Simone Inzaghi

Will Simone Inzaghi win a Scudetto at Inter?

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May 24, 2010
Anyone who played or coached football at any level will tell you that defense is a team quality and it starts from the attackers.

At least anyone not stuck in the 80s.
Napoli press early in first third, we heavily rely on second third but I think it’s understandable considering we start with Dzeko - Lauti upfront and Dimarco would not be in good position if he plays too high.


Dec 13, 2017
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You guys are wasting time talking about players defensive contributions and us needing true dmf, the point is players will contribute if you set up your tactics and game plan for them to contribute, if your approach is happy-go-lucky all in attack with defense as something of an afterthought than you'll have problems we currently have. And in those set-ups you will also have a situation where you are massively relying on unicorn players like perisic who can run all day long on one side and save your ass from your massive incompetence to properly set up defense, as was the case last year.

For me to even consider talking about individual players and their defensive contribution, I would first need to see some organization in the back, clear patterns of players moving a certain way, covering and directing each other, moving as a unit... Cos in those types of systems you can actually easily recognize that one fucker who brings the whole defense down. With us, every week players are rotating in making mistakes, cos again defensive set up is an afterthought.


Mar 7, 2004
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@brehme1989 is on point here. We have different personnel now protecting the defensive line. And the most important thing compared to Conte era, we aren't playing like we did with him. We protected the box, stacked it with players, everything was telegraphed, the movements, everything.

Inzaghi is no Conte and won't be Conte. I don't get why anyone thinks we should play like when Conte was here because we don't have Conte.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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And we don't have fast players like Hakimi, Lukaku or Perisic.


Part time Lazarus
La Grande Inter
Jun 8, 2005
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You guys are wasting time talking about players defensive contributions and us needing true dmf, the point is players will contribute if you set up your tactics and game plan for them to contribute, if your approach is happy-go-lucky all in attack with defense as something of an afterthought than you'll have problems we currently have. And in those set-ups you will also have a situation where you are massively relying on unicorn players like perisic who can run all day long on one side and save your ass from your massive incompetence to properly set up defense, as was the case last year.

For me to even consider talking about individual players and their defensive contribution, I would first need to see some organization in the back, clear patterns of players moving a certain way, covering and directing each other, moving as a unit... Cos in those types of systems you can actually easily recognize that one fucker who brings the whole defense down. With us, every week players are rotating in making mistakes, cos again defensive set up is an afterthought.
@brehme1989 is on point here. We have different personnel now protecting the defensive line. And the most important thing compared to Conte era, we aren't playing like we did with him. We protected the box, stacked it with players, everything was telegraphed, the movements, everything.

Inzaghi is no Conte and won't be Conte. I don't get why anyone thinks we should play like when Conte was here because we don't have Conte.
I think that's exactly my point, though. I dont think its a failing of our 3 CBs, I think its a failing of their system.

And the point is, Inzaghi is the guy responsible for that system. Sure, there are quite a few contextual changes between now and a couple of years ago - Hakimi, etc, sure. But nonetheless, Inzaghi is failing to create a system that uses our defenders to the best of their abilities.

The fact that we're one of the worst defenses in the league is just disgraceful, considering our pedigree


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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That's a different discussion using a different argument.


Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
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Maybe Inzaghi thinks the best way to get success WITH THIS GROUP OF PLAYERS is to play like we play (at the moment it's not optimal of course and Inzaghi has said it himself). But that maybe he thinks we can't go Conte-turtle-mode with this team. We don't have Hakimi, Lukaku who were important in Conte football. Perisic was super important last season (and partly in Conte's Scudetto spring). We simply do not have the same type of players to lock up our own end while at the same type produce good enough offence.

Concentration on setpiece defending and so on is important topic and needs to be addressed but that's not part of the discussion of how we play.


Part time Lazarus
La Grande Inter
Jun 8, 2005
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sure, that could be a case, but clearly the results say otherwise :D we're one of the worst defenses in the league, we've lost more games less than half the season tha we have in any season since 18/19 total.


Jun 19, 2011
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Diego Milito
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We have conceded 17 goals in 7 away games. If no one here is worried about that or putting the blame on inzaghi, please take your head out of the sand. He is not setting up the team correctly on away days, simple.

For context, that is worse than Lecce. Now tell me how lecce have better players etc more compatible to a system than we do.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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Lecce doesn't field a team that intends to win away games, so I wouldn't compare that.

No one is arguing that we're not shit defensively or that Inzaghi doesn't have part of the blame. The argument is made because some people refuse to accept that there's blame to be shared around and simply point their finger at the coach.


Nov 9, 2022
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We have conceded 17 goals in 7 away games. If no one here is worried about that or putting the blame on inzaghi, please take your head out of the sand. He is not setting up the team correctly on away days, simple.

For context, that is worse than Lecce. Now tell me how lecce have better players etc more compatible to a system than we do.
facts are facts. But there is only 1 team pulling away. The other side of it is, We are not exactly mid/bottom half are we ?. Still up there. With CL and cup to go for.


Jun 19, 2011
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Diego Milito
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Lecce doesn't field a team that intends to win away games, so I wouldn't compare that.

No one is arguing that we're not shit defensively or that Inzaghi doesn't have part of the blame. The argument is made because some people refuse to accept that there's blame to be shared around and simply point their finger at the coach.
I'm fairly certain under Contes scudetto season when we started horribly defensively the blame was laid at one place.

Ofcourse inzaghi doesn't have all the blame, but he hasn't yet tried to address anything. Conte changed the season. Inzaghi has to do something because that can't continue. That's my main problem with him. It's been 15 games now in his second season, how has the defense got even worse.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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I'm fairly certain under Contes scudetto season when we started horribly defensively the blame was laid at one place.

Ofcourse inzaghi doesn't have all the blame, but he hasn't yet tried to address anything. Conte changed the season. Inzaghi has to do something because that can't continue. That's my main problem with him. It's been 15 games now in his second season, how has the defense got even worse.

Well, the blame was entirely laid at one place because it didn't take a special talent to understand that:
1) Perisic had to start
2) Eriksen had to start

Neither was considered a defensive juggernaut, Perisic was just a professional with high work ethic so we assumed he'd be better than the others, but Eriksen provided stability, not defensive prowess, over an allegedly superior defensively Gagliardini.

Conte didn't change much apart from personnel.
He stopped using Kolarov who was leaking, he stopped using Young who was as slow as a turtle defensively or with the ball, he stopped using Gagliardini and then suddenly we started clicking. Until then, we just sat back and hoped for the best. We had two home games that could have ended at 0-3 but Handanovic saved us and instead we lucked our way into 1-0 wins. Versus Napoli and Atalanta. The coach didn't learn shit from those two games. He only started to use Eriksen when he bailed him out vs Milan in a cup game that Conte didn't care about since it was a distraction from the Scudetto.

The structure, the setup, the mentality and the ideas laid out were the same, whether Kolarov was starting or Bastoni, whether Gagliardini was there or Eriksen. What differed was the execution.

Now what do you want to do? Start Gosens? Sure. But the problem is that Dimarco is actually useful and there's no indication that Gosens is stronger defensively. What else? Start Asllani?
You want him to sit back and just hope for 0-0 draws? It's not like we can hit teams on the counter...


Jun 19, 2011
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Diego Milito
10 years of FIF
Well, the blame was entirely laid at one place because it didn't take a special talent to understand that:
1) Perisic had to start
2) Eriksen had to start

Neither was considered a defensive juggernaut, Perisic was just a professional with high work ethic so we assumed he'd be better than the others, but Eriksen provided stability, not defensive prowess, over an allegedly superior defensively Gagliardini.

Conte didn't change much apart from personnel.
He stopped using Kolarov who was leaking, he stopped using Young who was as slow as a turtle defensively or with the ball, he stopped using Gagliardini and then suddenly we started clicking. Until then, we just sat back and hoped for the best. We had two home games that could have ended at 0-3 but Handanovic saved us and instead we lucked our way into 1-0 wins. Versus Napoli and Atalanta. The coach didn't learn shit from those two games. He only started to use Eriksen when he bailed him out vs Milan in a cup game that Conte didn't care about since it was a distraction from the Scudetto.

The structure, the setup, the mentality and the ideas laid out were the same, whether Kolarov was starting or Bastoni, whether Gagliardini was there or Eriksen. What differed was the execution.

Now what do you want to do? Start Gosens? Sure. But the problem is that Dimarco is actually useful and there's no indication that Gosens is stronger defensively. What else? Start Asllani?
You want him to sit back and just hope for 0-0 draws? It's not like we can hit teams on the counter...
I'm not responding to the first part because if you think he only changed the personnel it's not worth discussing.

We killed barca on the counter attack, so yes we can still counter teams.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
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I'm not responding to the first part because if you think he only changed the personnel it's not worth discussing.

We killed barca on the counter attack, so yes we can still counter teams.
Sure, you wanna say that we abandoned an inexcusable high line with Kolarov as the starter, you can do that. We're not playing with a high line now, but we can still sit deeper. There can be changes made, but not as "radical" as playing superior players that were unnecessarily benched....


Oct 2, 2020
Maybe Inzaghi thinks the best way to get success WITH THIS GROUP OF PLAYERS is to play like we play (at the moment it's not optimal of course and Inzaghi has said it himself). But that maybe he thinks we can't go Conte-turtle-mode with this team. We don't have Hakimi, Lukaku who were important in Conte football. Perisic was super important last season (and partly in Conte's Scudetto spring). We simply do not have the same type of players to lock up our own end while at the same type produce good enough offence.
I believe in this too, we could end up with a lot more draws if we play the same Conte style, because we might end up not produce good enough offence.
If we have some stronger offensive players, we might not need the current play style, so the majority plays can focus on tight defending more.

Again though, there are things we can still work on in terms of the defence department.

It's been 15 games now in his second season, how has the defense got even worse.
Actually, I think it is the offense being worse that led to that, if I want to be more precise, I will say it is the procession retain method or the ways we bring the ball to the other half had been quite studied well by other teams or they just have better pressings, this actually directly relates to how many counter opportunities our opponents would have and the percentage of time in the match our defenders are not under pressure.

However, I don't think it is that severe anymore after and including the Roma game, and prior to the Roma game, I would say the lack of sufficient pre-season, or we weren't even ready. Things are actually under better control after the Roma game, like Jube game we lost cause of the details, not the general gameplay, but that is what it is when big teams head on, simply the details are much more deterministic.

Also, the team needs to improve on handling counter, like the readiness for it, the Atlanta game actually showed some improvement though. e,g, how Bellanova pressed up in an incident when they lost possession, so they don't get to hit the space, he failed in the execution, but the idea was right; got faked out and the Atlanta player was smart knowing the right back would be wide open, and Skrinar had to get a yellow cause of that. Also, the CB interceptions were mostly on spot that game.


Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
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I'm not responding to the first part because if you think he only changed the personnel it's not worth discussing.

We killed barca on the counter attack, so yes we can still counter teams.
We can counter teams, but only if they agree to play ball with us. Barca did, they attack always. Most of Serie A, including top teams, do not attack Inter leaving space behind like Barca did.

We can turtle like we did with Conte but we ain't gonna score goals like we do now or back then.

Maybe that changes when Lukaku is back and fit, but we don't know when that happens or will it happen ever this season.


Jun 19, 2011
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Diego Milito
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We can counter teams, but only if they agree to play ball with us. Barca did, they attack always. Most of Serie A, including top teams, do not attack Inter leaving space behind like Barca did.
Top teams can do, like under Contes title winning season. Then we invited teams on to us. Whereas now we try to dictate the play, push up everyone aside from de vrij and get caught.

Even against atalanta when we were winning 3-2, if atalanta played it up fast enough they had a 1v1 in attack, that's when de vrij got his yellow card. That's fucking juvenile defensive set up in those scenarios.

I can't remember what game it was, might have been first barca game. We had a corner around 90th minute and we tried to work a short corner for a goal. Our game management is absolutely shambolic


Jul 17, 2010
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We are too slow to play stylistically like we did under Conte on a regular basis. Hakimi, Perisic, and Lukaku were the three fastest players on that team, and they're all gone.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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The biggest hole we have in defensive and attacking headers is going from Perišić to Dimarco

luckily Dumfries is kinda good at it, but he ain't no Perišić