I don’t give a single fuck about the win, the three points, or Thuram’s hat trick.
Seriously. This team doesn’t have a damn thing that resembles a scudetto winning side. It’s like we have acurse in our DNA. We hit a milestone and then we choke, we go back to being midtable trash.
After the triplete, straight back to fucking nobodies. When we won with Conte, we had all the momentum in the world, and we did fucking nothing wiht it. Just needed one or at mosttwo players to keep us dominating for the next 5+ years. We dropped the ball like we always do. And here we are again after we reach the 20 titles we are doing the exact same shit all over.
It’s unbelievable how consistent we are at fucking this up. We have this loser mentality that just doesn’t go away. We bring in average players, hope for some magical chemistry like we are some fucking cheap movie, and then sit around wondering why arent we winning dumb dry games. It’s like every year we think we’ve hacked football. We’ve got the whole “oh but beppe will get him for free” strategy going, and for some reason, we act like we’re geniuses for it.
Yhis whole “let’s get him for free” obsession... fucking hell man. Like, we are out there patting ourselves on the back going “look at us, we got him for free!” we're still talking about how awesome we are getting Zielinski for free, THATS THE SHIT WE ARE STILL HAPPY FOR lol
The club thinks it’s pulling off some genius strategy every summer, and the fans are supposed to pop champagne like we just signed prime Messi.
We’re not winning shit this year. Not the Scudetto, not the Coppa, and if you think we’re doing anything in the CHL I might actually die laughing.. We’ll probably choke so hard people will think de boer is still our manager. We (me too included) keep pretending like this team is just one piece away from magically turning into world class machine.
Fuck this win. Fuck these three points. Fuck Inter.
No money no honey, that is the real state of affairs, people act and think like we have a money tree in the backyard like you do in FM. But in the real world if you don’t generate enough profit, you won’t have anything to spend unless you are backed by a wealthy owner, who can artificially direct funds into the club. This just isn’t the situation at Inter, Inter can’t really spend more than is generated through sales over a given period and with no large sales we are dependent on bosman miracles and low investment that deliver more then investment would otherwise tell you that you would get.