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    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Il Drago's post in the thread Thiago Motta with Like Like.
      Nah. Not even close. I loved Motta at Inter and i even own a 2009/10 Motta jersey. But his status at Inter was never close to the one of...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to wera's post in the thread Thiago Motta with Like Like.
      This is about the same as Conte going to coach Inter. In the end it doesn't really matter. He'll stay a legend for Inter and Conte is a...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Bluenine's post in the thread Serie A Calcio Mercato, Summer 2024-25 with Like Like.
      In the Moratti era, the transfer windows were great fun, the season was disappointing. Now the transfer windows are not exciting, but...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Damageplan's post in the thread Oaktree Capital Management with Like Like.
      As opposed to chinese ownership ? I still cant understand this argument. They got someone like Marotta and gave him full power with the...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Ajesh's post in the thread UEFA Europa League 2023/2024 with Like Like.
      Well done Atalanta..Superb achievement..So proud of them..such a small club with meager resources while we detest club with filthy money...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to wera's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      I agree with all of this, but I'm still voting LGI. What you said is important, but as far football goes, at least he steadied the ship...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to .h.'s post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      Pimpin's post sums it up. Our worst ever banter era, he pulls us out from it and wins 2 leagues and gets us to a CL final. I wasnt sure...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Jane The Virgin's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      I think for some weird reason that only a small portion of fans on FIF don't appreciate Steven, and what he achieved, while the rest of...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Pimpin's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      What others said in this thread, love what suning did for us, its so sad that it had to come to this. 2 Serie A and multiple other...
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to forzainter257's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      yeah, if he was an Italian or German, there would be an absolute vote for LGI. Some fifers would have sung odes here
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Tsuna's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      7 trophies in 8 years and yall still won't give him credit. jesus some of you guys don't deserve nice stuff
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Stefan's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      Well that explains why mm also left Inter in a financial mess... As for Stevie, 2 scudetti and third most successful owner puts him in lgi.
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to bubba zanetti's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      2 scudettos, two European finals, few Coppas. He's LGI for me, but still he's a twerp.
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Il Drago's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
    • andrei
      andrei reacted to Adriano@10's post in the thread Steven Zhang with Like Like.
      First of all let me say this wtf Steven? In hindsight this situation was handled terrible, if looking at it from a financial side, still...
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