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    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Lucien Agoumé.
      Then what do you expect the club to do with a player in whom they trust but not enough to be Inter calibre yet. We don't have a B team...
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread General Primavera Discussion.
      Deep down the real reason i want B team is just to be able to watch a 2nd inter match during the weekend
    • junior55
      junior55 reacted to Puma's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      Good post! Get ready for the inevitable complaints that he is not performing to the level of his pay grade and that he is not a top...
    • junior55
      junior55 reacted to wera's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      He was the best player on the pitch, Zarate looks like CR7, Messi and Ronaldinho all rolled into one. He is very unlucky he didn't...
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Lautaro Martinez.
      I don't see where the Lautaro choking big matches narrative is coming from. I have never seen him suffer vs big teams rather smaller...
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      It's crazy how the league starts at the 17th and Lautaro is coming back for training on the 8th of August. I would prefer not having him...
    • junior55
      junior55 reacted to vasilios's post in the thread Samuele Longo with Like Like.
      If we had a B team, he probably would have been our first signing
    • junior55
      junior55 reacted to Javier'sSon's post in the thread Samuele Longo with Like Like.
      he "stayed" longo with us
    • junior55
      junior55 reacted to CafeCordoba's post in the thread Primavera Transfer Speculation with Like Like.
      Alcione will be our B team for the time being. :D If everyone doesn't know, they are based in Milano, and are at pro level for the...
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Primavera Transfer Speculation.
      All this fuss for 500k lol. Just buy him ffs
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      Finally I will be able to see a match in London. I am not sure if Inter bothers to secure away match tickets for a friendly
    • junior55
      junior55 reacted to DARi0's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      Saturday July 27: Inter vs. UD Las Palmas (Orogel Stadium-Dino Manuzzi, Cesena) Friday 2 August: Pisa vs. Inter (Arena...
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Luka Topalović.
      Hopefully not the next Illiev. We have never been successful with buying young talent from the balkans and then nurturing them in the...
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Valentín Carboni.
      Very surprised on the decision by Mascherano to not call him for the Olympics team. You would think that would be the perfect...
    • junior55
      junior55 replied to the thread Primavera Transfer Speculation.
      I think we will survive this deal.. Guy didn't have the right mentality, better to fail fast
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