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    • G
      Gal replied to the thread New Stadium.
      That’s a half truth The biggest income is commercial, commercial includes; sponsorship, Retail, Merchandising, Apparel & Product...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      The 20-21 still take the prize for me as the worst ever, this gets a nice second place. It really stared to go wrong in 17-18 season...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread Denzel Dumfries.
      Thank gods
    • G
      Gal reacted to ADRossi's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      You're both getting infractions for off topic discussion. This ends here.
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread 2024/2025 Defenders Rumours Thread.
      Never gonna happen they never accept Hermoso, if Bastoni where to be sold they definitely demand a young replacement not a 29 year old...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread 2024/2025 Defenders Rumours Thread.
      Personally I’m not particularly worried when it comes to defenders. They aren’t expensive and are generally not rare breeds they are...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread Denzel Dumfries.
      Has nothing to do with intelligence, also I don’t buy the effort thing either. I seen plenty over the years trying to learn my local...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      This makes it so much better
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread 2024/2025 Forwards Rumours Thread.
      The age balance is nowhere near threatened the way you imagine it, not even remotely. In fact we need to rejuvenate more than we need to...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread 2024/2025 Defenders Rumours Thread.
      You mean more quality dept not quantity, because you can still only have 25 players in the main squad, plus a list under 22 and if you...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      Nothing wrong win sinning once in a while, the problem with fast food, heavy processed food and sugary products is if it’s done on a...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread 2024/2025 Forwards Rumours Thread.
      It’s not like Oaktree allows Inter to follow any other path. They fundamentally vetoed any player near 30 ever since they took charge...
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread 2024/2025 Forwards Rumours Thread.
      Like all other threads of late…. The season can’t come early enough
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      It was €95 the stadium was €150 for the match, the €80ish was on discount So it’s within normal rise, nothing out of the ordinary.
    • G
      Gal replied to the thread Lucien Agoumé.
      Our specialty, we just love ruining young players careers by throwing them randomly around for 4-5 years, with no sort of plan, with no...
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