Handoyo Administrator Administrator Joined Mar 4, 2004 Messages 25,084 Likes 51 Forum Supporter 10 years of FIF Most Important Member Jul 4, 2010 #1 Just a random question... First knockout round? One-eighth final? ???
Stefan La Grande Inter La Grande Inter Joined Mar 4, 2004 Messages 24,340 Likes 5,421 Favorite Player Zanetti Forum Supporter 10 years of FIF Jul 4, 2010 #2 Second round.
brehme1989 La Grande Inter La Grande Inter Joined Jan 17, 2005 Messages 35,574 Likes 18,997 10 years of FIF Nostradamus Most Diverse Poster Jul 4, 2010 #3 d Last edited: Jul 5, 2010
Ehsan Administrator Administrator Joined Jul 17, 2006 Messages 1,712 Likes 9 Favorite Player il Capitano Forum Supporter Jul 4, 2010 #4 You had to open a thread for this? Why didn't you just text me or sun. Hey didn't we actually have an argument about this before in another thread? I recall something about the term eighth or sixteenth being debated.
You had to open a thread for this? Why didn't you just text me or sun. Hey didn't we actually have an argument about this before in another thread? I recall something about the term eighth or sixteenth being debated.
rockball La Grande Inter La Grande Inter Joined Apr 23, 2005 Messages 12,176 Likes 633 Favorite Player Nicolooo Forum Supporter 10 years of FIF Jul 5, 2010 #5 Pre-quarters
Universe Moderator Moderator Joined Jan 27, 2009 Messages 29,035 Likes 15,349 Forum Supporter 10 years of FIF FIF Special Ones Most Humorous Member Jul 5, 2010 #6 Quarter-pounders.
Ehsan Administrator Administrator Joined Jul 17, 2006 Messages 1,712 Likes 9 Favorite Player il Capitano Forum Supporter Jul 5, 2010 #7 Ahh found it.. I was sure it sounded familiar, I had even made a table... damn this was a year ago. http://forzainterforums.com/showthread.php?6333-Round-of-X-vs-1-X I think Han was just trolling
Ahh found it.. I was sure it sounded familiar, I had even made a table... damn this was a year ago. http://forzainterforums.com/showthread.php?6333-Round-of-X-vs-1-X I think Han was just trolling
Handoyo Administrator Administrator Joined Mar 4, 2004 Messages 25,084 Likes 51 Forum Supporter 10 years of FIF Most Important Member Jul 5, 2010 #8 No I wasn't trolling, and I remembered that hilarious debate a year ago. Just can't be arsed to look for it. lololol quarter pounders Uni you're killing me Another random question. 1/4 is pronounced as one-fourth or a quarter. 1/8 is pronounced as one-eighth. Any other way to pronounce 1/8?
No I wasn't trolling, and I remembered that hilarious debate a year ago. Just can't be arsed to look for it. lololol quarter pounders Uni you're killing me Another random question. 1/4 is pronounced as one-fourth or a quarter. 1/8 is pronounced as one-eighth. Any other way to pronounce 1/8?
Dylan La Grande Inter La Grande Inter Joined Jul 20, 2008 Messages 24,503 Likes 146 Favorite Player Walter Samuel 10 years of FIF FIF Special Ones Jul 5, 2010 #9 Before this year ''The final fround of our CL''
Ehsan Administrator Administrator Joined Jul 17, 2006 Messages 1,712 Likes 9 Favorite Player il Capitano Forum Supporter Jul 5, 2010 #10 How do you pronounce eighth anyway. Eyth... ayteth... Aghouth... and what's with the spelling... how can a word end with hth... or even have hth in it. Very strange stuff.
How do you pronounce eighth anyway. Eyth... ayteth... Aghouth... and what's with the spelling... how can a word end with hth... or even have hth in it. Very strange stuff.
Dylan La Grande Inter La Grande Inter Joined Jul 20, 2008 Messages 24,503 Likes 146 Favorite Player Walter Samuel 10 years of FIF FIF Special Ones Jul 5, 2010 #11 Ayth
Kato Capitano Capitano Joined Jun 3, 2005 Messages 4,811 Likes 7 Favorite Player CN69 10 years of FIF Jul 6, 2010 #12 Ate-th English language is weird. And big LOL at original thread, wtf
La Bling Capitano Capitano Joined Mar 19, 2007 Messages 2,445 Likes 1 Favorite Player Christian Vieri Jul 6, 2010 #13 In college basketball it's the Sweet Sixteen.