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    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Bannings and Suspensions.
      Or you are just trying to show off your power.. 🤷
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Bannings and Suspensions.
      2 mods gave infarction at the same time.. Lol
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Bannings and Suspensions.
      OC has been GeorgeFloyded
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Bannings and Suspensions.
      #SaveOC #OCLivesMatter
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Bannings and Suspensions.
      OC should join the WhatsApp group
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Inter WhatsApp Group.
      You can pm me.
    • Ed.
      Ed. reacted to Lui's post in the thread Inter WhatsApp Group with Like Like.
      We speak gibberish, we are prejudice, we are balding, we are angry, and we embody every popular 21st century phobia. We would all still...
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Inter WhatsApp Group.
      Funny enough, you never get kicked out for personal attack to other members which you did on daily basis. You were ignored for hours...
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Inter WhatsApp Group.
      If the decision was that easy for you, why grumble about it all the time? Some people who lack even a shred of humanity is someone who...
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Inter WhatsApp Group.
      "I dared you to kick me out and you did" That says it all. You asked to be kicked out and you were kicked out. You just can't deal...
    • Ed.
      Ed. replied to the thread Inter WhatsApp Group.
      The gay who tried to create another group but failed the attempt bcs the actual reason he is no longer in the group is the fact the...
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