The bullshit thread


Mar 13, 2012
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The Bro
10 years of FIF
I'm going on a trip to Miami for a few days (leaving tomorrow). Any recommendations for food and shopping? My hotel is basically a 20 minute walk from whatever the main strip is.

I also want to try some American fast food places like iHop, Shake Shack, etc.


Aug 30, 2011
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Christian Vieri
10 years of FIF
I'm going on a trip to Miami for a few days (leaving tomorrow). Any recommendations for food and shopping? My hotel is basically a 20 minute walk from whatever the main strip is.

I also want to try some American fast food places like iHop, Shake Shack, etc.
We have ihop here in B-town


I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
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10 years of FIF
I know, that was my point. If we are looking at a country from a tourist perspective, Japan is amazing. Love it. But if I wanted to live there, the senseless bureaucracy, blatant racism and unfavourable funding for infrastructure outside of big cities would make me hate it just as much.

Maybe I reacted a bit too harshly because you showed some love for the infrastructure of Qatar...which was built on the backs of many unpaid or badly paid workers and where they like to hide the numbers of deaths in construction.

I hate the whole world... no hate towards you or what you do, brother. I'm happy for you, let it be known.

again, I didn't mention Qatar, I have never been to Doha. I am just merely pointing it out, that europe, is falling behind in technology adoption. No card terminals, relying on 50 cent coins for toilet access.. and this is not in some obscure part of europe, but the "capital" of EU. An old lady, sitting inside the toilet for 8 hours smelling the piss and shit.. and collecting 50 cent coins.. cmonnnn

it has shit internal building internet coverage, no one bothers to install IBS/DAS for indoors. Hotels have poo poo internet. While this can happen elsewhere, nowhere in Riyadh/Manama have I ever found myself without usable internet as in brussels, fucking hotel right next to EU commission.

Even in big malls in Germany that was the case. Netherlands was way ahead of the curve in comparison of the other two.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
An old lady, sitting inside the toilet for 8 hours smelling the piss and shit.. and collecting 50 cent coins.. cmonnnn

Traditions die hard, we used to call them les dames pipi

it has shit internal building internet coverage, no one bothers to install IBS/DAS for indoors. Hotels have poo poo internet. While this can happen elsewhere, nowhere in Riyadh/Manama have I ever found myself without usable internet as in brussels, fucking hotel right next to EU commission.

Agreed here.

Even in big malls in Germany that was the case. Netherlands was way ahead of the curve in comparison of the other two.

Can't comment here, but knowing the two different countries I trust this to be true. Assuming you speak about north/northwest Germany and not the southeast.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
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Europe are falling behind because of money.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
Europe are falling behind because of money.
It's more of a mentality problem than a monetary one. There's a lot of money going around actually.


I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
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Old username
10 years of FIF
Traditions die hard, we used to call them les dames pipi

Agreed here.

Can't comment here, but knowing the two different countries I trust this to be true. Assuming you speak about north/northwest Germany and not the southeast.

It was rich region in south-west.

btw seeing the reaction of forum to these news just shows how much europe is becoming like balkans, get very defensive to criticism :lol:. The more I see Asia/North America the more i think Europe is just one huge amusement park for american/middle east/asian tourists.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
It was rich region in south-west.

Contagion :D

btw seeing the reaction of forum to these news just shows how much europe is becoming like balkans, get very defensive to criticism :lol:. The more I see Asia/North America the more i think Europe is just one huge amusement park for american/middle east/asian tourists.

It really is.


Dec 28, 2012
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The whole of liberal, Western Europe is almost exclusively the only countries in the world with broad infrastructures of welfare, and almost the only ones to abide by the Human Rights Conventions - meaning you pay a whole lot to (a lot of) non-contributors for a lot of nothing.

Oil states have the luxury of having oil money and little to no migration, the latter meaning a net loss of finances.
The West doesn’t have that.

I find it wholeheartedly hilarious for a Balkanite to laugh and point fingers at the infrastructures of other countries, but it is what it is.
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La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
The whole of liberal, Western Europe is almost exclusively the only countries in the world with broad infrastructures of welfare, and almost the only ones to abide by the Human Rights Conventions - meaning you pay a whole lot to non-contributors for a lot of nothing.

I don't want to jump into politics here, but I wouldn't say that's a Net Positive when it's done after a certain point. Overdoing it brings negative effects.
So keeping it on economics, promoting complacency doesn't breed a well functional society in the long run. People learn to expect the state to bail them out for every little problem they face.

But it's still better than not having this.

Oil states have the luxury of having oil money and little to no migration, the latter meaning a net loss of finances.
The West doesn’t have that.

Oil states actually are reliant on migration because someone has to do the work.
Not that dissimilar from western Europe where someone has to do the (dirty) work.

The difference is what you consider a low quality job.

Oil states pay better than most of Europe and it's also easier, as in cheaper and with a higher average of quality standards, to live than major urban areas or western Europe.
In western Europe you can have a lifestyle you cannot afford, that's where the key difference lies, and people today take that for granted because they all feel they're entitled to "cool stuff". At the end of the day, I doubt the average networth per capita is higher in western Europe than the poorer south or east, which are getting poorer due to EU and domestic policies.

Because the west lacks the fundamental quality of owning land.

I find it wholeheartedly hilarious for a Balkanite to laugh and point fingers at the infrastructures of other countries, but it is what it is.
True :lol:
Wanna see bad infrastructure and things that don't make sense, check out central Athens... At least the rest of the Balkans have the excuse of having being warzones in the recent past.

Oh, and Slovenia isn't in the Balkans. They just share cultural traits with some of the Balkanites.
Had to say it even if no one asked :D


Apr 11, 2011
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Il Capitano
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I find it wholeheartedly hilarious for a Balkanite to laugh and point fingers at the infrastructures of other countries, but it is what it is.

We are just more qualified to recognize shit infrastructure due to living in it our whole lives, so we share our expertise :D


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 21, 2009
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If I'm out for the day, taking a shit in one of Australia's free toilets is usually not an option.

I just don't understand why it's so hard to not shit on the toilet seat.


I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
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Old username
10 years of FIF
The whole of liberal, Western Europe is almost exclusively the only countries in the world with broad infrastructures of welfare, and almost the only ones to abide by the Human Rights Conventions - meaning you pay a whole lot to (a lot of) non-contributors for a lot of nothing.

Oil states have the luxury of having oil money and little to no migration, the latter meaning a net loss of finances.
The West doesn’t have that.

I find it wholeheartedly hilarious for a Balkanite to laugh and point fingers at the infrastructures of other countries, but it is what it is.

So if someone is from XYZ place he can't point out where something is clearly wrong?

Also you can tell how defensive people get when you point out EU short-comings.

"Oil states have the luxury of having oil money and little to no migration, the latter meaning a net loss of finances."

what does this mean?


Dec 28, 2012
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10 years of FIF
So if someone is from XYZ place he can't point out where something is clearly wrong?

Also you can tell how defensive people get when you point out EU short-comings.

"Oil states have the luxury of having oil money and little to no migration, the latter meaning a net loss of finances."

what does this mean?

Heralding the Oil states as some significant place to live compared to the western nations (because you saw a woman taking care of the toilets) is such a reductive, unsound conclusion when the two have widely different challenges in terms of the people living there. If you took away the general income from oil money (which I know, is a very hypothetical scenario) you'd literally have some of the worst places to live on earth.

I was stating that the western countries use a lot of their annual BNP to take care of the worst-off people within their borders (such as welfare), which could've been used to raise the general standard of living or, I dunno', modernize toilet facilities or infrastructure.
The Oil states don't do that or don't have to do that, and instead have very poor conditions for most of their labor force, bordering on slavery-like for some. What you see what you praise Riyadh or Dubai is what you see as a relatively rich foreigner staying in a good hotel, not how it is for the whole of the population.

Pointing to migrants or immigrants exclusively probably was more distracting from the broader point than intended.
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I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
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Old username
10 years of FIF
Heralding the Oil states as some significant place to live compared to the western nations (because you saw a woman taking care of the toilets) is such a reductive, unsound conclusion when the two have widely different challenges in terms of the people living there. If you took away the general income from oil money (which I know, is a very hypothetical scenario) you'd literally have some of the worst places to live on earth.

I was stating that the western countries use a lot of their annual BNP to take care of the worst-off people within their borders (such as welfare), which could've been used to raise the general standard of living or, I dunno', modernize toilet facilities or infrastructure.
The Oil states don't do that or don't have to do that, and instead have very poor conditions for most of their labor force, bordering on slavery-like for some. What you see what you praise Riyadh or Dubai is what you see as a relatively rich foreigner staying in a good hotel, not how it is for the whole of the population.

Pointing to migrants or immigrants exclusively probably was more distracting from the broader point than intended.
Why are you guys so defensive and introduce new comparing points as if that was my intention at all.
Oh x country is is rich because of y, and without y it wouldn't be. I can point to ten gazillion reasons why western europe has those hundreds year old fancy buildings - and they were built by both, unethical "sourcing" of materials and labor. "Worst place to live on earth", seems quite an exaggeration, every country has its own country specific advantage that it leverages to get a competitive edge.. oh remove this from europe see how it is, oh remove that from china see how it gets.

Again, I do not want to seem offensive but I do not think you understand how much it would cost to modernize some of this stuff.. pay terminals is not some gov led initiative that costs billions.. merchants/startups jointly can lead to alot of adoption, digitally able people would work too.. making toilet for free is not a billion dollar initiative.. Brugges has 8 million tourists yearly, they can have taxes to mantain their toilettes. How much do you think cleaning a toilet costs? Its not a trade off between welfare and 50 cents for toilet.

Again, every big city has its good parts and bad parts, london labor does not live in kensington. But obviously you havent been to north/east/south london, or even past w1, nor in paris, nor in brussels..

My overarching point is that, private and publci sector in europe are asleep, and you guys are just getting defensive and starting what aboutism.. its eerily similar to balkans, oh we might be shit but 1,500 years go we invented the fork, and we have a guy in a horse that was smart, and we are cradle of civilization.

Last point, UK had none of the issues that western europe, particularly belgium has.