Correa isn’t a football player. How can he replace anyone and be the 5th forward? The man hasn’t been on the pitch for almost two years. And is he better than Espo or Satriano? Even Satriano showed any level in France
Still haven't answered my question. You criticized Simone for his current respond to the situation, sure, but what else can he do?
I don't like Correa too, but if you are the manager of a team, and there is this dude who reports to you, but you can't fire him, are you going to whin and complain to senior management to give you firing and rehiring budget? That is what Conte does, and if we cannot provide the budget, he quits.
Not a single person here would give up what he has. A signed contract is a signed contract, unless he refuses to train or do anything that he is obligated to do, he's not doing anything wrong.
Well to be fair there are people with decency, like Nikola Tesla for example (the contract with Westinghouse), so I mean I won't go and summarize the entire human race like that.
I know people like to think the world is a dog eat dog kind of place, but we are more complicated than that, like even in game theory, if it is a long run game, it will deviate from the Nash equilibrium and become more tik for tak cooperative.
In short, legally speaking Correa is doing nothing wrong, ethically speaking he is an asshole and a parasite.
Also less extreme example, is if the player has an ounce of dignity and ambitious in them, they would rather play; we have some on our team that cut their wages to join us to play than to rot on the bench. E.g. Sommer I think of on top of my head.
You are correct, he is not doing anything wrong - Me personally, it would tear me up inside to live the life of Correa right now. I'd rather play and be of meaning for a team, even if I had to earn less money - or have to play for 'lesser' teams.
No wonder his self worth or lack of effort is so low during games - Imagine how he must feel if his team is not counting on him?
So, what if there is a moment in the season when Inter really needs him?? It will not eradicate his mental state during all those months of not being needed - it's not a switch you can turn on whenever you want.
Yea he isn't even like the backup players who understand their role and ready to contribute and be part of the team. Think Frattesi and Asllani, I mean what he is doing is way worse than rotting on the bench, I am not even sure he is on the bench.