I know what to do, I`m gona ignore your post completely and go watch cartoons instead :fuckyea:
Nurko, couple of questions if you dont mind:
How do you watch Inter games mostly, alone at home ( like me :alone: ) or in a bar or cafeshop? do you also prefer to watch the games with someone else or alone?
Mostly alone at home, I would like to watch it with a friend but we don't live nearby so that's a bit of a problem.
Do you think Mazzarri has a chance of convincing us to keep him next year too?
I have to say chances are slim but I would not exclude the possibility. Still hope for a modern approach coach next season.
About your job, what`s the best part of it, the planning or the code writing?
The best part is everyone being young and mostly down-to-earth... I mean the software industry is young here so people, colleagues etc are fairly young as well. The down-to-earthness comes with the teritory, but of course you get a rotten apple every now and then.
What do you think of Devious Productions? dont you think that he`s a massive cunt for not making new videos since the treble? or do you think he`s not to blame since Inter is not particulary inspiring anyone lately?
You need to search the inspiration within. If Zanetti could do squats at the airport with his wife on his back, surely the Production can live again.
Choose from A, B and C:
Dynasty is:
A) An automated answer machine
B) A disguised cat
C) A wHoooooorse
FIF is:
A) A nice place to hang with beautiful and thoughtful friends to share beautiful life experience and spend good time
B) lol at the A
C) definitely lol at A
Answer the following questions:
There is a pole in a lake. Half of the pole is embedded in the mud at the bottom of the pond, another one third is covered by water, and 7 feet is out of the water. How many naked chicks can fit in the pole?
I am bad at math when naked chicks are mentioned.
If the hour hand of a clock moves 1/60th of a degree every minute, how many degrees will it move til Im no longer single?
A lot mate. A lot.
I spend a third of my money on The Last Of Us game, half the rest on a Mass Effect trilogy and a quarter of what I then have left on a GTA. How much money do I have left?
around 1/4...I see that some have already answered so well done boys and girls.