What the fuck are your textbook sources? John Stewart?
You're using an encyclopedia that is PUBLICLY edited, and completely lacks ANY credibility. I can cite bullshit on Wikipedia and still maintain the validity of the statement "given it has a reference". Realize that it doesn't matter if a statement is cited, especially when the quality of the reference of shit; ethos is only determined by a high level of credibility
Now onto the discussion at hand:
The CONVENTIONAL (not academic) definition of ethnicity involves race, because it's easier to understand than what I originally posted. And yet I explained the relation between the two terms quite concisely in a previous post
The faith you vest in your stance is extremely pathetic, especially because YOUR DEFINITION of ethnicity has been deemed irrelevant in the 21st century with the emergence of globalization, as well as with growing support for the idea of individual autonomy in recent times
All this has led to the development of an ETHNO CULTURAL identity for the modern individual, where people can choose what foods to eat, what language to speak, what religion to follow, regardless of their ancestry and race
Hence why Balotelli is Italian, regardless of his Akan heritage
And Ribery is still French, regardless of him being a Muslim etc.
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Because you can be as stubborn as you like, let's say your definition of ethnicity is in fact correct
And let's call my definition of ethnicity as "culture"
Just for your benefit
Does it change the fact that "culture" determines nationality, not ethnicity?
Hence the examples of Mario Balotelli and Thierry Henry
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It doesn't matter what you call it, but what it means
You can replace the word "ethnicity" with "Inter" in my monograph, and yet the meaning wouldn't change
That concept that I am trying to convey to you is what affects individual ethnocultural identity and nationality, NOT heritage, ancestry, or race
Allegiance to the nation state is dependent on the personal connection of all present cultures to the state (in a multinational state)
Hence why the Italian language isn't referred to as a Florentine derivative of Latin etc.
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Again, if heritage determines nationality, then the only national football team in existence should be the Ethiopian NT, given that humanity descends from the Great African Rift Valley
Another example of the usage of such a misguided argument would be in saying that Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil shouldn't have national football teams, given that most of their footballers have European heritage
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Now wipe the cum off your face