past events everyone will claim they heard nothing as they don't want to get involved in such a case.
So should Acerbi be punished based on solely Juan Jesus's word? If Acerbi really said that and can be proven, FIGC should punish him and im on board with that. Otherwise, it's hearsay.


Dec 23, 2014
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The racism issue in football is multitude worse than it is in Basket, so it’s not all that comparable. While it’s definitely wrong, bad behaviour and discriminatory calling someone white ass, it’s just nowhere near as bad as the other way around, largely because of the history and what white people did for centuries towards others and even built a whole pseudo science that was uses too justify it.

The other has a layer the other simply doesn’t have.

No personal offense, but this is bullshit statement.
I'm Bulgarian, and in Bulgaria there was never any kind of slavery in the past. So, please don't put everyone in the same basket. If you feel guilty that your ancestors did something wrong to the black people, and you seek for some kind of redemption, act whatever you like. But, don't put all white people as a whole, and don't state that all of them should feel guilty or apologize for something, that only some of their ancestors did.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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So should Acerbi be punished based on solely Juan Jesus's word? If Acerbi really said that and can be proven, FIGC should punish him and im on board with that. Otherwise, it's hearsay.
Never said that acerbi should be found guilty unless proven. That's what makes racism and sexual harrassment cases very hard. Cause he said/she said in a lot of them. Those investigating will need to determine who they find truthful.

One issue will defenitely bite acerbi in the ass is apologizing on the field where the ref heard the apology and then denying he said anything a day after.


Aug 30, 2011
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Christian Vieri
10 years of FIF
Never said that acerbi should be found guilty unless proven. That's what makes racism and sexual harrassment cases very hard. Cause he said/she said in a lot of them. Those investigating will need to determine who they find truthful.

One issue will defenitely bite acerbi in the ass is apologizing on the field where the ref heard the apology and then denying he said anything a day after.
Yea I agree. Did the ref give any statement? If Acerbi, in fact, apologized for saying something racist, the ref should be able to attest to that and it's a case closed imo.


Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
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Oh, I just knew you'd ultimately arrive there with all your crying about a thousand different "isms" and pearl-clutching about equality. Just shut the fuck up you complete idiot. You can't pretend to care about racism and prejudice, and then brush it aside or dimish the impact when it happens to white people. Racism is racism no matter towards who - saying otherwise is academized gobbledygook to cover for minorities who want to be able to be racist to white people with no consequences.
Hold your horses there with your personal insults.


Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
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Now you're doing exactly what shouldn't be done, and that's automatically believing the supposed victim. We have no idea if Juan Jesus is lying or misunderstood what was said, just because he claims he isn't or didn't. It's a lose-lose situation for Acerbi, no matter what he does. If he doesn't claim innocence and stays silent, everyone will believe he's a racist who's afraid to admit his faults, and if he claims he didn't say anything racist and receives pushback, he's seen as a lying racist.

Let them investigate - no matter what happens, Acerbi's reputation, at the very least, is forever tarnished. Maybe justly, maybe unjustly; we don't know yet.

For context, Juan Jesus said something similar in 2014

"The Brazilian claimed to have been racially abused by the Argentine attacker Gonzalo Higuain, who was then at Real Madrid and is now at Napoli. This is his story: “During a normal play, I stole the ball from Higuain. At that moment, he started saying to me: ‘Go away, n*****, monkey, go away’. At first, I was puzzled. For about ten seconds, I wondered why a guy known throughout the world for his quality and personality would do this. It saddened me; I felt helpless, I didn’t know what to do.”

Now I'm on the side of "what would Juan Jesus gain from lying in the scenario?" - I'm also on the side of "if Acerbi said something vile, why would you, as someone who supposedly experienced a racially motivated 'attack,' just shrug it off as something that happens on the pitch after complaining to the referee?" But I'm having a hard time believing Higuain would spontaneously begin loudly shouting racial slurs in a friendly match simply because Jesus took the ball away from him. In any case, nothing came of it, but at the very least it shows that Jesus isn't afraid to make accusations in the public sphere. Who knows.
Yes, we should take the victim's words as face value by default. But then investigate it and come to conclusion. But do not start to immediately question the supposed victim.

That's what you are doing here right now. Taking some earlier case and start to question that and using that as a possible argument for JJ doing this now in a bad faith.

Racism is an issue in Italy, we can all at least agree to that, so the matter is pretty delicate. The culture in Italy is bad in this matter, still. Let alone what it was 10 years ago. You saying that JJ isn't afraid to make accusations in the public sphere as if that's somehow a bad thiing is just fucking disgusting. Reeks of victim blaming.


Dec 28, 2012
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Yes, we should take the victim's words as face value by default. But then investigate it and come to conclusion. But do not start to immediately question the supposed victim.
No you shouldn't. Just like people shouldn't accept it as automatically true if I claimed you just sent me a dick-pick by private message. The proof is in the pudding, not in the accusation. You're expousing the exact opposite to anyone being innocent without being proven guilty.

That's what you are doing here right now. Taking some earlier case and start to question that and using that as a possible argument for JJ doing this now in a bad faith. You saying that JJ isn't afraid to make accusations in the public sphere as if that's somehow a bad thiing is just fucking disgusting. Reeks of victim blaming.
I don't think it's bad faith to say "hey, there's precedent here, and nothing came out if then". It's almost the exact same phrasing, actually. I didn't use his earlier statements to judge whether there is any truth to his accusations now.

I think where we disagree is that you inherently see Juan Jesus as a victim - and thus Acerbi worthy of scorn and professional repercussions - without really needing any proof at this moment. I don't, although I'm not saying that his claims are not worth investigating and that we shouldn't assume anyone is lying before the investigation is underway or finished.
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Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
10 years of FIF
Nothing came out of it because 10 years ago no one in Italy gave a fuck about racism. At least they've progressed since we have this debacle at our hands now.